Have you installed the publicsheet script via your campaigns API Scripts page? You need to do that before you can use the chat command. Regarding controlled by, etc. When you edit a sheet there are two settings: a sheets Visibility, and who it's Controlled By. The In Player's Journals dropdown shows the Sheets Visibility . This is who can see the sheet when they look in the journal. They can even open the character, but the central tab, Character Sheet wont be visible to them. The Can be Edited & Controlled By sets the sheet's Controller . A sheet's controller can edit see the character sheet tab, and edit the stats freely (and can control the character's token). PublicSheet creates a public copy of the sheet: meaning it creates a perfect copy, and sets everyone as that copy's controller. That allows all players to see the character sheet tab. They could also - in theory - edit the characters stats. But thats where the magic of the script comes in: if anyone changes a stat, the script immediately changes it back to the original sheet's value. For your purpose what you need to do: Source Characters: change the Visibility status of all source character sheets - remove all the PCs from them, so they cant see their own character sheets. Leave the Controller section alone, so they can still control their sheet. (That allows them to use tokens and macros, and so on) Public Sheet Copies: Change Visibility so they each only have one player in them - the one who controls that character. Leave Controller alone. This way, each player will have a PublicSheet copy of their character they can open, do everything with, but they cant edit their stats.