How did you discover you could do this? I can't recall where exactly, but I came across it in the forums here, somewhere, I think. There could be some uses to it, like showing a roll result again in a different place in the same macro Indeed, I tried so hard to make a macro for D&D 5e OGL for a fighter's second wind that would do several things: roll the hp restored, deduct the "ammo" from the second wind class resource and finally add the hp rolled to the @{hp} field, and finally report the amount of hp gained. With $[[0]] I was finally able to do it (the character's name, in this case, is "Snick Twee"): [[1d10+@{base_level}]] @{Snick Twee|wtype} &{template:npcaction} {{rname=Second Wind}} !modbattr --name Snick Twee --silent --evaluate --hp|$[[0]] --class_resource|-1!!! {{description=Snick digs deep for more energy and regains $[[0]] (1d10+fighter level) hit points}} As far as [[[[3d6]]*2]] $[[0]] You can also do: [[[[3d6]]*2]] $[[0]] $[[1]] to get the result of both rolls. What's the context? What is $[[0]] supposed to represent here? I was thinking about a problem posed recently in another thread <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>