As Black Falcon is the creator and suggests we find him to ask questions, I am doing that. I tried a search for his name, but came up empty, so I am coming here to as for him. But, as some of you might know the answers to my questions, as well, I am going to post them here. (These are the ones in my head now, I will likely have more later. 😉 Also, please understand that I am very much a newbie here.) 1. How can I make the sheet so that the players only see the Info & Bio stuff for my NPC sheets, not the actual character sheet? 2. For some reason, the attacks don't seem to show up/occur for the character sheet I am making now (the NPC).Meaning, that when I use the attack button next to the weapon on the front sheet (I have the weapon built out on the Combat Tech sheet), it goes through the various prompts like it is making an attack, but the Chat Box just jumps a bit, but nothing comes out. When I do it with the previously made PCs, it seems to work fine. 3. Under the Attributes & Abilities tab there seems to be a lot of "junk." Specifically some things that aren't part of this character sheet, as in things from other character sheets. (I saw some things listed that would be on the Rolemaster/MERP sheet, some things from a D&D sheet, etc...) What is that about? Connected to this issue is that on some the character sheets it will have the ARMOR and AMMO listed there, but some don't, or just have one or the other. How is that? I have been having to add in the data in this section so that it can be linked to the Token, but isn't it supposed to pull it from the other parts of the character sheet? 4. The API ChatSetAttr: So, I am a "Pro User" now (I assume that just means I am spending money, not that I am a professional 😁), so I can add this. Exactly what does it do? And how do I and my players go about using it during the game? Well, that is all for now - the ice cream truck is here, so I gotta go - thanks for checking this out. Any help I can get is welcome.