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DnD 4E Interest Check (or 3.5/Path)

May 30 (10 years ago)

Edited June 02 (10 years ago)
Hey roll 20!

-Jumbled Thoughts-
So I'm thinking of starting up a Summer campaign. I know DnD 4E pretty well, have DMed a few games and understand the basics of it. Not sure the direction I want to go, last time I DMed I did some pre-build campaigns and moved on from that to a made up adventure, the adventure started taking up to much of my time, with personal stuff as well, to continue so I dropped it. I have many ideas rolling around in my head. Like a Walking Dead Theme, Call of Duty Zombies mod, my head also keeps on trying to push Shining Force and DND together in my head, many other ideas.

So It would be Monday morning starting sometime between 8 and 10am and run about 4 hours (Mountain Standard Time) and be a weekly game. Depending on what we do I would want 4-6 plays, and would require character sheets made on Mythweavers, I would want to do DND 4E but would be willing to do 3.5 or pathfinders if we wanted to do more of a story or RPG game. I would want to do Skype as that works best for me, but can use Google Hangouts as our backup. I would want my players to understand the basics of the game (how to create a character, understand how the game runs, and how to calculate damage etc...) and how to play on roll20, specifically on making macros. I would like all these and anything else I can think of later ^_^

-You Have The Power-
So let me know if you are interested and what kind of campaign you want to play, I'm up for doing anything that's not vanilla. If you want to run an evil or "bad" campaign I can throw something together to make it work. If you want to just focus on battles I could have the group just be monster hunters and go around fighting. If we want to have a story I can find some stuff or delve into my head and try and do my best. Just let me know what you would like, go easy around the character as I'm not as good as fitting 6 specific stories all around a single story. But let me know what type of characters you want to play, and how you want this to work. Let me know what times work and if everything in the details page work for you. Post what you want to do and I'll start making a list on the first post of possible ideas, after a few we can then take a vote or I'll pick out the one that looks best and we can start creating the campaign.

-Campaign Ideas-
1) Normal DnD:
2) End of the World:
3) Sandbox:
4) Township:
5) Evil Campaign:
7) Monster Hunters:
8) War: 3
9) Murder Hobos:
10) Crazy:

-Players List-
Post in the Campaign page and I'll invite you, once we get the campaign started the first to get their characters and macros up will be the ones to stay.

Edit (06/01/14 10:30am MST) Okay so I went ahead and created a campaign page, we don't have a defininate idea yet, but we can start getting a group down and make sure that the times and such work for anyone interested. Here is the looking for players page:
sounds fun.... please keep me post and where do I take a number for the line
I'm interested as well...but me and Anthony a (my) game at that specific time slot...

At least, that's kinda where we recently (just a couple days ago) decided to set it as the final regular time slot for our group. However, I'd REALLY love to be part of a morning weekday campaign as a player though. I don't suppose you'd be up to run it on another weekday? (As long as it's not Friday)

Otherwise, I guess we'll probably talk it out with my players and see if we can move our game to a different weekday slot, heh. =S
May 30 (10 years ago)

Edited May 30 (10 years ago)
Hey casey , good to see you around again , i am in a campaing on mondays but i think they are about to change the day , so that would mean i would be free to join you if you will have me :) , i know more about 4e then last time i wasplaying with you guys , and learned to make my macros since then as well haha , anyways i have this fighter idea in my head that want to play for a wile but havent found the right campaing for , ill leave a link so can check it out if you like :)

Anyways good to see you again and good luck with the recruting :)

Edit : since i tend to change picture for my diferent chars , in case you dont remember by my forum name , im the guy that was playing as talidor on our last campaing :)
Anthony G: I went ahead and made a list of possible players on the first page, once we get the campaign going I'll do a first come first serve type of recruiting.

Joe: My days off are Sunday and Monday, and Sunday is spend doing church and chores. I'm doing work and school full time so unfortunately Monday morning is the only realistic option for me. Sorry about that :(

Aledas: Of course I remember you, I miss Talidor, poor sucker got that lady pregnant and "left" the group and settled down on a farm, I'm so going to have to use him as a reoccurring npc. However I'd love to play with you again, I think a fighter would be a great choice for you.

Seems like there is some interest for a game, now the question at hand though is what type of game do you guys want me to run, and lets try to do something thats not just, lets run into a dungeon and kill random monster. Lets make it "fun". Let me know what you guys want to?
So he did end up being a father ah , shame i didint get to continue hes story , i still got that char sheet :D , well you know me , i just need a world some npc's nd your stile of dm'ing and ill get to rp , im not much of a hack and slash guy anyways , im really into 4e latetly , but play in one 3.5 so know some rules as well , i know less of pathfinder but can adapt , i would just be interested in a medieval tipe of game no matter the rules set , but those are the ones i know only :)
I could do a medieval fantasy game. I'm not as good as rping as I seem, but I could make it work! Any particular style or theme?
i would say just run something you are confident with , if you have any ideas in your mind that might like to test , me personally i like being a hero , im used to playing in homebrew campaings , seems everyone preffer to make theyr own world :P , i personally think you did great last time on the rp side , if i didint had a good time i would not be aplying now ;) , im normally very easy on my back stories , lv 1 mean lv 1 , pretty much out of the farm xD , so i guess my idea would be heroic in the future ? everyone starts small after all , and those danm goblins allways like to pick on villagers :P
Hey, if you are still looking for players I would be interested in joining up.
Hey Casey.... all I am looking for is fun and creative rpg.
June 01 (10 years ago)

Edited June 02 (10 years ago)
Okay here are a few ideas I'm thinking of that I would like to do, I'll also post them at on the first post, but I would love to hear what you guys would want to do and any comments.

1) Normal DnD: Simple dungeon delving, puzzle solving, saving the world from a horrible villain that could have killed you off but wanted to tell you about his horrible plan first.
2) End of the World: Either zombie filled world, or just some arcane spell ended most life, maybe also civilization ended as we know it. This can go in a few ways could go about just surviving, possibily trying to rebuilt, or even some grand quest to stop it from ever happening in the first place.
3) Sandbox: Could have the players do a free roam play, they decide what to do and the factors come as they go.
4) Township: The fighters are part of a town that they either fight for and protect and are helping in building up and make it into a great empire.
5) Evil Campaign: The players are part of a group or villain who sends them on his bidding to slowly conquer the world or something horrible.
7) Monster Hunters: The heroes are hunters that go about killing monsters and beasts that roam the land and threaten the people.
8) War: A few nations are on the brick of war and our heroes are caught up in the mist of it and must choose a side to join.
9) Murder Hobos: The heroes go about killing bad guys to earn enough money to buy some booze and a decent place to sleep. (This sounds like a joke but I had a friend that ran a group doing this for 18 months. It sounds crazy, but then I think of cowboy beepbop)
10) Crazy: We all have to play as Warforged Pirates, or Undead Ninjas. (this one is a joke, I'm just seeing if you are still reading ;) and 10 is an even number)

Let me know what you want to play and I'll make a tally on the top.
i love the thought of number 3 as i love when the players get to help decide. 5 is definately interesting especially if you can only use the monster races or something. i would love to play and get involved so let me know 3 would be my pick
skype is the.deadly.twister if you want to add me
Okay added your vote and added you to the players once we get the game decided on a campaign I'll get a game going and start getting people added in.
June 01 (10 years ago)
5. Just because I have never played an evil campaign before and I've been curious about trying it.
2. I love big scenarios and having a defined goal for the party even if how we achieve that goal is open.

But, that said, I am happy to just play a good game so anything works for me.
1.- , because dnd for me its all about being a hero
3.- can go good and can go wrong its all on if the dm its good at improvising or not , me for example as a dm im not good at it , on the other hand i could not care less if the cmpaing its railroaded or free roam .
7.- reminds me of the witchers , i would not mind taking up the job of geralt of rivia :D , but without real goal it would get boring for me

Those are the things i would preffer , unfortunatly because of me like being a hero there is no way ill join an evil campaing , but have no problem in leaving my spot for someone else if it turns out to be that tipe of campaing , no hard feelings :)
With the sandbox I could just spend a few days making a a few towns and people and stuff and then just let the players roam around and see what they can find, kinda like a dnd version of elder scrolls. It could turn out very bad and just end up going down the tubes, if that happens I'll just convert the game into one of the other themes or something. For an "evil" campaign one thought I had was to have the players be good, but that they are being controlled by a villain that they must please until they find a way to overpower him and break the chains he has on them. Just some thoughts. I really like all your guys feedback it gets my mind going. ^_^
You could already use one of premade D&D worlds as your sandbox setting, so you don't have to map out towns and such...

As for me, I think War would be my favourite, especially if both sides seem to be sort of in the right (or every side can have their evil flaws so no side can be the most goodly choice), and there's no outright evil group, because it poses nice conundrums. You can honestly fold that into other options, having a sandbox, a normal or an evil campaign going on through this background.
June 01 (10 years ago)

Edited June 01 (10 years ago)
That's a great idea for the sandbox type Joe, thanks.

With the War idea, what I was thinking was have a few (3-5) main factions, with a few smaller groups all fighting. If could turn to be that 2 sides (like an axis and allies theme) or that some of the smaller groups are using the bigger groups to take their place in the world. Definitely make it so no true "good" or "bad" faction, that each one has good and bad people and each are just trying to make their place in the world, but in their own way.

p.s. I also put a looking for players link on the first post.
Hi thanks for inviting me. I am not to worried about setting. I am however not a fan of "Evil" Campaigns (I do not like playing evil characters), but I will be in for whatever.
I'm a fan of the Sandbox game Myself
I don't generally like Evil
I'm well familiar with 4e, but not with roll20, but I'm sure I can pick up the Macros quickly
What characters do you have already committed (I like to make what the group needs)
Since we haven't decided on a campaign type we haven't start with characters yet, but it seems that people like the sandbox type the most, maybe I'll run a little of that with the war and other themes mixed in, sorta do a hybrid type.
Can I join? This is the perfect time for a campaign for me considering I work second shift. 3 PM - 11 PM. I'm in EST Zone but I could still play a 3.5-4 Hour campaign in the morning, except for the days I'm on call, If I get called in that is. Anywho, I'd appreciate it if you'd let me join. I've played a DnD:Next campaign on here and it was amazing and I did well. Would be down for anything!
We haven't started yet so its still free game, just let me know what type of theme you like the best and you can post in the campaign page and I'll invite you in.
June 02 (10 years ago)
Hi all. I reviewed the options you listed Casey and I vote for option 8. It could easily incorporate some of the other ideas as well. We could be given a task to recruit a group of monsters to our side or to ensure they don't join the other side. Defend a town or region against enemy forces or creatures. Our side loses and it becomes an end of the world scenario like in #2.
Okay I've decided to go with a war theme, I'm going to have the heroes start as part of a guild to fight monsters from a local village until the story folds out more. I think this would work and not be to hard to do while still being fun. I'll make some of the other themes aspects be a part as well.
I would love to play if this all works out in the end. i just so happen to be in moutain time as well so that works perfectly
Perfect! Post in the game forum, get invited, make a chat sheet and macros, get it approved and you're in, right now all 5 spots are open. People like to get invited but no one has had an approved char sheet, or set up their macros.
I'm up for a Tuesday night campaign, probably starting at 5 or 6pm central time.
We are doing it on monday morning and we are pretty full we have 4 slots filled and about 3 people going for the last slot. If more open up down the road I'll post it on here.

If you have any chance of another person joining, I'd love to join! I have some experience with 4e and with roll20 (i can do macros etc... but nothing hugely complicated) and I have a very imaginative mind (if you like the roll play element a lot) either post on here or pm me and let me know! Thanks!
Currently we are full.