Hey roll 20!
-Jumbled Thoughts-
So I'm thinking of starting up a Summer campaign. I know DnD 4E pretty well, have DMed a few games and understand the basics of it. Not sure the direction I want to go, last time I DMed I did some pre-build campaigns and moved on from that to a made up adventure, the adventure started taking up to much of my time, with personal stuff as well, to continue so I dropped it. I have many ideas rolling around in my head. Like a Walking Dead Theme, Call of Duty Zombies mod, my head also keeps on trying to push Shining Force and DND together in my head, many other ideas.
So It would be Monday morning starting sometime between 8 and 10am and run about 4 hours (Mountain Standard Time) and be a weekly game. Depending on what we do I would want 4-6 plays, and would require character sheets made on Mythweavers, I would want to do DND 4E but would be willing to do 3.5 or pathfinders if we wanted to do more of a story or RPG game. I would want to do Skype as that works best for me, but can use Google Hangouts as our backup. I would want my players to understand the basics of the game (how to create a character, understand how the game runs, and how to calculate damage etc...) and how to play on roll20, specifically on making macros. I would like all these and anything else I can think of later ^_^
-You Have The Power-
So let me know if you are interested and what kind of campaign you want to play, I'm up for doing anything that's not vanilla. If you want to run an evil or "bad" campaign I can throw something together to make it work. If you want to just focus on battles I could have the group just be monster hunters and go around fighting. If we want to have a story I can find some stuff or delve into my head and try and do my best. Just let me know what you would like, go easy around the character as I'm not as good as fitting 6 specific stories all around a single story. But let me know what type of characters you want to play, and how you want this to work. Let me know what times work and if everything in the details page work for you. Post what you want to do and I'll start making a list on the first post of possible ideas, after a few we can then take a vote or I'll pick out the one that looks best and we can start creating the campaign.
-Campaign Ideas-
1) Normal DnD:
2) End of the World:
3) Sandbox:
4) Township:
5) Evil Campaign:
7) Monster Hunters:
8) War: 3
9) Murder Hobos:
10) Crazy:
-Players List-
Post in the Campaign page and I'll invite you, once we get the campaign started the first to get their characters and macros up will be the ones to stay.
Edit (06/01/14 10:30am MST) Okay so I went ahead and created a campaign page, we don't have a defininate idea yet, but we can start getting a group down and make sure that the times and such work for anyone interested. Here is the looking for players page: https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/14308/dnd-4e-monday-morning
-Jumbled Thoughts-
So I'm thinking of starting up a Summer campaign. I know DnD 4E pretty well, have DMed a few games and understand the basics of it. Not sure the direction I want to go, last time I DMed I did some pre-build campaigns and moved on from that to a made up adventure, the adventure started taking up to much of my time, with personal stuff as well, to continue so I dropped it. I have many ideas rolling around in my head. Like a Walking Dead Theme, Call of Duty Zombies mod, my head also keeps on trying to push Shining Force and DND together in my head, many other ideas.
So It would be Monday morning starting sometime between 8 and 10am and run about 4 hours (Mountain Standard Time) and be a weekly game. Depending on what we do I would want 4-6 plays, and would require character sheets made on Mythweavers, I would want to do DND 4E but would be willing to do 3.5 or pathfinders if we wanted to do more of a story or RPG game. I would want to do Skype as that works best for me, but can use Google Hangouts as our backup. I would want my players to understand the basics of the game (how to create a character, understand how the game runs, and how to calculate damage etc...) and how to play on roll20, specifically on making macros. I would like all these and anything else I can think of later ^_^
-You Have The Power-
So let me know if you are interested and what kind of campaign you want to play, I'm up for doing anything that's not vanilla. If you want to run an evil or "bad" campaign I can throw something together to make it work. If you want to just focus on battles I could have the group just be monster hunters and go around fighting. If we want to have a story I can find some stuff or delve into my head and try and do my best. Just let me know what you would like, go easy around the character as I'm not as good as fitting 6 specific stories all around a single story. But let me know what type of characters you want to play, and how you want this to work. Let me know what times work and if everything in the details page work for you. Post what you want to do and I'll start making a list on the first post of possible ideas, after a few we can then take a vote or I'll pick out the one that looks best and we can start creating the campaign.
-Campaign Ideas-
1) Normal DnD:
2) End of the World:
3) Sandbox:
4) Township:
5) Evil Campaign:
7) Monster Hunters:
8) War: 3
9) Murder Hobos:
10) Crazy:
-Players List-
Post in the Campaign page and I'll invite you, once we get the campaign started the first to get their characters and macros up will be the ones to stay.
Edit (06/01/14 10:30am MST) Okay so I went ahead and created a campaign page, we don't have a defininate idea yet, but we can start getting a group down and make sure that the times and such work for anyone interested. Here is the looking for players page: https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/14308/dnd-4e-monday-morning