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Helping Players Use Character Sheets

Hi there, Some of my players find the inbuilt character sheets for 5e a little difficult to use.  Is there anything I can do on my end to simplify the layout or provide an alternative still linked to r20?   Any suggestions at all would be really helpful, thank you in advance! 
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The sheets are there for visual aids and comfort primarily. The bells and whistles are just an added bonus of digital play. They could just as easily have pen and paper sheets and roll physical dice, or pen and paper sheets and roll basic `/r d20` in the VTT and manually add their modifiers on. The official 5e Roll20 sheet is pretty simple to use and again, can be used as reference only if needed. What problems are they having specifically as there may be a way to help them use the sheets without having to add to your load (DMs have enough to do already right!)?
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
You could: point them to the documentation for the D&amp;D 5E by Roll20 sheet, look up a (recent) Youtube guide on the Roll20 5E sheet or you could look at the other 5E sheet options . (This would cause problems with the stats not transferring completely for both PCs and NPCs if you switch the 5e sheet used in your game) There might be other options but this is what I can think of on the spot. Are your players new to Roll20, and/or D&amp;D 5E? Some of the problems might come from more general unfamiliarity with Roll20 or D&amp;D 5E, rather than with the specific character sheet. What are the problems they are having? Some things could be coveded by: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Well, we've been using roll20 collectively for over a year now.&nbsp; I think for a couple of my players it's just not 'clicked.'&nbsp; I just wondered on the off chance if there was a simplified version or something I might have missed in setting it up - but I might just have to learn how to set one up and see if I can find out what the problem is!&nbsp;&nbsp; Thank you for your replies, looking up a YT tutorial is a great idea, and I may also see if we can stick to using a pdf and see how that works.