Looking for players for a 5e homebrew campaign. We just started. Session zero was last friday. The campaign is episodic meaning that players should be able to come and go without any major inability to follow the action.
Looking for players for a 5e homebrew campaign. We just started. Session zero was last friday. The campaign is episodic meaning that players should be able to come and go without any major inability to follow the action.
I am interested in joining your campaign, and would love to know more. I am moderately experienced with 5e, having participated in a few games over the past handful of years, and now that I, like many others have an abundance of free time, I am looking to get back into the swing of things.
I live in CST timezone and am available to play everyday excluding Wednesday and Sunday's. Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition is my preferred game. I'm 5.8 decades young, started playing in 1980 using 1st and 2nd Edition rules, stopped playing 12 years later after I lost 40 lbs. Started playing again in 2015 and have played every Wednesday night since.