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AD&D 2E Char Sheet Problems FAO Dylan G


Edited 1403810926
1. Rolls for attack often produce meaningless or impossible values. They do not show the calculations/die rolls just "hits AC-114" for example USER ERROR - INCLUDE + or - TO AVOID THIS 2. Damage - same issues as above, e.g. 1d10+1 damage just showed "... does 17 damage" AS ABOVE 3. On some peoples screens [i.e. my external and laptop screens] the strength value cannot be added as the box is full with just the up/own scroll buttons FIXED IN LATER RELEASE 4. Does not handle multi-class or dual-class characters FIXED IN LATER RELEASE Would like to see: 1. Player Options - such as Str broken down to Stamina\Muscle... ADDED IN LATER RELEASE 2. Somewhere to show Exp ADDED IN LATER RELEASE

Edited 1401396178
Forum Champion
Thanks for the 2E character sheet! In gameplay I've found a few areas that would be helpful for small tweaks and changes. These are not errors, but desired features. Please consider these minor changes, I beg of thee: 1. Put a field for "Armor Type" next to AC fields. Need a place to write "Banded Mail, Large Shield, Ring Of Protection +2" in order to justify-explain how your AC is what it is & keep track of which gear items are affecting your AC. 2. Make the field for LEVEL larger, wider, fit more text (one full line of text please), or else make 3 lines of Level and 3 lines of Class, to accommodate multiclass and dual class PC's. Right now you can only write "1" or "10" or maybe "5/5" in that field, it only shows the first few digits you type. I want to be able to write "Fighter 5 / Thief 5" for multiclass character, or dual class character, in this field. Players need room to write a little text for the class name in addition to the numeral for the level. 3. On Thief Abilities chart -- which is EXCELLENT WORK by the way -- Please make a second column, or a second rolling button, for when you have REMOVED ARMOR to do a thief ability. It's not good to always have the armor penalty applied to the calculation. Sometimes the thief will take the armor off, in order to do the climbing, or to remove the trap. You want to keep that armor penalty listed & in the calculation most of the time, but you want to be able to "Roll with the Armor OFF" every once in a while, and you don't want to have to erase the Armor penalty field every time to recalculate this. 4. Add Experience Points fields, (remember multiclass and dual class) preferably an XP calculator where you can add this week's XP, and perhaps allowing you to +10% if you have Prime Requisite bonus. This request echoes what Jim said. 5. Add Field for "Kit". I suppose the kit's details, if needed, can go in the existing Player's Notes box. Kits are introduced in Complete Fighters Handbook and continued throughout the rest (majority) of the 2E product line, although kits were not in original Player's Handbook. Thank you again for the sheet & for reading my requests.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
@Jim: 1 I will look at the macro and compare it to my own personal AC macro and double-check its functionality to make sure it is correct. If you are getting incorrect values, make sure not to remove any "+" or "-" signs from the roll queries, as these are vital to the functioning of the macro. (This is due to the fact that macros dislike having something like "/roll 1d20+-2", and sometime you need a negative modifier.) 2 I will double check that ASAP. 3 My next update will involve turning a lot of number fields into text fields, as the text options for them are limited to numerical values. You should NOT be seeing up/down buttons for the strength entries, as these are removed in the CSS. This may be a browser issue? Regardless, it should go away once I convert them to text fields. 4 The current workaround for multiclass/dual class is to input all class names into the class field at the top of the sheet. You can also put level numbers here. When I change the level field into a text field, this should be simpler. Additions: 1 I may do this, but as it would require a severe restructuring of the ability scores section, it will be a while before I do. 2 I'll put something in in my next revision. In the meantime, I would recommend using the player notes section. @Gold: 1 Your wish is my command, that should come in with the next revision. 2 As I mentioned above, there is a workaround, but I'll look into a more solid solution. 3 I'll poke at this. It shouldn't be too difficult to make happen. Expect it in the next revision as well. 4 See my response to Jim on the same subject. I like the idea of autocalculating the prime requisite bonus, though. 5 I'll add in a field for the kit name. Since the bonuses from kits are almost exclusively bonus proficiencies and special abilities (both of which have sections of their own), adding an area for kit details seem like a major point of neccessity. If you find the lack of it being a serious hindrance (harr harr), let me know and I'll look into it. TL;DR: AC: Make sure to include "+" or "-" signs when the roll query has one in the default prompt, as these are necessary for the macro to function. Strength field is getting fixed. Level field is becoming a text field and being expanded within formatting limitations. Skills and Powers functionality is possible, but not coming soon. XP fields are coming. Armor Type field is coming. Thief skills being made more versatile. A field for kit name is coming. I hope this helps. Feel free to let me know if there's anything else.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Updates to the sheet appear across all uses of them when the devs push the new code to the server. This tends to happen at least once a day. I hope to have my first revision up sometime early- to midweek next week, depending on when I find the time, and I will post here when I have.
As you're asking for ideas to improve... An equipment list.. which adds up weight and bulk. Although I think this would be best done as a universal additional tab?
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
I would LOVE to have an equipment list that adds up the weight for you (that was actually my original concept), but it's not possible to set up a field that autocalculates from repeating sections, so the only way to do this would be to set up a large inventory section with limited slots, which doesn't work for parties that collect an ungodly number of random items (like mine). Fun fact, though: if you add up all the weights and input them in the "total weight" box in the inventory, that number is displayed at the top, as well, over by movement for quick referencing.
I am the player in Jim’s game who was getting the outrageous numbers and like you thought sticking the + in has fixed it. I didn't expect to need them in but I have seen roll20 get a bit confused with +-# so I guess it’s best to have a manual input of + or -. Maybe put a little note on the sheet saying to have them on it? Now that I understand that better and you are clearly still working/wanting to improve it I would say actually a pretty good sheet though still have have a few extra suggestions I got looking at the sheet again. A couple are from skills and powers but I am thinking maybe if you have some basic integration with it maybe more people will take notice/use the sheet and maybe help with building parts of it. Though for now I think I can work around some of the "problems" using skills and powers has thrown up. 1: On the movement/weight table expand it to include the more detailed encumbrance rules. You should be able to use just a single table as all it seems to do is add extra stages between what is already there. 2: Not really a suggestion but maybe a how to do something already suggested. For the stat split wouldn't all you need to do is add an extra column after the main stat which contains 2 rows or have something like strength is now and leave the rest as is? the only “new” stats I have seen are just the normal dex bonus to thieves skills now appearing on the table. 3: If possible have the weapon roll take hit and dmg bonus from the stat table and leave the slots on the weapon table just for actual weapon bonuses 4: this might be wad as you want multiple entries for range but if not make the range box bigger so you can actually fit it in. If you designed it to have multiple entries for range and chance of a copy from above button? 5: add a dice roll at weapon speed for initiative rolls, again taking its modifier from stat table if possible. 6: Players options add some new/extra thief skills and allow thieves to not have some of the basic skills. Maybe turn that skill table into something like the weapons table but default to having the basic skills set up? 7: Maybe move wealth so its horizontal, add an extra box/row for non coin wealth (so you don’t need to dig though the notes when only needing a quick reference)and place the currency converter directly under it. Though it might just look bad to me because I am yet to fill out the gear table and just realised that the formula seems to be completely out of place so maybe a browser issue. I am now going to fully fill the sheet in for one of my characters, if I find anything else or come up with some more suggestions I will add them.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
I want to preface this post with the following statement: the main purpose of this sheet is to provide a character sheet for the core AD&D 2E rules, which has everything necessary for the running of a standard game. While adding functionality for the Player's Option would be nice, in areas where it will require a lot of restructuring to the sheet, it falls low on the priority list. @Carl: 1 This shouldn't be too difficult from what you are describing. I'll look into the rules and see about that. 2 That could work without becoming too confusing for those not using Skills and Powers, especially if I convert STR into text fields (as I was planning), allowing an entry for "18(25)" in a single box. 3 I'm not sure what you're suggesting here? Those boxes are already autocalculated into the roll, and I believe both macros have the option for a miscellaneous modifier. 4,5 These are both great ideas, but difficult to implement due to one fatal flaw: the weapon table is very carefully formatted to fit everything on a single row (that way each entry is aligned with the header at the top), so expanding it has a high likelihood of throwing everything off. That said, I'll look into possible solutions for this. (Side note: A copy from above button would be awesome, but is, to my understanding, not possible with the current coding options available.) 6 Adding the new thief skills from the Players Options should be pretty simple. In the meantime, I would recommend putting them into the special abilities textarea. I will look at my copy of Skills and Powers to try and get that done. 7 It may be pretty simple to convert coins into a row above the converter, I'll look into that. As for non-coin wealth, that is what the "gems" and "other items of value" areas are for. Thanks a ton for the feedback! P.S.: page references/book titles would make a couple of these revisions a lot faster.
When I saw that you didn't have any of the players options stuff in it I knew it was focused on the basic rules but it couldn't have hurt to at least ask if you would be willing to add players options stuff. I have to say thanks for at least considering it. For my character I have managed to make work around to get everything on the sheet and in the case of my thief skills I have all of them in the table, got rid of 2 of the basic skills for 2 of the extra ones. For page references I have last year’s printing of the basic books so the pages might be slightly off from your version if you have the older ones. For skills and powers I don't actually own it so can't give the page numbers, I would actually buy it if I could find a new copy of one from an actual store and not a random person selling a used one it for £100. 1: players handbook, table 48, page number 103, chapter 6 money and equipment. 3: In the tables I have +1 to hit and damage in both strength and the weapons table but it only shows +1 in the dice roll. A test right now shows “rolling 20-(1d20+1+0)=20-((18)+1+0). What I am suggesting is that the roll would come out as +2. I don’t know what other people are like but I am someone who prefers to see each individual number so I know exactly where it came from. 7: I was thinking in those open text boxes might end up having a lot of entries like “aquamarine (100gp)” to the point of needing to scroll the box down. A single box right next to held cash for gem/other total would make a really easy reference.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
3, 7 I get what you're saying now. I'll see if I can get the strength mods added into these rolls (repeating sections are a hassle, so it may require a new field), and the gem/other stuff total should be pretty simple.

Edited 1401659436
Forum Champion
Dylan -- it's cool to hear you will be releasing a revision. Thanks for the dialog. Your plan to change certain numeric fields to text fields, is great for me. That will work. Some references & ideas follow on Thief skills & XP chart. THIEF SKILLS section: -- Thanks for looking into "Armor Off" roll that would temporarily not-apply the armor penalty on a thief roll. -- To add the new thief abilities (as discussed with Carl above) from Player's Option: Skills & Powers book, look at CHAPTER 4: Character Classes: Rogues, Table 27 lists the thief skills, I will copy it below. On the sheet you can do what I did here, mark the new 2.5E skills with asterisks ** (so that core rules players will recognize these are added skills from a later book, so they don't get confused if they have not heard of these abilities). Table 27: Thieving Skill Base Scores Skill Pick Pockets Open Locks Find/Remove Traps Move Silently Hide in Shadows Detect Noise Climb Walls Read Languages Detect magic ** Detect illusion ** Bribe ** Tunneling ** Escape bonds ** ALSO NEED TO ADD: "BACKSTAB", where the player would fill in their damage adjustment of successful backstab, such as x2, x3, x4. On the XP section --- I developed a certain XP chart on my own paper character sheets.... Please take a look and consider implementing. I think you will see the advantages when you consider how it works for practical purposes in the game AND how fun it can be to look back at your XP chart after several game sessions, where it provides a running total for you. This also lets the DM doublecheck the players to make sure the XP tally is accurate not padded. The advantages of Roll20 auto-calculating the running total would just add to the beauty of this XP character sheet table. It would be so nice to have a table showing all the XP awards you get, along the way, session to session, with a TOTAL EXPERIENCE auto-calculated at the bottom. It could look like this: + XP GAINED ....... F ROM WHAT GAME SESSION OR ENCOUNTER ?........ ADD PRIME REQ BONUS ?.... RUNNING TOTAL +25 XP..... From Session 1, we killed the goblin..... +10% = +28 XP.... RUNNING TOTAL IS NOW 28 XP +100XP..... From Session 2 we fought a troll..... +10% = +110XP.... RUNNING TOTAL IS NOW 138XP +3000XP.... From Session 3 we defeated the lich.... +10% = +3300XP.... RUNNING TOTAL IS NOW 3438 XP So you see, whenever the DM gives you new XP award, you add it under "XP Gained", and then your Roll20 sheet would auto-calculate your Prime Req bonus, auto-calc your XP for that day with the bonus included, and auto-add this to your running total XP. Regarding the Prime Requisite bonus, I believe some DM's or some situations in the book award +5% bonus, although it's normally +10% if you have the bonus. Some may even do +15%. You might want to make this a Numerical field asking: Prime Requisite Bonus Percentage? ____ 0%, +5%, +10% Thanks again. -- Gold from the 2E Tavern on Roll20
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
I just finished the revision. It should update all of your sheets once it gets pushed to the server. Here's a summary of the changes: Minor changes to stat fields Added armor type Increased space for level Added Experience section Clarified macro prompts Kit field added Strength bonuses now applied to weapon rolls Added initiative roll in weapon section which includes weapon speed Fixed duplicate roll buttons for damage Damage and hit rolls now include strength bonuses Sub abilities from Skills & Powers added Rogue skills from Skills & Powers added Currency and Equipment sections updated As this is a major update, you may have to refill parts of your character sheets, but hopefully most changes will just require filling out the new areas. If you find any errors in the new fields/buttons, please let me know. And, as always, keep the suggestions/requests coming.

Edited 1401677038
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
I just uploaded a new update. When the latest version is pushed through, you should be able to select whether to apply dexterity bonuses, strength bonuses, or both for weapons. If you don't want to wait for it to hit the server, I've copied the HTML and CSS into a jsfiddle . To use it, set your campaign's character sheet to "custom", then place the code from the fiddle's left box into the HTML section, and the code from the fiddle's right box into the CSS section. Side note: This update should remove the reliance on + or - symbols for the weapon sections (defaulting to +), but I'm not 100% on that.
Having a lot of problems with attack rolls. When I try to roll an attack roll, I get (Strength bonus, do not modify this field) click submit, (Dex Bonus, do not modify this field) click submit, (Misc Bonus) then there is no actual roll. Am I doing something wrong?

Edited 1401866364
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
@Steve: Can you give me the values for the following fields so I can try to recreate this? Your strength bonus to hit Your dexterity bonus to hit Weapon bonus to hit ThAC0 Whether or not the dex and/or str boxes are checked Edit: I managed to make this happen by leaving the ThAC0 or weapon hit bonus fields blank. Make sure these is filled in. The next revision will autofill these boxes with a default value. Let me know if filling them fixes the problem.
I didn't think you would have done so much so quickly and I didn't seem to lose anything from the update and everything seems to work. Other then only using basic encumbrance the sheet now covers everything else for all my current characters, basically its next to perfect for me. There are a few nitpick things I can think of now but I am putting them down to limitations of the system or actually a bad idea when I thought about it. Maybe once I have had a proper chance to use it in game I can come up with stuff.
Forum Champion
My latest game, the update wasn't pushed out on the servers yet. I will reply again after my next game, it may be about a week. Thank you.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
@Carl: I looked at the encumbrance tables in Skills & Powers and they appeared to reflect the current options. If you could PM me a quote of the actual rules, I can look into making the encumbrance section more what you are looking for. Also, feel free to post the nitpicking things; I'd rather hear a bunch of things that can't be fixed with current implementation than miss a few things I can actually change.
Nitpick 1: I think this might be a system limitation and its the only way for you to make it work which was why I didn't say it. Remove the popup box for the str/dex bonus when using the weapon rolls. If you want to show them near the weapons make it like the carried weight, put 2 boxes right above the weapons table, I use 1600x900 which is the best I can do and the stat bonus can't be seen on screen. If possible maybe make the miscellaneous +/- to to rolls be inputted in a box above the table as well.. Nitpick 2: One of the dms I have said that he had an issue with an old player who made macros which would hide the dice roll and used it to cheat, that and I expect a few dm's might want to see the actual dice roll at a glance for different reasons. I know that you can mouse over to see the roll so this is just a connivance thing however showing the full roll calculations might cause a bit of confusion for some people. Nickpick 3: Actually only just realized this one. exp calculator breaks when you are multiclass and your experience is not the same for both classes, 1320/1020 exp. It’s also possible that people won’t have the 10% bonus. Simple fix would be copy the thing 3 times, I think 3 is the max you can multiclass into, and put a tickbox to include the +10% bonus. Multiclass would also normally take their session exp and 1/2 or 1/3 it for each class but as this point us who have one might as well just use an actual calculator. Encumbrance: Its actually an optional rule in the normal players handbook not the skills and power stuff. I have last years printing of the book so some of the pages might be off if you have the olders ones. Its in Chapter 6: money and equipment, page 102 and 103. Specific Encumbrance and table 48. It is basically an expanded version of the one already on the sheet, adding new categories between the ones you already have but each category drops base movement by 1 point.
Forum Champion
I was thinking the same as Carl A. just said on Nitpick3 about XP for Multiclass'ers needs tweaking, and about variable Prime bonuses (5%, 10%, 15%).

Edited 1402020434
Forum Champion
Some things I've found in using the sheet today so far, It's a good character sheet so far, working overall, I'm getting more used to it. Rogue Abilities -- Possible Bug. All was well as I filled in the chart until I got down to Read Languages. I put some numbers in Read Languages, and all of a sudden Pick Pockets went haywire. Both Pick Pockets and Read Lang started showing "15+00" in the field for "Total". Then more weird stuff happened if I changed the "Base" for Read Languages. Changing Base of Read Lang resulted in weird math appearing under Pick Pockets Total and Read Languages Total. ---------------------------------- Increase the size of the Armor Type field ? Can that be a bit larger text area? My 5th level PC has the following which I want to type there: Banded Mail +2, Dex bonus -3, Ring Of Protection +1, Ring Of Invisibility gives +4 when invisible and silent. When gnolls, bugbears, ogres, trolls, ogre magi, giants, or titans attack gnomes, these monsters must subtract 4 from their attack rolls because of the gnomes' small size and their combat skills against these much larger creatures. Here's my plea & explanation: I would like enough space to make note of all the factors that affect my AC, under "Armor Type" field, not just enough room for Plate Mail or Chain Mail, but also room to write your Rings, and Dodging abilities that may affect AC. Granted you COULD write several of those items in other slots: DEX bonus is already under DEX ability section, Magic Rings can be written under "Items Of Value" field, Gnolls Bugbears Gnome defense under Special abilities. The problem is then all these things that affect & justify your AC are spread all over the character sheet. That leads to 'forgetting' to calculate the proper AC for the situation-circumstances in the adventure, or if not forgetting, at least hunting around the sheet to find which Magic Rings affect your AC and so on. Also, granted, for a work around, I may use one of the "Notes" fields. There is one under Saving Throws that might work for this. But as a nitpick I would rather have a larger text area within Armor Type / AC section. -------------------- The wealth section.... It doesn't do math to tally your GP additions? I see the Currency Calculator does math, but then you still have to use a calculator outside Roll20 to add your new GP total when you find a treasure-chest. Is that right or am I missing it? I would like to be able to put "+235 GP" and it adds this to my existing 4842 GP, instead of using a calculator or mental addition and then hand-typing the new tally. I would like it to work like the HP bubbles on tokens, where you can put +10 (if you got healing) and it will add 10 to your total. I understand if this is not practical, just wanted to ask to make sure I understand. -------------------- Weapons Section, Range is only 1 field? Short, Medium, Long Range. You usually have Short, Medium, Long range, that's why I was looking for perhaps 3 fields for range. Is it intended for us to try to type "S 60 M 120 L 210" in the Range field for Composite Bow flight arrows? As a workaround I can resolve this by putting S under "Range", put M under "Size" field, put L under "Type" field. (Because I don't really need to write the Size and Type on my sheet anyway, those are familiar enough from memory). SOLUTION via Carl: I'll just List the same weapon again on another line for each Range category, if needed. ----------------- Rogue Abilities --- Backstab Multiplier What do you think about a small field for Backstab damage multiplier, alongside (underneath) Rogue Abilities? You only need to change your backstab modifier at level 5, and at level 9. Or do you intend that thieves write this under Special Abilities text area instead? Again just for putting "like things in like places", I like having Backstab written with my other Rogue Abilities even though it is not a % roll like the others. ------------- XP for Multiclass or Dual Class characters, may need to keep track of 2 or "up to 3" possible different XP totals for different classes. ----------------- Erase the bit about Halflings saving throws? I tried to erase this under "Notes" but it seems to come back. I've already calculated and noted the gnome bonus in the Saving Throws Notes field, and don't need this paragraph permanently written out here. Also if I was playing another race PC, it would be useless info / distraction. Does it erase? I refer to this Note on the sheet: "* Dwarves, gnomes and halflings gain saving throws against attacks from magical wands, staves, rods, and spells, this bonus is +1 for every 3 - 1/2 points of Constitution score. Halflings have a similar resistance to poisons of all sorts, so they gain a Constitution bonus identical to that for saving throws vs. magical attacks when they make saving throws vs. poison." TESTING, I will re-test this one ------------------------------------ Thank you very much for making this & working on it & responding to feedback.
Gold I think I can answer two of those for you. For the weapons I believe its designed to have a whole row for each range. That way you can have the bonus/penalty placed into the to hit box and won't need to change if mid battle if the range you are throwing/firing at changes. If you read one of the replies to me where I asked the same question he basically said formatting issues with the table was causing problems with making the boxes bigger. With the saving throws thing I think it might be a bug on the roll20 end. It didn't delete it for me first time but when I deleted it a second time it stayed deleted.
Forum Champion
That makes sense about Ranges for weapons. That is an easy solution. I will make 2-3 lines for each weapon if needed.

Edited 1402035667
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
@Carl: You are correct that 1 is a limitation issue. I'm not sure how to deal with 2, but 3 and encumbrance have been noted. @Gold: Whoops! Pick Pockets and Read Languages had the same field names. Fixed in the next revision! You are correct about the currency thing, but, unfortunately, that's a limitation. Just like macros can't edit bar values, entering a value in one field can't permanently change another. As far as weapon range, my players tend to write it in as 10/20/30. This can cause values to go slightly off the end, though. If making more lines for weapons works better for you though, go with that. The weapon table has been made as big as I can. The saving throw thing does appear to be an issue. I couldn't get rid of it either, so I've removed it from the code. It was a holdover from the original character sheet I made this from. Thanks to both of you for the feedback! To do: Next Revision: ✓Fixed PP/RL bug ✓Removed saving throw info from ability score notes ✓Increased armor type field size ✓Made XP a repeating section, so you can have as many individual class trackers as you need ✓Added backstab multiplier Following Revision: ✓Advanced encumbrance rules Unknown point in the (hopefully near) future: ✓Add a monster entry tab, so GMs can easily set up monsters with character sheets Edit: I had a few hours free, so I knocked everything off the list. The fully revised version should be available the next time the devs roll updates through. As before, you can find the new code in this fiddle . Please continue to post suggestions/let me know about bugs/etc.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
The update should now be live.
I really think the min/maxer's ability score from the Player's Options should be in a sheet of it's own. "AD&D 2ed: Player's Options Sheet." It looks hideous, not because of you your implementation but because take up a massive amount of screen real estate for something most 2ed. players wouldn't be using. On top of that it is a little confusing to players new to 2ed, which thankfully to sites like these, exist!

Edited 1402161881
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
@Theely: I'll look into that. Edit: When the next update hits the server, the Players' Option table will be toggleable. The stats are the same across both table options.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
The latest version should now be live.
Forum Champion
Bug report, Wealth: these 2 fields are mirrored, if you change either field, they both change to the same: Total GP Value From Gems Total GP Value From Other Items By the way, thanks for adding "Backstab modifier" slot. It works.
Some comments from one of my DMs, not sure if he was going to come here and say them. Can also second the bug that Gold found. He likes to see gear grouped by its container and there seems to be no easy way to reorganize the loot table. The suggestion I had to that was see if it was possible to put a sort button for all 3 of the gear table headings. I did say to him that there was a chance with an update some stuff might be lost but looking back it seems that was only for a single major update. Since I am a person I know you can't offer a 100% guarantee but do you think further updates might delete stuff we have entered and if so what? Now for my own thing with a quick test. The encumbrance table and stat table will only be shown one at a time, click the button for encumbrance while stats are open and they will close and same with the other way around. Personally I would prefer if they stayed open but if they close to save space that's fine.
Dylan! This sheet is looking great. Thank you so much for your hard work in putting this together. Could someone help please help explain the weapon section to me? I don't understand the check boxes for Dex and Str and they appear to do nothing and I still get those pop-up windows. I currently have to make my own attack macro as the pop-up is unappealing. I might be able to handle on pop up for the Misc adjustments though.

Edited 1402425302
The Dex and Str check bonus when ticked will apply the Str or Dex plus or minus from character stats to the attack roll meaning they won't do anything unless those have been filled in first. You don't want to change the pop up boxes for str or dex and while at first glance it might look like both of them are included in the roll only the ticked one is.
Bug (maybe?) If you select either of the radio buttons for the Encumbrance, it deselects the radios for ability scores and hides the table. If you select either of the radio buttons for the Ability Score, it deselects the radios for encumbrance and hides the table.

Edited 1402425488
Carl A. said: The Dex and Str check bonus when ticked will apply the Str or Dex plus or minus from character stats to the attack roll meaning they won't do anything unless those have been filled in first. You don't want to change the pop up boxes for str or dex and while at first glance it might look like they are included in the roll only the ticked one is. Ah okay! Are the pop ups for Str and Dex necessary at all? Why not just grab it from the stat? I was confused at first and added my values manually to the Att Adj and Dmg Adj like I normally would on a paper sheet. So the inclusion of the pop-ups in the first place through me for a loop and even more so when the rolls came out unexpectedly.
Yea I think the pop ups are needed if you want to have it take the str or dex bonus automatically. Its because of limitations and things stopping Dylan from making it work like both of us have suggested in not having those boxes Once you realize how it works it should be pretty simple for you and your other players/dm to fill the sheet in and if you want to manually include the str/dex bonus you can just leave the boxes unticked. Also remember to include the + or - in the box as again due to how roll20 works those are needed and can give really strange results if you don't.
If I uncheck both the Str and Dex boxes I still get the pop-ups.
Not tried it myself but I will assume they still show up since both boxes come up when you have only ticked one. I don’t think the system allows that much dynamic programming and you are basically forced to use a static process which is unable to cut out the things you don’t want or need. It’s this or get rid of automatically calculating stat bonuses to weapons.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
@Gold: Thanks for mentioning that. I'll get it fixed ASAP. @Carl: That gear idea is interesting, I'll look into it. @Theely: That is a bug. I'll see if I can fix that. The popups appear regardless. I'll see if I can find a way to keep that from happening, but at the moment it is extremely difficult to have a macro in a repeating section reference fields outside the repeating section.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
With the next revision, I've fixed the two bugs. Unfortunately, I cannot remove the prompts due to the fact that strength has two separate bonuses (one to hit and one to damage). I'll keep looking into this, but at the moment I don't think there's a good way around it.
Forum Champion
Dylan, this thread still lives! You still checking here? I have some 2E sheet comments and minor requests coming. We've got a few game sessions coming up, so I can probably make a better & more comprehensive post, if you want to wait a week. For now I'll just mention that I found several small things while making some new PC's today, and I plan to go back over the "blank" default 2E sheet to catalog all the little things I was seeing. It was things like a missing % sign in one place, and an unwanted "+" in another place (both under Ability Scores). Also a field that could be changed from numerical to text (Weight of the character... It seems to only want numbers, which makes it hard to designate Pounds or Kilograms or whatever units). Just give me time to make another PC or 2 on the blank sheet and I'll be sure to write down all those little things & provide a more clear list to you in my next post here.
Request for change - Minor When rolling a weapon attack, can you mention the weapon [like you do with Initiative]?
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
@Gold: I'll be snooping through the code this weekend. I plan on changing all of the number fields to text fields of the same size. @Jim: I'll look into that.

Edited 1403949671
Forum Champion
Overall I must say again, the 2nd Edition Character Sheet you made for Roll20 is working quite well for my games in-practice. The plentiful "Notes" fields scattered around the sheet are essential and flexible for different classes and various needs. Very handy. XP is working. Spells Memorized seems to be working. Non Weapon Proficiencies is working. Weapon Damage macros work. 1 Successes or 0 Successes... gah! The thief section is working nicely and I appreciate where you added the "No Armor" rolling option. That's smooth. I secretly hope this encourages more Thief PC's to say "I take off my armor to try this skill...." and then of the DM is all, "Wandering monsters come into the room while your armor is off." Doh! The Saving Throws section is crucial. It works great and helps me remember who has what bonuses, and rolls it with your modifiers. As a small comment I'm not a big fan of the "1 successes" or "0 successes" that comes up on Thief Skills and Saving Throws, partly because that wording is odd, to pluralize both zero and one (Roll20-ism, or it may descend from the vocabulary of the dice machine). I'd be a bit happier if it just gave the Percentage and told the PC's "chance" and then let the DM verbally declare whether it's a success or failure or what happens. (Side note, a compliment, it DOES show the Number rolled and the Skill Chance in the macro's output). That's just based on the way I play, I'd rather have the DM saying if it's a success, and have the Macro just tell the Rolled Number and the Skill Chance. The thing I don't like in the macro is the way Roll20 writes "1 successes" or "0 successes" , it's just too boldly written (non-compact like the rest of the macro) and awkward grammar in constant plural for a roll that is inevitably a singular question. You can't have 2 successes on a Thief check or a Saving Throw, so it would be somewhat nicer in singular tense ("1 success" or "No success"), though even that is over-simplifying the actual results of a Thief check or a Save in D&D. But I understand why it is set up how it is, I see how it's an extra convenience for it to compare the number and declare "1 successes". I don't have a firm request on this, just reacting to how it works in-practice in-games when used repeatedly. It gets annoying, even a bit embarrassing for the poor thief, how the macro renders its evaluation of "successes" before the DM has a chance to tell the impacts of your roll. If you can figure a way to optimize it, please do. I suspect it comes down to the dice engine fixing their grammar on the presentation of that, unless you want to re-work the macro somehow. As a work-around I can always roll my own d100 and d20 macros when I don't want machine-declared "successes". Ability Scores INT... Max # Of Spells It says "+0", but it should just be "0" (the Max Number Spells is not a plus or minus, it's a firm whole number). WIS... Clerical Spell Failure Needs a % symbol, like several other ability fields that are percentage based. WIS... Bonus Spells Small box, needs way more room if possible (minor request). On second look I totally understand if you can't expand this field because it is in a neat column with other small fields under ability table. What I love is the "Notes" field for each ability score, so I can just write the bonus spells there if you can't expand the Bonus Spells field. A common listing of bonus spells for a Priest / Cleric with prime WIS 18, the bonus spells would read like " 2x 1st, 2x 2nd, 1x 3rd, 1x 4th ". I think abbreviating it as just the highest-level achieved ("4th") is not optimal, better to write out the cumulative listing of all the bonus spells which is implied on the table, because you won't have the table in front of you when you're on your character sheet making your spells list later. Players can also co-opt the Spell Immunity field for these notes, as few PC's have WIS 19-25 required for having actual immunities to write there. On Languages, add Speak / Read-Write, checkmarks I ask Players to include whether they can Speak, or Read/Write each language. Maybe some checkmark buttons for Speak and Read-Write on each language line? Very minor request. You can easily write it in the field space that currently exists. Rogue Skills... Hide Rogue Skills section for non-thief characters? First of all, for my Thief PC's, this section is excellent!! For my non-thief PC's, this section is a bit of an eyesore, and I just wondered if there's a way you can "Hide Rogue Skills", perhaps some kind of button to Hide/Show that section? (Minor request.) At the very top of the sheet... Character Sheet|Monster Sheet... Does that bug anyone else how the words are ran-together? I guess it's nice how it only takes up 1 line instead of 2 lines. Might look better just as Character Sheet | Monster Sheet . Just adding 2 spaces. (Very|Minor|Request). Add Player Name field Traditionally paper-sheets had a field for Player Name. In this digital age it might still be nice to have the option of a by-line of attribution on your character sheet, and of course the Player can decide how they wish to write their name (Roll20 login name most likely, or their Firstname if they prefer). Minor request / idea. Weight field to accomodate letters for lbs, pounds, kg, etc. Dylan already answered that he's changing this numerical field to a text field of a certain size, so that should fix my issue. It has been asking me for just a pure number, so you couldn't put "150 pounds". Thanks very much for reading & considering these minor touch-ups. I understand if you don't add all or any of them. Either way the sheet is usable as it is, and nice to have in Roll20.
I agree with Gold on the successes thing. Better to have singular, better still to show the roll/difference. On weight, surely all will be the same K/LB so only need to note that once. Making it text might make it hard too add up automatically [if that problem can ever be solved]. On the rest I agree with the sentiments/changes suggested. I'm pleasantly susprised by how useful the sheet is!
Forum Champion
In case this wasn't clear, on Weight , I only meant on the section for Height/Weight of the character should be a text field with room for "pounds" or "lbs" or "kg", which normally is not added up. Not the weights for individual objects under Gear and such (those should continue to be just the number, so they can be added up).
Gold, you might be better off using a macro for the character. I use: /w GM Hammad Picks Pockets ?{Who?|"-"} @{pickpocket} % !broll 1D100 You could also use: /w GM Hammad Picks Pockets ?{Who?|"-"} @{pickpocket} % /gmroll 1D100 !broll is an API script which does not inform the player of the roll.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
The next update has the following changes: Changed the "weight" and "max HP" character information fields to text fields. Adjusted the spelling for the character sheet selection. Added weapon name to attack and damage rolls. Turned rogue skills into a collapsible section.
The number of attacks in the weapons table is not saving when I close the sheet. Useing Chrome as my browser if that matters.
I was looking at the 2nd character sheet and me and my friends are going to be playing a ravenloft session soon and noticed Fear Horror and madness checks where not on the sheet, though i don't know if lots of people have/are/going to be playing ravenloft but would be nice for those who do
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
@Carl: That sounds like I probably missed an ID. I'll fix it. @Jeremy: I'm actually running Ravenloft at the moment. Fear, horror, and madness checks are just paralyzation saves that they get their wisdom bonus for.