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AD&D 2E Char Sheet Problems FAO Dylan G

if you have the domains of dred books they have their own table for it which is what we are following cause if i got wisdom bonus at level 2 i would have like a 8 save but in domains of dred book its 12 for fear 18 for madness/horror its nothing big i just thought i would mention it
Having a problem with the 2e sheet. Problem doesn't seem to occur with Firefox but with chrome soon as I select a journal roll20 becomes so choppy I have to just refresh the site to get it back to normal. Long as I don't click a journal it's fine. I tested a new campaign with no sheets, worked fine. Tested with random sheet (D&D next) worked fine. Tested 2e sheet after that and soon as clicked the journal is started getting choppy. Any thoughts?
Celestian what operating system, FF version? Have you tried Torch - does the same thing happen? [I've not seen this on Win 7, FF 30.0, or Torch (7326)]
Running Win 8.1, latest update. The browser I use that is having the issue: Chrome "Version 36.0.1985.125 m" Firefox version that I used to test "30.0" No clue what torch is. I've kinda sold my soul to Chrome so would like it to work with that if possible.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
I have no clue what could be causing that. Maybe it's the size of the sheet? Try loading one of the larger sheets and see if that's it. Otherwise, you should gather any error messages from the console and make a post in the bugs forum so the devs can try to fix it.

Edited 1405794232
Hum, the help forum suggested I come here to work out the problem. I am not really sure which are larger sheets but I'll experienment. Also not sure how to get the console error messages but I'll poke around.
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
To open the Web Console select "Web Console" from the Web Developer submenu in the Firefox Menu (or Tools menu if you display the menu bar or are on Mac OS X), or by pressing its Control-Shift-K (Command-Option-K on the Mac) keyboard shortcut.
Dylan after much use of the sheet, I have one minor bug and some requests. Bug : For the Players Options the DEX sub-stats have incorrect split of bonuses. [Reaction and Missile are reversed]. Requests. Can Initiative rolls update the turn stack? Can all rolls be added to the Token Action? Can Spell List have Speed and Initiative roll added [as Token Actions as above if possible]? Can Spell List have Memorized added. I would have Memorized and Cast as numbers rather than tck boxes but not sure if this would suit others? These are easy to specify, but I do not know how easy they are to implement!
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
@Jim: Thanks for pointing out the bug, I've fixed it. The spell list was intended to be a list of the spells the character has memorized (as noted by the section header), whereas the spell book section is intended for all known spells. As for the token action option, I'm not sure that's possible? I haven't looked to see if they've made any changes to the coding options in a while, since I've been away from Roll20. Additionally, most of the rolls are in repeating sections, which could cause problems. The initiative macros should now roll to the tracker as long as a token is selected . Spell entries now include casting time and an initiative macro. I'm also getting ready for a pretty big addition which will (hopefully) make everyone's lives easier. I aim to have it done by the end of next weekend.
Thanks Dylan. These changes make this sheet even better [or will when released live]. I know only that you can make Abilities as Token actions, but not how difficult [or possible] changes mught be. Personally the Spell List changes I mentioned would make the section more logical and useful, but others may well disagree. I look forward to the big addition, although I can't think what it can be as everything seems to be covered! Any chance you could do a sheet for Pendragon? ;)
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
@ Jim: I've never played Pendragon, so I wouldn't really know where to start. As for the version 3.0 update, it should make referencing certain things significantly easier.... ;D
Dylan G.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Wow. Work and school have both picked up considerably. I'll be pushing back v3.0 to when I have a few hours of free time to do some major typing.
Just dropping in to say that me and Jim noticed the changes for spell Initiative and being placed in the turn order. Didn't realize it had been added until the end of the session so only gave them a quick test and they seemed to work. I have just got back to university myself, classes don't start until next week for me but still loads of things to do.