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looking for a command to paste text to chat without sending

What I am looking to do it to make a "dice picker" so players can roll a variable number of dice with different sides and build a dice pool to roll all at once. I don't need them added together. The current workaround I use is: /r dX **hit SHIFT+ENTER** /r dX **repeat as necessary** But that is really cumbersome. Any tricks?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can do something like /r ?{Number of Dice|1}d{Dice Faces|6} this will give you two pops, one for entering the number of dice, and another for entering the size of dice. Alternatively you can just type it directly: /r 3d6 will roll 3 d6.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I noticed after posting you said dice with different sides. There's no easy way to do that.
Yes, but won't that just roll one type of die?  We're playing a Cortex game and the size and types of dice in the pool can vary a lot. I want to be able to roll, say 2d6+1d8+1d10, except that I'm looking for a way to click a macro so it enters that into chat, but only sends once the pool is built.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
GiGs' first recommendation, using the Query would work, but you'd need to have it for every type of die that could potentially be in the pool.
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Also, just realized you're a KS Backer...I believe that gives you access to the API? there might be something you (and by 'you' I don't mean you'd have to code, if you could find someone with the skills willing to do it for you) could do there that may make it easier...?
Sheet Author
Without the api, the only thing I could think of would be a macro that includes every dice size you use with a query for each one to indicate how many of that size you want to roll.  You would probably want each one to default to 0 so you could just hit enter for each one you don't need. /r ?{D4?|0}d4+?{D6?|0}d6+?{D8|0}d8+?{D10|0}d10 You would need to know the total you need of each die size before you click the macro though.
Kraynic said: Without the api, the only thing I could think of would be a macro that includes every dice size you use with a query for each one to indicate how many of that size you want to roll.  You would probably want each one to default to 0 so you could just hit enter for each one you don't need. /r ?{D4?|0}d4+?{D6?|0}d6+?{D8|0}d8+?{D10|0}d10 You would need to know the total you need of each die size before you click the macro though. That's a great work around! Thanks!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Though to be fair, if you're not using a lot of different dice types on every roll, its likey easier just to type it without queries. If you're rolling 2d6 and a d8, for example., just type /r 2d6+1d8
GiGs said: Though to be fair, if you're not using a lot of different dice types on every roll, its likey easier just to type it without queries. If you're rolling 2d6 and a d8, for example., just type /r 2d6+1d8 You're not wrong. But this is a Cortex game which players build dice pools from traits. Number and size can vary a lot. Thanks for helping!
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
There is a basic technique described and illustrated here , but basically using the Advanced Dice (checkmark in Settings Tab), you can drag dice onto the map. These are basically rollable table tokens with dice faces. You can select a bunch of them and choose "Random Side" from the right-click menu. They default to being the color of the user's color, so they are easy to tell apart. A user can hoard them all in some corner of the board for easy access. If you have API access, you can even create a button to roll them using token mod. 
Just tried it and it works great!