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Bug report posts give bug error message?

I've tried submitting two bug reports and both of them, ironically, give a bug error message when I click Submit.
So when I try pasting the contents of my original bug report (both of them) I get a Page Not Found error message....&nbsp; First off... this is my third time typing this as my first bug report submission, ironically, ended in a bug (71a5e3157eab4d618dd56082ef3e3552) I didn't catch the second bug report code, but I'm sure it was the same issue. &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Secondly, when doing a /r 1d20 + @{character|stealth_bonus} + @{character|global_skill_mod} it does not add the stealth bonus from the 5e OGL sheet unless there is something to add from the global_skill_mod (like Guidance) as well, as shown below. My macro: /gmroll 1d20+@{Ondine Meadowmarsh|global_skill_mod}+@{Ondine Meadowmarsh|stealth_bonus} What's returned without a global_skill_mod active: (To GM)rolling 1d20+3+ ( 18 ) = 18 What's returned WITH a global_skill_mod active: (To GM)rolling 1d20+3+<span class="inlinerollresult showtip tipsy-n-right fullcrit" original-title=" Rolling 1d4[Guidance] = ( 4 )" style="box-sizing: content-box; background-color: rgb(254, 246, 142); border: 2px solid rgb(63, 179, 21); padding: 0px 3px; font-weight: bold; cursor: help; font-size: inherit;">4 ( 19 ) +3+4 = 26 Also, I assume it's related, if I swap the positions of skill_bonus and global_skill_mod, it gives a verification error and a 0 result. (To GM)rolling 1d20++3 ( 15 ) ++3 = 0 Something seems to be wrong with the above roll -- it failed verification.

Edited 1596454773
Sheet Author
API Scripter
The math gets messed up by missing or blank Attributes. You can try this: /gmroll 1d20 + 0@{Ondine Meadowmarsh|global_skill_mod} +@{Ondine Meadowmarsh|stealth_bonus} put a 0 in front of the Attribute - this will work as long as the Attribute starts with an integer. I haven't really tested this much, so some mods might break it. Or you could add a global mod which gives you a +0 and leave it on all the time. This will stop the Attribute from ever being blank. The global mod Attributes weren't really designed to work directly in rolls - if they had a "0" value when empty, they'd trigger the {{global}} field in the templates when they're not supposed to. Or.... you could just let the sheet do its job: /w gm %{Ondine Meadowmarsh|stealth} instead of reinventing the wheel :)
Oosh said: The math gets messed up by missing or blank Attributes. You can try this: /gmroll 1d20 + 0@{Ondine Meadowmarsh|global_skill_mod} +@{Ondine Meadowmarsh|stealth_bonus} put a 0 in front of the Attribute - this will work as long as the Attribute starts with an integer. I haven't really tested this much, so some mods might break it. Or you could add a global mod which gives you a +0 and leave it on all the time. This will stop the Attribute from ever being blank. The global mod Attributes weren't really designed to work directly in rolls - if they had a "0" value when empty, they'd trigger the {{global}} field in the templates when they're not supposed to. Or.... you could just let the sheet do its job: /w gm %{Ondine Meadowmarsh|stealth} instead of reinventing the wheel :) Thanks for the reply Oosh. I've perused forums, redits, and turorials for months while learning Roll20 as well as I could and don't think I've come across the "%{Ondine Meadowmarsh|stealth}" method. That's brilliant. And thank you for the workaround suggestion as well. Thanks!!