Extreme Success does not appear to be recognised correctly. From the 7th Ed Keeper's Rulebook: If the attacker achieves an Extreme success with a nonimpaling weapon (for example, blunt weapons, such as a fist, kick, or club), then they have hit a weak spot and caused maximum damage (plus maximum damage bonus, if any). So, for Brawl (base 1d3 ) with Dmg Bonus 1d4 : Normal Success : 1d3+1d4 - rolled correctly, e.g. 2 + 3 = 5 Extreme Result should be [1d]3+[1d]4=7, but it is rolled as per Normal Success . In addition, for Extreme Success with an Impaling Melee weapon , a knife (base 1d4), with Damage Bonus 1d4, it's not obvious what to specify in the weapon's Damage Bonus and Impale sections to achieve coherent results for Normal and Extreme Damage that usefully show maximum base and damage bonus + a base roll for the weapon as per the rules. I can easily do the calc myself, but that seems like a waste of the interface. Is the sheet wrong or am I not doing itright? And...thank you in advance.