Hi folks, Person with no scripting skills here. I'm trying to create a check database for the 5E Roll20 Template character sheet to work with the Group Check script. I can't get my head around the documentation below for how to make a new check. !group-check-config --add [JSON] adds a check, or several checks, to the list of checks in the database. JSON Format { "Check Command" : { "name" : "Check Name", "formula" : "FORMULA"} } Example provided: !group-check-config --add { "Strength" : { "name" : "Strength Test", "formula" : "[d20 + \at{Strength}]"} From another source, I picked up this useful macro to roll saves for a selected token that works with the D&D 5E Roll20 template. I've included the bit for a Strength Save. /w gm &{template:default} {{name= @{selected|character_name} Saving Throws}} {{Str=[[@{selected|d20}+(@{selected|strength_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}*(1-ceil((@{selected|npc})*0.1)))+(@{selected|npc_str_save}*@{selected|npc})]] | [[@{selected|d20}+(@{selected|strength_save_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}*(1-ceil((@{selected|npc})*0.1)))+(@{selected|npc_str_save}*@{selected|npc})]]}} Can someone please tell me how I could use this to make a new strength save Group Check? I'll work through the rest and then move on to try and integrating the Apply Damage script. Thanks very much!