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[LFP][Free] Starting DnD 5e Homebrew Campaign

September 20 (4 years ago)

Edited September 22 (4 years ago)
Marketplace Creator


I'm looking for a couple more players for a homebrew campaign that will take place on Sunday afternoons around 4pm Eastern US time. No official start date yet as I am still looking for players. The setting is one of my own making and has a few peculiarities. You would be starting at level 1 after coming to or being from a major trade city known as Hansa, which is located in a country called the Armistice Domain. This domain is currently having issues with undead. I have an entire Players' Handout on Google Drive that I can link to those that are interested, but don't want post that here as the homebrew Ghost class has a lot of sections that are word-for-word from the MM.

Approved Races, Classes, and Spells:

Dwarf (Hill and Mountain), Elf (High, Wood, Drow), Human, Halfling (Lightfoot, Stout), Dragonborn, Gnome (Forest, Rock), Half-Orc, Half-Elf, Half Dwarf (PDF linked in players' handout), Tiefling, Aarakocra, Genasi, and Goliath are all automatically approved. If you have another race in mind (such as Kobold) or a subrace from another book (such as Sea Elf/Half-Elf of Sea Elf ancestry), and I own the book it is out of, you can tell me about your idea and I will approve or deny it. The books I own will be listed below.

Spells from the Elemental Evil Players' Companion are allowed. Spells from other sources will need to be approved.

Approved classes are the ones out of the PHB and the ghost homebrew class (it has restrictions). If you want something else, I can look at it and tell you yes or no.

Current Books and Materials

5e PHB, DMG, Volo's, SCAG (mostly for the 1/2 Elf variants. Can make a case for other classes), Curse of Strahd, EE Players' Companion, Xanathar's, Mordenkainen's, Tasha's (ETA: November)

Corrected Norse Gods

In the D&D PHB, some gods and goddesses are listed incorrectly. This campaign uses the names, genders, and patronages that are known from mythology (Skadi is a woman, Sif is a goddess of harvest, etc), though one can choose any pantheon to follow as all of them (including the official D&D ones) are present. The ones most important to the starting country are the Norse ones.

Tokens from Roll20 only (I have a page to choose from). I understand that some races don't have as many tokens as others, but just make due. I will not download things from private servers.

Try to keep characters clean and respectful. The villainous classes in the DMG will not be available to players unless there is good cause for them to be so. You can make a case for rare races/classes or homebrew content, but if I say no, leave it at that. If it is paid content that I don't own, it's an automatic no. I only ever allow 1 PC in reserve. You will only be given character sheets for your active PC and a character sheet for a backup.

Only be logged into the campaign when you are playing or building a character. Please don't camp out on the campaign. I sometimes have to enter games in player mode to make sure things are working properly and you don't need to see what I'm working on in advance.

September 20 (4 years ago)

Im intersted !

September 20 (4 years ago)

Can i pm you ? 

September 20 (4 years ago)
Marketplace Creator

Antoine.A said:

Can i pm you ? 


September 21 (4 years ago)


I recently created a server on discord to play D&D and over games. I welcome newcomers and homebrew stuff. I am a player myself looking for players and dms/gms. If you are interested add me on discord. Sidus Showmo#0428 

Hi, I am interested. I have a very free schedule. I have few years experience playing 5e and even DMing it. I love homebrew stuff, and have no problems with your race stipulations whatsoever. :)

September 21 (4 years ago)

I'm interested as well

September 21 (4 years ago)
I am also very interested if the offer is still open
September 21 (4 years ago)

Good morning, Im interested as well. Let me know if we can talk more

September 21 (4 years ago)

I'm interested.  I've been roleplaying for quite some time, but I'm new to 5th edition, and I've always played in person before.  I've read most of the Player's Handbook.  I have a character concept for just about every class, so I could play whatever the group needed.

I'm open to join I'm free on sunday

September 21 (4 years ago)
Marketplace Creator

Hi guys. Between yesterday and today (and between here and Discord), I've had about 20 people respond. I'm going through in the order they came to me. So far, one confirmed and then dropped, so I'm still sort of looking, but there's a list.

September 21 (4 years ago)

Long time DM here, would love to join a home-brew campaign. Ive been looking for some time to no avail. Looking to burn down the world to save it!

September 22 (4 years ago)

I am interested as well, my discord is Frezmo#8302 or shoot me a message on here. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have and have played D&D for a fairly long time. 

Been seeking a long term game but seems getting into one is like trying to get a job in todays market, HARD. I am dedicated and 48 yrs old. I can do many voices and can play just about any class/race. I have a rogue with a split personality that might be a good character for your campaign if needed. He is a lightfoot halfling.

September 22 (4 years ago)
Marketplace Creator

Game is full now. Hopefully there's other game postings that will work for you all.