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Animated WEBM not uploading

I've only managed to upload animated WEBM files that is in the range of 500kb in size recently. But I've got a larger file I want to use as a splash screen for my players that is 4 MB, and it refuses to upload. I haven't had any issues with this in the past, and I still have some WEBM files uploaded that works that are larger than 4MB. 
I have problems with webm files too. I noticed that webm file encoded with vp9 can't be uploaded. Vp8 ones are uploaded but when I drag and drop I can't manage to make them work. :(
I have the same problem. It can take about 6-8h to load a 9.5mb file (if it loads... because sometimes you directly spend all that time and load badly, which leads to it appearing in recent uploads, but not being usable)... and when it loads, when displayed on the screen it looks extremely blurry.... it doesn't make sense...
Have there been any updates on this? I'd really like to use this gorgeous animated map for my players (I spent some time compressing/editing it so it'd be under Roll20's 5mb file size restriction). I can upload it, but when I drag and drop is, nothing happens.
No Roll20 team response to this?? I am having this issue as well. Can we get some acknowledgement or advice on this situation?
Any response from the roll20 team? this annoying problem remains unsolved.  It takes hours to load a webm file of more than 1.5mb, and then sometimes it loads well and sometimes not at all. Not to mention that the quality you get has nothing to do with the original file, so it loses around 40-50% quality at least (which is inexplicable)
no response?
Hi folks, I'd appreciate a Roll20 response to this question, too. I just purchased Animated Weather map overlays from the Marketplace on the assumption I could use them in my game. Also unable to upload. Thanks!
It would be great if support could respond to this. I’ve got various webm files, some of which work and others that don’t. I would be happy to provide these for testing
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
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Zero consolation but I have pinged the Devs on the behalf of this thread previously, they are snowed under at present but I'll re-ping to see if we can get a visit from the powers that be :)
Hi everyone, Sorry that we had not responded sooner (Thank you Ziechael!). If you have files that are not uploading, if you could please post a console log here capturing when the error occurs. Console Love from Chrome Console Log from Firefox Additionally, if this appears to be happening with some files and not others, as some of you have mentioned, if you could submit a ticket through our help center and provide one of each so we can hopefully get some reproduction steps:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Christopher K
Marketplace Creator
I'm copying and pasting this from another thread, since I know a dev has entered the conversation and this should ping him. I've been able to upload animated maps, webm to be specific, here and there, but I'm always met with either engorged "upload" times or it just doesn't upload at all and I get no notification. This morning, I tried again. First, I uploaded two animated tokens, each a little less than 2mb. They took longer to upload than I would have liked, but they appeared in my list and I was able to use them Then I tried to upload an animated map. The map's dimensions are large - 2048x1810 - but the file size is 4.7mb. I cleared the console of my browser's dev tools and dropped the file onto the upload area. This is what I get: Uncaught abort("Cannot enlarge memory arrays. Either (1) compile with&nbsp; -s TOTAL_MEMORY=X&nbsp; with X higher than the current value 268435456, (2) compile with&nbsp; -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1&nbsp; which allows increasing the size at runtime but prevents some optimizations, (3) set Module.TOTAL_MEMORY to a higher value before the program runs, or (4) if you want malloc to return NULL (0) instead of this abort, compile with&nbsp; -s ABORTING_MALLOC=0 "). Build with -s ASSERTIONS=1 for more info. A quick google search suggests that this isn't necessarily a problem with the size of the file being uploaded, but that the ffmpeg buffer server side should be increased to&nbsp; 536870912 &nbsp;in order to accommodate&nbsp;larger dimensions. I tried uploading as MP4, first with 8mbps then with 4mbps to get a 4.6mb file and a 2.2mb file respectively. Notably, both immediately seemed to fail, with the same error in the console, but after refreshing the page, the MP4s both appeared in my library, now as WEBM files. EDIT: &nbsp;Even though both now appear in my library, dragging either of them to the playfield results in a slew of additional errors in the console, but no map on the screen. Similarly, I get console errors when mousing over the icons in the library - 403 Forbidden and "Error loading graphic, probably due to CORS" whatever that is. I'm a little concerned (though I still have plenty of storage on my account) that these files are eating into my storage quota, little by little, but I'm unable to remove the ones I can't see. More importantly, I just want to be able to use my maps. I got a game this weekend and I'd really love to be able to unleash my underwater underlings on them in a more fully realized map!
Christopher K
Marketplace Creator
So, just for giggles today, I thought I'd try to load up a map again. I don't dare get my hopes up, and I certainly won't say this issues is solved, but one of the files I tried, a WEBM map, 487kb uploaded and I was able to place it, motion and all, on the playfield. There's no change on the speed at which it shows in the library and when I tried a higher quality file (695k) it once again failed to load and resulted in errors on the console. Still, I didn't think it would hurt to post an update.