Sorry guys, I've done a lot of searching and either I've missed the topic or cannot work it out once I've found it. This is what I have so far: ! ?{Difficulty|Mundane,0|Simple,4|Challenging,7|Complex,10|Strenuous,13|Insane,16} ! ?{Stat|Strength,@{selected|STR}|Dexterity,@{selected|DEX}} ! ?{Skill|One,1|Two,2|Three,3|Four,4|Five,5} &{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name} - Skill Check}} {{Success Dice: =[[{1d10>?{Difficulty}}]] Success}} {{No of Success: =[[{(1+?{Skill})d10>?{Difficulty}}]] Successes}} But what I want to be able to do is, in the sections where it has: 1d10>?{Difficulty} I want to do something like: (1d10+?{Stat}+?{Skill})>?{Difficulty} But when I try different ways of doing that, it fails. Any help would be greatly appreciated :) Used for S.L.A. Industries Second Edition