It would be really helpful if you could take a journal page and break it out as it's own tab or window. I've mentioned this a few times in the blog comments, but it's probably a better idea to give it a proper thread here. The basic premise is this: Journal entries, particularly with the new addition of character sheets, take up a lot of screen space and cover the playing board. This is exacerbated by the fact that there isn't really a good way to switch between multiple pages and the board. While it might be possible to come up with a work-around for this with-in the app, most OSs already have solutions for multiple windows built in at the hot key level. If I could pop out my character sheet (and have it's macro's still work) and one or two key journal entries, it would be trivial (and, more importantly, quick) to alt-tab between them. Even better, if I have multiple monitors, I can have the actual game on one and information related to the game on the other, removing the need for any switching. This would drastically improve the flow of the many, information intensive, games and also make it much easier to arrange macros (You could simply have a sheet dedicated to them or call them off your character's journal entry).