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Artist Alley!

Hey everyone! This thread is dedicated to allow our awesome Marketplace Creators to showcase their work and allow others in the community to share their art work as well! Please keep in mind, that Roll20 may not be affiliated with all of the artists here, and we will delete any posts that violate our  Code of Conduct . If you are curious about the use of this sub-forum, you can check out more info at the  Roll20Con Guidelines post  and If you would like to stay up to date on what is going on during Roll20Con, please check out the  Event Announcements & Updates thread .

Edited 1603450765
N Robaina
Marketplace Creator
Well, heck, I guess I'll start.&nbsp; I'm relatively new to the Marketplace, having submitted my first token set in 2019, and have released a total of five under the "Bloody Tokens" line.&nbsp; I was inspired to do this due to the fact that my RPG of choice is Shadow of the Demon Lord, and I had a hard time finding tokens that fit many of the monsters in that game.&nbsp; I've tried to keep my sets to be fantasy and horror-themed and have delved deeply into old movies and tv shows for inspiration. I prefer a "mostly" top-down view for my tokens.&nbsp; I'm currently working on an adventure which will feature new tokens as well.&nbsp; I can be reached on Twitter at DM Nel@DM_Nel.&nbsp; I also have a video blog on YouTube where I talk mostly about Shadow of the Demon Lord, but also about using Roll20 for my games and my token sets, of course.&nbsp; My YouTube channel is:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1603429568
Richard T.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Hello, thanks for taking a look at my wares&nbsp;at Sceneficant Maps !&nbsp;I've put together some unique offerings today, some old and some new. My husband keeps buying me things from Amazon and I need to get him back!&nbsp; If you haven't seen my Theatre of the Mind set, this is a good set for those moments of rest between encounter maps or for groups who eschew maps but would still like something to gather the eyes.&nbsp; &nbsp;☼It comes with&nbsp; a spooky version for your Halloween games☼&nbsp; If you are the kind of GM who likes to stress your players, consider putting a clock on the action ! These sets come with a broad number of Rollable Tokens, each representing "clocks" that function as trackers. They can be count-downs to terrible events, invention trackers, or progress trackers for changing attitudes of local guilds and NPCs.&nbsp; &nbsp;☼With a &nbsp;fancy animated cyber set for shadow running under the clock☼&nbsp; Thanks again for checking out some of these items, I'll leave you with a map set that I've recently released by Burn Bryte but would go handsomely for games where you are interested in more exotic locales. The set has some ideas for new places for you and your players to go.&nbsp;

Edited 1603429430
Hazel's Emporium
Marketplace Creator
Greetings! I am Hazel, with Hazel's Emporium! I'm an LGBTQ+ creator that likes to create Environment Building Assets, Maps, and Character Tokens!&nbsp; Feel free to look at my wares! I focus on creating diverse tokens to help suit and represent all the awesome D&amp;D players out there and making things I rarely see in the game décor. You can find and follow me on Twitter&nbsp; HERE &nbsp;if you'd like to see in progress images! I'm constantly creating new asset ideas that I'm throwing at the Roll20 Marketplace. My shop has 9 items so far, starting, of course, with my latest Halloween themed set! Halloween Décor - 90 Items! Japanese Building Art Pack Market Stall Set Quaint Western Décor Set Map Building Essentials Tavern Food Pack Winter Battle Maps and Terrain Décor Generic NPCs - Humans - 24 tokens! Generic NPC's - Elves ENJOY ROLL20CON! Take initiative and game on!

Edited 1603429264
Alex Drummond
Marketplace Creator
Hey everyone happy&nbsp; #Roll20Con&nbsp; I am Alex Drummond the creator of Epic Isometric. I am hard at work in the studio right now drawing the next big expansions to the fantasy and scifi sets.&nbsp; If you want to hang out and see the drawing process i will likely stream this weekend over on my twitch channel. &nbsp; Thanks, may you roll only 20's.
Christopher K
Marketplace Creator
I'll go next! I only have one pack so far and a ton of ideas in the back of my head sparked by the campaigns I'm running for friends. Please allow me to introduce you to Tentacles, Tibias and Traps&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'm all about the animated. I'm a Motion Graphics artist by trade and I use Blender for 3D modeling and animation. When the pandemic hit, I used the spare time at first, fleshing out existing maps and added little surprises for my players, but as I collected more an more animations, it became obvious that I should be putting them up for sale. If you like my style and want to see something specific (not currently copyrighted by any publishers) let me know and I might include them in my next round. Thanks for taking a peek!

Edited 1603431914
Sunset Industries
Marketplace Creator
Hey everybody! I'm Sara, aka SunsetIndustries. I've been here on Roll20 for a few years now, I'm your friendly cyberpunk and cyberpunk accessory creator! I mostly make portraits and tokens for cyberpunk, scifi and horror-themed games. I've been super passionate about the cyberpunk genre since I was ten years old and it never ceases to amaze me that the weirdness in my head lives a wild life far beyond me in other people's games. Here are a few picks to show off what I do here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'm really honored that people enjoy them as much as they do (I get emails from people here and there, it's amazing) and I hope to keep sharing my insanity for years to come! I've got a twitter ( @sunsetndustries ) where you can reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns or just for a great recipe for peanut butter date balls. I'll be focusing more on my Instagram in the coming year and you can check out my paintings over on artstation here. If you made it this far, you might be interested in a sneak peek at my new secret project. Detective Inspector Toad is my favorite so far!
E. R. Norman
Marketplace Creator
Hi everyone! I'm Emmy, AKA E.R. Norman, gamer and artist extraordinaire! I've been a roll20 creator since January 2019, but have used the platform for ttrpgs since 2017.&nbsp; I really love making these little animal adventurer sets which were inspired by the Redwall series and other books about woodland heroes and am delighted that so many people have bought them for their own games. I currently have 7 sets available, with creature adventurers and villains of every stripe and color. One of my most popular sets is&nbsp; Creepers and Crawlers , which features fifty bugs, spiders, snakes, and other vermin and slimy things.&nbsp; Another popular set is the creatures of Forest and River, which is full of hares, a few foxes and frogs, squirrels, and so much more: Creatures of the Forest and River Find the rest of the sets&nbsp; here . In addition, I have a few new sets coming soon, including Creatures of the Court (which features knights, dames, palace guards, nobility, and so much more!), Creatures of the Black Market (Find your scoundrels, assassins, thieves, and shady dealers in this upcoming set.), and more to come as inspiration strikes. May the dice be ever in your favor!
Nick Turner
Marketplace Creator
Hi everyone, I'm Nick, and possibly one of the newest creators to the marketplace, having my first pack of token markers live for less than a month now. Designed to supplement or replace the default token markers, providing something more tailored to 5th edition D&amp;D, these small icons aim to be clear and easy to read at any zoom level, and easily allow you to track all of the normal status effects found in the game. I am working on a larger pack covering the most common spell effects, and considering making similar packs for the status and condition effects of other popular games. Essential Status Icon Pack for 5e

Edited 1603440022
Pancake Goblin
Marketplace Creator
Thanks for the invite to join Roll20Con! I'm Jojo the creator behind The Elvish Emporium.&nbsp; I first played Dungeons and Dragons in the 90s when I was 8 years old. It was only for a few sessions but I loved it and had wanted to play again for many years. I finally got my chance again in 2018 and it completely changed my life.&nbsp;I gained a whole bunch of new friends, a fantastic hobby and a focus for my creative endeavours. Despite playing in person for several years I'm actually crazy new to Roll20. We started using the platform to play during the 2020 lockdown and I have only been a creator since the beginning of this month!&nbsp; I've always been passionate about art and fantasy so when I realised I could be creating for roll20 I sat down and began working hard.&nbsp; While I can draw in many styles, I decided to focus my efforts on Bordered Tokens as I consider myself ultimately to be a portrait artist.&nbsp; It's my goal to build a huge collection of individual characters from all walks of life which can be used by Players and DMs alike to enrich worlds and campaigns.&nbsp; Here are my current works which are available in the MP: &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Friend or Foe - Tieflings Pack &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Friend of Foe - Catfolk Pack I also have one pack currently Pending which should be ready in the next day or so: &nbsp;&nbsp; Friend or Foe - Knights of the Realm - Please keep your eyes open for it! The Future of Elvish Emporium? As mentioned above I am only just beginning my journey, so I'd love to have people follow me and watch me grow. I have a lot of different projects on the horizon, including several new token packs as well as a side project with a friend to produce Dungeons and Dragons reference materials.&nbsp; A sneak peak at my next tokens:&nbsp; Familiars and Wild shape Creature pack.&nbsp; I'm also working on a Friend or Foe - Common Folk pack.&nbsp; If you'd like to follow my journey then please check out my&nbsp; Twitter &nbsp;and my&nbsp; Instagram . If you'd like to reach out to me and offer suggestions or just&nbsp;chit chat I love to hear from people. Thanks for reading!&nbsp;

Edited 1603440925
Neil Thorpe
Marketplace Creator
Happy # Roll20Con! Neil Thorpe here from&nbsp; 2D Storyteller , i create packs to help GM's bring their stories to life and create memorable scenes that live on long after the dice have stopped rolling. My main focus is animated maps and tokens but i also create modular packs which allow GM's to have complete control over their environments. My imagination rarely sits still and i create for all kinds of genres, so whether you want to fight your way through a zombie apocalypse, travel beyond the stars or steal some gold from a dragon, i have something for you! Dwarven Mountain High Seas Galaxy Interface &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; Bring out your dead One of the things I've always loved about Role playing games is that everyone is welcome at the table, and it should be the same everywhere. So this Rollcon don't forget to Donate &nbsp; to&nbsp;'Code2040' and help end racial disparity in the tech industry!

Edited 1603456018
Marketplace Creator
Hello all you lovely souls! I'm Yuikami, or just Yui. I'm an illustrator who likes to game a lot! And Roll20 allows me to live my dream! I do fantasy cutesie &amp; cartoon-ish style that's quite safe for kids and adult alike. Please, feel free to browse and have a super happy good time! ✧(◕▿◕✿) GENERIC GRAVEYARD MAP GENERIC UNDEAD TOKENS 1 GENERIC UNDEAD TOKENS 2 GENERIC WITCH TOKENS GENERIC MONSTER TOKENS 1 GENERIC TOWNFOLKS TOKENS 1 GENERIC DIY JUNGLE MAPS GENERIC INSTANT FOREST MAPS GENERIC STATUS TOKEN MARKERS ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* And many many more here! *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Marketplace Creator
Hello, I'm On963 I am a DM and I usually make simple cartoon tokens for my NPC's and Players. I've uploaded a few&nbsp; Projects &nbsp;before and made a couple sales here and there. And after a while I had an Idea to Create a Drag and drop system to allow me to rapidly make NPCs on the fly for my games (b/c I'm more of a "seat of the pants" kind of DM), and as I developed the Idea a bit more, My friend recommended I sell them online, so I ended up bundling my the best of them and selling it as&nbsp; Customizable Cartoon Characters &nbsp;and it was received better then I expected, so I made a follow up unoriginally named&nbsp; Customizable Cartoon Characters 2 . and later the addon pack Customizable Cartoon Characters Outfit Pack , as well as some more packs in the works.
Marketplace Creator
Hi all, this is Minkee from&nbsp; Two Brave Puffins . We make colourful and diverse isometric tokens, with new packs coming out all the time. Here's a little selection of what's out and a little sneak preview of who's coming up:&nbsp; Tieflings Pack 05 Released October 30th!&nbsp; Casters Pack 03 Dragon and Kobold Minions Pack And a little preview of Molly and Louise, from the upcoming Bandits pack. These two lead the Zhents in the land of Valskovia.&nbsp;

Edited 1603457665
Chris B.
Marketplace Creator
Hi all, I'm Chris with Heroic Roleplaying Press &nbsp;and I'm so glad to share my art with you!&nbsp; I have been writing and making art for tabletop games since 2016. Now more than ever, I think that players and game masters deserve value and variety.&nbsp; That is why many of my sets have over 1,000 items--way more than anything else on the Marketplace. We have the largest token marker and status icon bundles on the Marketplace with over 2,500 items: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> We also have the largest map packs on the Marketplace.&nbsp; My latest set includes over 1,200 maps, tiles, and decorations perfect for your next Burn Bryte or Starfinder adventure: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> All of my maps and tiles snap together seamlessly.&nbsp; You can mix, match, and customize pieces for a consistent art style across an entire campaign: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I want to give all players and game masters the tools to create, even if they have not mastered Photoshop or earned a degree in graphic design: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Make sure to join me for all of the great content at this year's Roll20Con and don't forget to donate !
Robert B.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Welcome adventurer! We have heroes, monsters, and more for your role-playing pleasure. I'm coyotegrey and I create tokens for fantasy games. I have a variety of packs available that all work nicely together and am always working on more. Basic Adventurer Tokens Basic Encounter Tokens Basic Town Tokens Expert Adventurer Tokens Elemental Tokens Greek Hero and Monster Tokens Greek Hero and Monster Tokens II And more on the way! Here's a sneak peak of upcoming packs...

Edited 1603462297
the Knobbywood
Marketplace Creator
Well met, humble folk! I am the Knobbywood and I conjure art assets for use at your VTT games. I currently have 5 packs available featuring maps, vehicles, character tokens, and token marker sets. Please feel free to browse my selection. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Many more are on their way to the roll20 marketplace. You can check out my Marketplace Profile here . Thanks for playing on Roll20! Make art. Play games.

Edited 1603467735
Steven Colling
Marketplace Creator
Hey! My name is Steven Colling: I'm originally a video game developer, but I also make art packs for the TTRPG community! &nbsp; &nbsp; LINK &nbsp; LINK &nbsp; LINK &nbsp; LINK &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Marketplace Creator
Ethan here! I designed the game One Last Fight , an adventure card game where you are a band of adventurers on their final quest to defeat their nemesis. You build the world as you play, guided by questions on each card. Complete challenges with odd curios and cursed treasures. Everything comes to the final battle where you face down the Nemesis! Over 100 cards of adventure, including 10 different Nemesis archetypes like "The World Eater," "The Forgotten Monarch," or "The Illuminate." 10 unique role cards to play as such as the fate defining Astrologer, the blood powered Witch, or the impossibly lucky Fool. You can buy the game here! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Also keep an eye here! I'll have a game about Gob adventures and friendships here soon! You can see any updates on that over on Thanks everyone! Have a wonderful Roll20Con!

Edited 1603469530
Tvrtko Validzic
Marketplace Creator
Greetings! I've been about a long while, though rarely do I post on forums themselves. So ancient am I, that some of the older maps were made in time when grid norm was 70x70 instead of 140x140! Still, I truck on, and am currently working on a simple new pack. Most of what you can find amongst my work are simple, completed maps, for plug&amp;play, often with variations included, made so any DM can take them and if they so desire, fill them up with extra bits and pieces, should they so choose. My approach was always towards simplicity, and it sees use of a lot of free textures and assets, which is why I place only maps in my packs, not the assets themselves. D&amp;D offers, no matter which ruleset or setting one picks, a boundless world of possibilities and options, limited only by your own imagination. I hope all those who venture there shall wind their places, and the circle which will welcome them fondly with open arms. Thus I hope you will enjoy Roll20Con to the fullest. The eldest one. It got the idea going, and worked well for a few D&amp;D campaigns I ran years back. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The second one turned out okay, though I was never really happy with how the trees turned out. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This one was very fun to make and gave me thought that ruin making was perhaps something I excelled at more than wilderness. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Following on that trend, this was made. Simple enough for a session of a dungeon delving. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The one I made inspired by a short story written long ago.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Another piece I was quite fond of, for it was initially started for my own DM purposes. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Ah, yes, the Nurnian Jungle, where the elves eat their foes. Fun place. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Ruins of Lys is a place envisioned for a series of short stories written a while back, and as such, I was quite happy to be able to put it down visually. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Finally, the place where the stout dwarves held fast until they could hold no longer. One of my favorites to work on. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1603470365
Marketplace Creator
<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Hello! I'm William Lyday. I recently submitted my first pack of hero tokens, and am working on a new one as we speak! I work as a professional illustrator and fine artist who happens to love playing D&amp;D. You can find more of my art on my insta at&nbsp; &nbsp; I've attached a few other original pieces here so you can see kind of what else to expect.&nbsp;
Brian C.
Marketplace Creator
Compendium Curator
Hi! I'm Brian Criswell, and I help people bring their adventures to the Roll20 marketplace. Everything is created with a high level of polish from the experience gained releasing 19 full-length adventures and collections of one shots to the marketplace. I also offer product hosting through my publisher account where I handle all royalty disbursements. You can find my publisher page at&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Just released is an adventure licensed from EN Publishing's&nbsp; War of the Burning Sky &nbsp;adventure path, the first in its trilogy of ending adventures for level 19 PCs and beyond. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Much of my work is in D&amp;D 5e, like the Mini Dungeon Tome one shot collections for AAW Games. <a href=";author=AAW%20Games" rel="nofollow">;author=AAW%20Games</a> I do take on adventures from other systems, like Abattoir 8 &nbsp;from Iron GM's Grimmerspace setting. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> And coming soon, Island at the Axis of the World , the first adventure in EN Publishing's epic ZEITGEIST adventure path!
Wider Path Games
Marketplace Creator
Incredible tokens and sandbox adventures! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;

Edited 1603473164
Creators and creativity lovers!!! I'm loving seeing your posts come in. Keep them coming; Artist Alley is open all weekend long ! I want to make sure y'all know about some sweet merch we have going on to help us raise funds for Code2040 during the convention and show off your Roll20Con swag. You can grab a Roll20Con shirt on teespring: - all t-shirt sales directly benefit Code2040! You can snag&nbsp; an official Roll20 die from our friends at Norse Foundry , who are also Marketplace Creators on Roll20! 20% of all sales goes to Code2040! There are only 100 d20s available this weekend! We've got a three new Burn Bryte products released on the Roll20 Marketplace this weekend, including Trapped at the Edge - an adventure that's free for all Roll20 users for this weekend only!&nbsp; We are only a few hours into the show and the progress bar's already moving on our Tiltify goal - thank you all for everything you're doing! -Emily
Andrew Soman
Marketplace Creator
Hi everyone! Nice to see the all the artists coming together here. So much beautiful art! My name is Drew, I'm pretty new to the block at Roll20. I published my first token pack Drew's Inventorium of Humanoids I &nbsp;a few weeks ago, *streamers and confetti* and I'm brewing up some new tokens and maps as we speak! I'm excited to see everybody's hard work, and feel free to send any questions you have my way. Also I'm DMing tonight, so wish me luck!&nbsp;

Edited 1603478079
Marketplace Creator
Hey everyone, I'm Dsurion I learned about Roll20 3 almost 4 years ago when I wanted to try playing a game with some friends and one of them lives on a different city, after looking around for a bit I decided to make the maps and tokens in pixel art style, we only did one session but that's where I decided to join the marketplace and learn how to do proper pixel art. I have 80+ packs (almost 90) with tokens, maps, portraits and some spells and traps, I also have a patreon where I make more stuff that is later re-uploaded here along with commissioned art Currently I'm mostly doing tokens and portraits (for patreon and commissions) but if you would like to see a new tileset for a specific location let me know, I kinda have to do more of those :P Here are the places to find me Roll20 Marketplace&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Twitter&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Patreon&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Marketplace Creator
Hey there artist alley, GalefireRPG here and I make isometric stuff and monsters mostly, check it out! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Here is my newest addition, a Cyberpunk isometric map making pack! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1603512646
Marketplace Creator
Ah, Hello. I am C. Jackman, marketplace illustrator and creator of the new Character Complete series. Providing high detail illustrations takes a lot of time and it is what I love making most. I do have a TON of new product packages in the works from Tanar'ri demons to vibrant Scifi heroes. I am even working on a set of top down token figures. Coming up are some sample images! Come check out my storefront and/or follow my work on Artstation or Twitter. Roll20 Storefront: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I'm really new to twitter D: I LOVE rollplay podcasts too so you may occasionally catch my fan art in social media. Yup, more to come. Hope to one day illustrate for the Monster Manuals.

Edited 1603489017
Ada L.
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Anyone need art for their Burn Bryte games? I've got you some sets for that! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> For those of you planeswalkers out there, I've got some planar creature token sets available as well! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Running a post-apoc game, Vault-dweller? I've got some creature and prop sets for that genre too! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> My full catalog: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1603489525
Janice S.
Marketplace Creator
Hi :-)&nbsp;&nbsp; I'm Janice ... and I love to create maps that are beautiful as well as practical... I hope that they will inspire many different stories and adventures as well as many good memories. My maps &amp; assets are mostly at Battlemap scale, with a few city and region maps mixed in occasionally. Visit my Roll20 Publisher Page to check them all out If you want to keep an eye out for what I am currently working on, you can track me down on Twitter or Instagram Have a great weekend of gaming everyone :-)
Gabriel P.
Marketplace Creator
Save Vs Cave: Village to Pillage: Vile Tiles: Critical Trails: Slap-down Towns: And many more. Need to "Hollar at yuh boy" Follow me in twitter .

Edited 1603546320
Julien De Lucca
Marketplace Creator
Hello there, everyone! Such a pleasure to be working alongside so many great artists! I see many of your work on the marketplace but we never get the chance to talk! Feel free to message me on Twitter @jdelucca! And below, some of my creations: [Dungeon Decor]( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ) (The Phantom Woman)[ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ] (Magic Spells)[ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ] (Dungeons)[ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ] (MAZES)[ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ] And a bunch more (here)[ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ]!

Edited 1603666129
Sheet Author
Ok, ok, so you marketplace content creators have all kinds of stuff to choose from.&nbsp; We get it.&nbsp; Now it is time to show you how "real" people use your artwork.&nbsp; Just for simplicity I am going to pick on tokens.&nbsp; Since I run a game where field of view can be important, I tend to use top down tokens, and so have quite a collection of Devin Night's work with some entries in my collection from David North, Riley Owens, and Elcio Trombini.&nbsp; These things seem to slowly accumulate.&nbsp; They almost seem to multiply on their own.&nbsp; Like rabbits maybe. And still, they just don't have all I need.&nbsp; I mean, most of the posts in this thread are fantasy related, but it seems like the most common meme about fantasy creatures is not being responded to...&nbsp; "A wizard did it!"&nbsp; Yeah, you got every version of undead possible covered six ways from Sunday.&nbsp; But what about the things adventurers can run into when not mucking about in some crypt?&nbsp; Right, you got a gazillion goblins, orcs, animals, and dragons.&nbsp; So what?&nbsp; Sometimes you just need to drag out some creature from the book to make your players wonder what type of mind altering medication you are taking. Like the lowly Wing-Tip.&nbsp; A fey creature that is empathic and just really wants everyone to be happy and content.&nbsp; It is a white ball of fluff with wings.&nbsp; How hard is that?&nbsp; So, here I am trying to make my players (characters) happy, and I'm being let down by all these content creators that didn't think to put a blob of white with wings in any of their collections!&nbsp; Then I realized that I could take Night's white wolf and mercilessly erase most of it until there was just the white fluff and texture of the shoulder area.&nbsp; Then I just need wings (mostly white!).&nbsp; I don't remember where the wings came from.&nbsp; I can't find them now, so it was probably some set that staggered out of the bar one night and crashed in my collection for a while before being able to make it home.&nbsp; Ok, so my players (characters) are happy, so now I need something big and scary.&nbsp; How about a dragondactyl?&nbsp; Oh, that isn't some cut rate dragon, it is a horse.&nbsp; That has bat wings, a serpent's tail, and is carnivorous.&nbsp; And I'm not talking about some bony thestral, this thing eats good.&nbsp; Ok, the marketplace creators have horses, several options if I want a pegasus, but not much for what happens to a pegasus when "a wizard did it".&nbsp; Well, back to mutilating innocent art work again. Alright, so my players (characters) were happy, and maybe still are if they managed to survive the attack of the carnivorous horses.&nbsp; Now, for any that remain, I really need to throw something at them that they won't see coming.&nbsp; Or, maybe they will, but will be so busy wondering what to make of it that they won't know the danger they are in until too late...&nbsp; What in the world is an Eye Killer?&nbsp; It is small, has the head (and most of the body) of an owl, a pair of dog legs, and a lizard tail.&nbsp; And sort of like the gorgon, you don't want to meet its gaze, because it will scramble your brain with its psionic abilities.&nbsp; Cool!&nbsp; Except the marketplace lets me down again!&nbsp; It isn't my fault I want tokens for creatures like this!&nbsp; A wizard did it! Yeah, I mangled the shadows on that one pretty bad.&nbsp; Sue me.&nbsp; If you marketplace creators preformed your wizard cleanup duty more thoroughly, then I wouldn't have to.... You know, this thing might need an ally.&nbsp; Or maybe a distraction.&nbsp; It looks so harmless that the players may just know something is up.&nbsp; Maybe I should give it a friend.&nbsp; How about a Scorpion Devil?&nbsp; That sounds menacing.&nbsp; Hmm, head of a pig, one pair of insect legs, and a scorpion tail...&nbsp; Not only did a wizard do it, but they are still doing it to keep these things ambulatory...&nbsp; A glance at the marketplace tells me I am on my own again.&nbsp; Meaning that more innocent art is about to get mutilated because there are way too many wizards that will stick anything in their pipe. There are more, but I think I will stop there....&nbsp; You marketplace creators really need to step up your "a wizard did it" game.&nbsp; :P Disclaimer:&nbsp; As far as I remember, all the bits of these were taken (and horribly abused) from sets of Devin Night's work.&nbsp; I asked (and received) his permission before posting here.&nbsp; These are not for redistribution/sale.&nbsp; Go mangle your own.&nbsp; You will probably do a better job anyway. Also, in case it wasn't clear, this post is meant to be silly.&nbsp; I appreciate the time and effort put in by the artists that post things on the marketplace.&nbsp; Keep up the good work.

Edited 1603640104
Elemental Flame
Marketplace Creator
Kraynic, I started out much like you but perhaps less creatively. I have a staggering amount of Devin Night 's work and I was cutting out arms and weapons, then recoloring them to give my Tiefling player's rogue character a hand crossbow. My sorcerer wanted different color eyes. The Drow wanted a top hat. I was pushing my middling Photoshop skills to the limit. Darkwoulfe 's Customer Character Kits were a godsend, letting me plop heads down on different bodies. I found several artists ( DMS Creations , Kiel Thompson , Lorien Wright ) with similar 3D rendering styles that I could mush together. Eventually I reached out to DMS Creations &nbsp;asking her to help me out with a half-orc. She took my commission and then explained her process to me. She explained the software and how she created my half orc and recommended I try. And that began my time consuming, paycheck devouring hobby of creating my own work. Since then I have spoken to many artists on Twitter and gotten a lot of help, tips, and recommendations. Honestly it is an incredible community. For my own games I still smush my work together with gore sets from Gabriel Pickard &nbsp;or I stick a head on one of Riley 's pre-existing bodies. I create maps combining sets from Gabriel Pickard , David Hemenway , and Julien De Lucca &nbsp;but now I have my own tokens and portraits to populate my game world. The pride I get from showing them is slightly different than the accomplished feeling I get from making a Frankenstein Monster-like amalgamation of work from many of the talented artists here on the Roll20 Marketplace. Introduction Hello folks, my name is Sean but here on the Marketplace I go by Elemental Flame , a handle I've been using online for twenty or so years. I don't consider myself an artist. I'm a Dungeon Master who is terrible ( SO terrible) at theater of the mind and realizes that a picture is worth a thousand words. I create tokens and portraits out of necessity. When my players encounter a new NPC and ask what they look like I would stammer for five minutes. Now I hit Shift+Z and let my players see. Collecting the character, clothing, poses, props, and other assets necessary for 3D modeling is an expensive addiction that I subsidize by putting my work up on the marketplace. For the time being it keeps my wife from murdering me in my sleep for the insurance money to pay off my 3D rendering debt. I do not have the artistic talent of Devin Night &nbsp;that would allow me to create literally any fantastic creature that pops into my head -- I am limited by the assets I can find and purchase. I do not have the patience of Riley Owens &nbsp;to create dozens of variations to let you realize your vision when you are rolling up a new character. I do not have the creativity of DMS Creations &nbsp;who can dream up alien races and species, complete with unique personalities and traits. I do not have the technical knowledge of Gabriel Pickard , David Hemenway , or Julien De Lucca &nbsp;to create interlocking map tiles that can be used to design millions of different dungeons, towns, and battle maps. What I can do is create a few monsters , some animals , and a lot of plain folks &nbsp;that you can toss into your game to bring the descriptions of your shopkeepers, Lords, peasants, and quest-givers to life for visual players like me. Considering it is my most popular set, I can also help out with dead bodies . Whether it's a murder mystery game, a battlefield, or the aftermath of a particularly sinister BBEG, my massacre sets help drive home the severity of the situation. Here are a couple sneak previews of upcoming work: It is a great honor to be a part of this community, even if I do feel like a guy who snuck into a crazy party and people have yet to discover that I do not belong here. In conjunction with the art of many of those who posted above me, I hope my work can help augment your game and bring it to life even more.
Forum Champion
@ Roll20 Team mods Please preserve this wonderful art thread!&nbsp; ATTN: Drespar, Emily Floyd, Can this Artist thread get moved to the Roll20 Marketplace board if the Roll20CON board closes? I'd like to keep referring back to this thread for some time. There is a lot of very high quality digital art material here, and amazing artist people. Trying to follow you all!

Edited 1603697431
Tiffany M.
Marketplace Creator
Hello there! I'm Tiffany Munro, cartographer and cartoonist, known for such titillating and wholly unique items as 1-99 ! Or how about Ominous Overlays! Perhaps some Runestones for casting and divination , including a little book to divine what you have just laid out as runes if you buy the rollable tables version and mean to use it to RPG fortune telling. More add-ons? How about Eldritch Drama Tracking Clocks (consider the OG stained glass and cyberpunk clocks by Richard T also linked higher in this thread if you missed them, if cartoon eldritch monstrosities don't fit your game style, or if modern is your jam, grab Sirens and Sanity ) Not only do I make random packages of potentially useful cartoon things, I make some tokens in cartoon style, always in a range of color options so you can fill your games racial diversity. I also make maps on commission, often for Roll20 games! However, for the most part, my maps have not made it into the Roll20 shop yet. In the future, expect to see a pack dedicated to African NPCs, a pack dedicated to Middle Eastern people intended for Arabian Nights fantasy settings, a pack of ships and modern shipping/receiving areas in bad condition called Ship Happens, and a pack of lava, desert, and hellish racetracks called Rocky Racers. All four of these packs were requested by users privately as a shop addition. I have been working on these four packs for months in between commissions and am still unsatisfied with the results, but you know. Soonish. Here are some free samples of items not in the shop, made by me. You can use for free! No purchase necessary, not linked to any packs, nab them and use them in your game if you want! This is my version of the candy bowl on the Artist's Table. ;) Shattered plain battlemap, swamp battlemap, villain estate battlemap, blank overland map. Also here is my beloved cat as a battlemap asset. Put Duncan in your game or your maps and keep him alive in the multiverse! I have the utmost of respect for 3D artists (their domain is a mystery to me). Love the work. I work in cartoon and photoshopped styles. So, I can make pretty much anything without needing to find a resource for it. If a planet is not in the Jedi archive then Ti will draw it! I accept both commissions and requests to eventually make any Roll20 shop asset that does not yet exist, though I cannot guarantee a fast turnaround for such a request. I am a Canadian LGBTQ+ person with no college education, and freelance art is how I scratch out my living. Every Roll20 purchase has been an absolute blessing for me, and I am eternally grateful to each and every individual who has purchased some of my Roll20 artwork and helps me on my quest to acquire stability and enough money to look after my aging parents needs, and also to eventually be brave enough to start DMing for my IRL friends, at least one of whom desperately wants to play a game of DnD. :D Thanks to all of you who have purchased some of my art. I love you all! &lt;3 You are great people for supporting indie art efforts! I am not so much with the social media. If you wish to see the art that doesn't go into the Roll20 shop for all to purchase you can find my art portfolio here. There you will find art that I have been commissioned to draw! :D I can also be found on DeviantArt and Artstation where I periodically post a selection of my work at an unreliable frequency. Feel free to message me any time if you have a question about how to make art. Still here?! Thanks for reading! Check out some of my favorite items from other marketplace sellers! Feudal Japan Tents Dreamland maps Modern hospital Old World Pins Glam Borders
I wrote The Actuator RPG some time back. You can get it free here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> The interior art is what I'd like feedback on. I used a rendering program on stock photos, which I think matched for the feel of the game. I'll post a couple here. I'm working on a new RPG (Full System Manual) right now, and considering whether or not to use the same type of art or do something different. Thanks in advance for looking.
Thank you all so much for sharing these! It was a highlight of my weekend to come by and see what new art and artists had been added. and to address Gold's request below... Gold said: @ Roll20 Team mods Please preserve this wonderful art thread!&nbsp; ATTN: Drespar, Emily Floyd, Can this Artist thread get moved to the Roll20 Marketplace board if the Roll20CON board closes? I'd like to keep referring back to this thread for some time. There is a lot of very high quality digital art material here, and amazing artist people. Trying to follow you all! I am SO glad you liked it! The Roll20Con 2020 forums will be archived at the end of this week (so like Friday Oct 30) but you'll still be able to access them. They'll be kept forever, just not able to be added to. So you can look back as often as you like. I really appreciate the feedback on these forums, it will help us make decisions about next year's convention.

Edited 1603946073
Lost West Media ®
Marketplace Creator
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
Fashionably late is better than never, as they say.&nbsp; Lost West Media takes Roll20Con to extra innings! One of the best kept secrets on Roll20 is the SportsBrawl Compendium and Team Sheet! Available now on the Marketplace we have Grand Slam BaseBrawl and Rumble Royale 2020! <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> About 20 other titles are set to drop, spanning multiple genres, so let's keep this train rolling well beyond closing time and Finish The Game! Careful!&nbsp; These games are rated immature!