Thanks everyone, this thread made my day. :D
David M. said:
I say we double his salary ;) Thank, Andreas!
Ooof, doubling zero is still zero...
That being said, I've meant to look up if I'd be able to set up a Patreon for myself in relation to the roll20 sheets stuff I do, but haven't yet checked how the Finnish bureaucracy would want things, and if I need to register or something.
If you look at the edits history, his name is all over the place. Huge amount of work!
To put things into context, I've made 9% of all edits on the Roll20 Wiki.
Oh, and I just checked the Roll20 character sheet repository, I'm #3 when it comes to
commits there(400). With lines added/deleted I'm just around 25th/28th, so that's probably a bit misleading, but still gets to an average of something like 3 commits per Pull Request, bc I've made in total
192 Pull requests since 2017 there.