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Roll20 and Chrome not working

So when I go into a game I get what looks like a split screen and the bottom part of the chat log cut off. Nothing else loads, but it works fine on firefox.
Forum Champion
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Can you post a screen shot?
Having the same issue, an image with the console messages attached
Pretty much like Justin's screenshot, but right now it is currently working fine. If it happens again I will post a screenshot.
keithcurtis said: Can you post a screen shot?

Edited 1606279181
This is repeated on several tables.  My Chrome version is  87.0.4280.66 (Official Build) (64-bit) which is what it was this morning and everything was working fine.  Some of the saved setup features are off.  The Avatar was NAMES ONLY in all my games but it is showing full size now.  Confirm all is well using Firefox.
Same thing here: On Chrome, whitescreen without map graphics as per screenshot. Also Character sheets are white when tab selected. Finally, under cogwheel, "Exit Game" button does not work. None of these issues with Microsoft Edge.
Same issue here. I successfully ran a game this past Sunday, so if I had to guess it's something to do with today's new update.
I have the same problem where my screen is split, can't exit with the exit button, settings aren't saved such as avatar sizes and zooming with scroll wheel and character sheets are not loading (but are opening). I am also on chrome.
Same issue. Glad to hear it works on other browsers, if it's not fixed soon I'll have to run my friday game on edge.
Force the newest chrome update in the settings of your browser, it seems to have fixed the issue. Didn't automatically update to the newest version when resetting chrome.
Scott C.
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Also, having this same issue, but weirdly only in some games. Seems to be related to something on certain pages as I transmogged a page into a new campaign from an affected game and the issue immediately started. However transmogging a different page in did not cause the issue.
its the same for me, i can't log to non of my games.

Edited 1606297829
I reloaded Chrome. This has no effect and the problem remains. UPDATE: CLEAR CACHE SEEMS TO WORK

Edited 1606300744
Chrome Version 87.0.4280.66 (Official  Build) (64-bit) My games are no longer loading. Clearing the cache did not fix the problem for me.  Edge seems to work fine Edit: The campaigns work in Incognito tabs but clearing the cache does not.
I had this problem with Vivaldi too (which is Chrome based).  Clearing the cache worked.
I've cleared the cache again with developer mode and this time it worked. For anyone else: Open  chrome://extensions/  and enable developer mode in the top right Make sure the roll20 tab is active. Press F12 to open the dev console.  While the console is open right click on the refresh button and choose "hard refresh and clear cache"
Hey folks, Thank you for the reports on this issue, we have been tracking and working on this since we first started seeing reports earlier this week. We have pushed out a fix that should resolve this for everyone without requiring that you clear your cache. Please let us know if you are still experiencing this particular issue.
I still have this issue in Chrome. 
Still happening Drespar said: Hey folks, Thank you for the reports on this issue, we have been tracking and working on this since we first started seeing reports earlier this week. We have pushed out a fix that should resolve this for everyone without requiring that you clear your cache. Please let us know if you are still experiencing this particular issue. Still happening to me, even with a cache clear.
Sheet Author
Drespar said: Hey folks, Thank you for the reports on this issue, we have been tracking and working on this since we first started seeing reports earlier this week. We have pushed out a fix that should resolve this for everyone without requiring that you clear your cache. Please let us know if you are still experiencing this particular issue. I just started having this issue today.  Was not seeing it up until now.
Fire fox is experiencing the same issues similar to Chrome. Please take a look into it. This sudden update really cost my game today. I do hope this will be resolved soon. Thank you.

Edited 1606336198
Problem just started happening for me today. tried to load up to do some final stuff before a one-shot just now and chat shows, and theirs a scroll bar in the center of where the map should be. update: cleared cache and it seems to work now. thanks Schindet
shmulik m. said: its the same for me, i can't log to non of my games. I'm having the same problem on chrome.
One of my five players could not see the map last night using Chrome.  The player switched to Firefox and was able to proceed.
Clearing the cache didn't help. I can log in as a player though, but having DM rights bugs it out for everyone regardless of their browser and/or location. Not sure if it helps, but that's what I get in the F12 console.
I too am having these issues. My D&D5e games hang on loading and the one non-D&D module I loaded had the same split screen weirdness that the first picture in this thread has.
Drespar said: Hey folks, Thank you for the reports on this issue, we have been tracking and working on this since we first started seeing reports earlier this week. We have pushed out a fix that should resolve this for everyone without requiring that you clear your cache. Please let us know if you are still experiencing this particular issue. I am still having this issue on chrome.
I'm seeing the same issues on Chrome. Just started happening an hour or two ago.
o meu também esta assim conseguiram arrumar ?
I just saw this today. I also cannot see my asset library.
I cleared my browser cache and it now works again!
This happened to me after I cleared my Firefox cache. It was resolved after I closed and reopened the browser.

Edited 1606362454
Same with me, I even rebooted my computer, no help. 19:45:00 PST on 11/25/2020
Same for me, linen-texture split screen and no map, using Chrome as GM or player.  A player account in Firefox looks normal.
Since we the customers are play testing your you should be doing. Are we going to get paid? Like 75$ per hour......
Same for me..... The game also doesnt recognise my settings. As I normally have the player tokens on names only. Also no journal access
I can't load some of my games on chrome and ones I can load all the char sheets are gone.
I have the split screen / can't exit issue on all games. Seems a little intermittent - sometimes seems OK to start with but a refresh (changing Chat Tech, for instance) causes it to happen
Was working fine earlier. Had to refresh the page to get rid of a handout I deleted that I couldn't close and now its just frozen on the loading screen. I am on Chrome
I've had this issue since yesterday and it seems to only be in chrome. Hope this helps. 
Hi everyone, Thank you for the additional reports, we are looking through what people have posted here and I have seen some potentially conflicting reports (i.e. works fine in Firefox for some, not for others). To help in finding some commonalities: Attempt a cache clear before the next questions What browser version are you using? Does it persist in both Firefox and Chrome? What OS version are you running on? Does this happen in every game? Can you cause it to occur in a newly created game? Thank you in advance while we continue to work on this!
Cannot add charachters, folders nor notes. I Tried Chrome, Firefox, Edge, nothing changed.
I have the same error screen as Joel and SkyGuy.. Please fix it.

Edited 1606418469
I am running Firefox and have the same issue.  If I spend any time with the Roll20 page open before starting my game, it comes up as a white screen and does not respond to any input.  It gets hung up different places, such as "reading core rulebooks". This occurs even if I open up a new window to enter the game. My 'fix' is to exit Roll20 entirely, close Firefox, then restart Firefox and go to Roll20.  I need to immediately start the game or the above issue occurs again. Doing this gets me into the game so far 4 times out of 6.  Not great odds, but at least I can get in to add sections, maps, and updates. Update:  Now even that is not working.  Now up to working 4 times out of the last 9 attempts. 
I just started a game to see how it perfoms. I can get into the game, but noticed a slow. The network tab on my console shows, that aws has a lot ov pendung an stalled mini.png. About a thousand request. These requests took about 5 minutes. Perhaps this is a hint?
Chrome and cache cleared. 5e OGL sheet. Tokens disappearing, character sheets disappearing, vision suddenly going away, players randomly disconnecting. Happening to both the DM and the players randomly. Fun times.
Hey everyone, thank you for following up on that! We are still looking into the issues described-- Could folks provide a link to the game where they are seeing this behavior? Specifically from the game details ( not  a join link). Thank you!
Mine is at <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>. &nbsp; One of my players just texted me that he is running into the issue where the character sheet is blank.&nbsp; I finally got back in after a bit of messing around with clearing the cache and signing onto my player account (which also showed up as a blank screen).&nbsp; I switched back to my GM account and got back in to make some needed changes before game time on Sunday. Holding a game on Sunday will be a bit difficult if some or all of the players are having issues getting into the game properly or more importantly, if I as GM cannot sign on.

Edited 1606439989
I'm having the same issue on this machine (my development machine) which has just been restored from the ground up and updated with the latest version of Windows 10 (20H2 Build 19042.630 x64) Chrome&nbsp; Version 87.0.4280.66 (Official Build) (64-bit) - and Edge ( Version 87.0.664.47 (Official build) (64-bit)) Works okay in Edge but not in Chrome and doesn't seem to matter which game it is.&nbsp; As other people have said, there's a scroll bar running down the centre of the screen and all settings such as avatar size rever to Defauls. It looks like it's not. loading the screen properly as only the first three progress messages appeared.&nbsp; And in the progress of writing this and doing refreshes on the screen to collect information - it's working again. I'll keep an eye on it. Spoke too soon - it's intermittant and watching the progress massages come up isn't providing a clue.&nbsp;