Is there any way to send a single initiative roll to the Turn Tracker for two tokens? I'm trying to get my familiar in the Turn Tracker using my same initiative roll. Rakka (my familiar) has a separate token and NPC character sheet. But we want him to go on my turn. Currently, I can select my familiar's token, roll for initiative, then manually change it in the Turn Tracker to match whatever I rolled for initiative. This works, but is there a way to roll for initiative and have it go to the Turn Tracker for both my token and my familiar's token?
I tried this, but it doesn't like reusing the initiative roll in the second roll template:
@{selected|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=^{init-u}}} {{mod=@{selected|initiative_bonus}}} [[1d20+@{selected|initiative_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}[INIT] ]] {{r1=$[[0]] &{tracker}}} {{normal=1}} @{selected|charname_output}
@{Rakka|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=^{init-u}}} {{r1=$[[0]] &{tracker}}} {{charname=Rakka}}