I believe that, officially (as per Riley Himself), the ability of the player to add their own token exists, is a bug, and will not be 'corrected' any time soon. This is based off a dimly-remembered series of posts about this very thing, some 5-6 months ago, which I can't be arsed to look up. But yes, they know about this already. What To Do: As a GM, provide a character sheet to a player. Make sure they have full access, both to edit and to control. As a player, open the sheet and hit the big EDIT button. In the upper left now, you'll see an AVATAR section; as a player, you are able to insert an image here. Do so, and save. Either the player or the GM can now drag, from the journals section, that image onto the map. It will, as mentioned in THIS THREAD , not have any of the attribute bars at this point. However, it will be linked to the character sheet from which it was created, in that any token actions will be available. As GM, now all that's needed is to set those bars As Per Token Type , and then set THAT token as the 'default token'. Only the GM can do this part. But, since the players can upload their own avatar image, in effect they can thereby load up their own tokens. It just takes a bit of setup. I have done this exact process several times in the past few weeks, and it works just fine. -Phnord Edit: I just tried this as a player in someone else's game, and it works. The only limitation is in the placing of the AVATAR image on the map; one must save the image, then drag it from the bio&info page on the character sheet, not the journal tab's listing (as the GM can do.) Edit 2: Proof Edit 3: Oh, and the player cannot delete or erase the image once it's placed. Sorry Sam! q;}