I have found a bug (?) in the creation of the melee weapons table on the ADnD 2e character sheet (not sure if sheet type is relevant). I use the ChatSetAttr API Script in my macros to create the lines in the tables. Using this line below 2 times (separate calls using an API button) should add two rows at index $0 and $1 to the melee weapons table: !setattr --charid @{selected|character_id} --repeating_weapons_-CREATE_weaponname|Melee weapon name The entry at index $0 is created fine. However the next time this is called, the index at $1 does not seem to be created. @{selected|repeating_weapons_$1_weaponname} returns empty string . So does @{selected|repeating_weapons_$2_weaponname} (even though $2 should not exist yet). And @{selected|repeating_weapons_$3_weaponname} returns Melee weapon name even though it really should not exist! If I carry on adding lines, indexes are created in what appear to be groups of 3 at ever higher indexes. The sheet appears normal when opened, but using !setattr --charid @{selected|character_id} --repeating_weapons_$1_weaponname|New weapon name sets row $3 to be New weapon name, and trying to access for instance $3 in the above example using: !setattr --charid @{selected|character_id} --repeating_weapons_$3_weaponname|New weapon name causes an error as the CharSetAttr API Script does not think row $3 exists. There are not 5 rows visible on the character sheet when I open it, only 3, so something is odd here. The only way around it I have found is to manually use the [Modify] button on the table, and drag the last row to before the second row, then click [Done]. This seems to fix the issue, and $0 & $1 indexes then perform as expected, and $3 no longer exists. I've done some more investigation: using the [Add] button on the character sheet to manually add rows seems to work OK, if you add 3 rows (the base row with field name "weaponname", and two repeating rows at index $0 & $1) using @{selected|repeating_weapons_$1_weaponname} returns what is expected. However , @{selected|repeating_weapons_$2_weaponname} I would expect to return the error "You tried to use the repeating section row at index 2 for repeating_weapons, but there doesn't seem to be a row at that index." but it does not - it returns empty string . So does $3. Only $4 then returns the error. This might relate to the "groups of 3" I refer to. Has anyone else come across this bug? Is anyone able to fix it?