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Official [AD&D 2E Revised] Update thread

October 22 (4 years ago)

Edited August 11 (7 months ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author


Welcome Roll20 users and AD&D 2E players to the Official 'AD&D 2E Revised'-character sheet update thread.

Start a new ADnD 2E game

To start a new ADnD 2E game using this character sheet do the following:

  1. Click the 'CREATE NEW GAME' button
  2. When picking a character sheet, open the dropdown and search for 'Advanced'
  3. Select the character sheet named "Advanced 2nd Edition"
  4. You are good to go!

Any updates to the sheet will automatically be added to your games!

Subscribe for detailed patch notes

Multiple players have asked me for a place to subscribe / follow to get updates on upcoming changes, discuss new features, or give input and helpful advise. As an author, I have also looked for a place to get in touch with the AD&D 2E community and discuss general structural changes to the character sheet.

In the past I have made a new forum post for each update to the sheet, as each update felt like "the last update". That turned out not to be true. This also had the unfortunate side effect that any player who started to follow any of the old threads got lost when the next thread was created.

The result of these wishes is this thread!

If you want to follow, discuss, give input to changes to the sheet, you should follow this topic / thread!

Previous and Future updates

Direct links to previous and future updates can always be found on the wiki here:

October 22 (4 years ago)

Edited October 22 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

New features: 2nd level spell auto fill


Auto-fill bonus priest spell slots from Wisdom

Wisdom valueSpell slots


Reordered 2Espell roll template, to be aligned with Players Handbook



  • Reordered field placement

From the Player's Handbook

Renamed wizard spell-points attribute



  • Renamed 'spell-points' to 'spell-points-lvl'
  • Added a sheetworker that will move any value from the old field to the new field on first start up
  • Added a 'Total' field
  • Gave Spell points section a bit of styling to look better

Renamed priest spell-points attribute



  • Renamed 'spell-points-priest' to 'spell-points-priest-lvl'
  • Added a sheetworker that will move any value from the old field to the new field on first start up
  • Added a 'Total' field
  • Gave Spell points section a bit of styling to look better

Made coin calculation only ask for type of coin once



  • Calculate button has been reworked to only ask for currency once. This greatly reduces the margin of error from player input


  • Changed ALL spells sections to use sheet workers instead of auto-calc fields to reduce lag in character sheet. Please change any value to make it update
  • Optimized old spell sheet workers to only listen on relevant fields changing instead of all fields changing
  • Optimized Gear Carried and Gear Stored sheet workers to only listen on relevant fields changing instead of all fields changing
  • Changed Rogue standard skills to use sheet workers instead of auto-calc fields to reduce lag in character sheet. Please change any value to make it update

Various Bug fixes and spelling errors

Fixed wrong mouse over text



  • Added correct mouse over text for Player's Options -> Melee -> Repeating weapon damage
  • The underlying attribute name has not been changed.

Fixed bad spelling of 'warrior'



  • Fixed spelling error in 'warrios' to 'warriors'

This is all for this time!

As always a HUGE shoutout to ᐰndreas J. our Champion for uploading my code so I can test my changes!

Special thanks to:

  • BilBo 2 - for catching the mouse over error in weapons seciton
  • Maarken - for catching the spelling error in constitutation notes
  • empireofjade - for helping me transcribe spells from the PHB into the sheet
October 22 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion

Looks good.

Thanks for the updates.

October 22 (4 years ago)

Excellent, thank you.

Detect Noise in the thief abilities does not seem to be calculating.  I have tried it on 2 different characters in two separate games.

November 03 (4 years ago)
Major bugs with Rogue skills needing to be "re-asserted" and Detect Noise not calculating at all.
November 04 (4 years ago)

Edited November 05 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Clifford M. said:

Detect Noise in the thief abilities does not seem to be calculating.  I have tried it on 2 different characters in two separate games.

Alex said:

Major bugs with Rogue skills needing to be "re-asserted" and Detect Noise not calculating at all.

I will look into what isgoing on with Detect Noise.

Alex can you please elaborate on what other major bugs?

November 05 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Bugfix for Detect Noise

Pull request: Github PR


  • Fixed the sheetworker calculating Detect Noise, to properly read the associated fields

November 05 (4 years ago)

Does the reference to github mean that we have to do something?

November 06 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion

Lexin said:

Does the reference to github mean that we have to do something?

I think Peter labeled it "Pull Request" to mean, he has submitted this change to Roll20, and Roll20 will actually implement it next time they do a batch of character sheet updates. I think it kind of means, the character sheet code author has Requested for Roll20 to PULL the new sheet code into Roll20. It means we (the users) will be able to use the fix on our existing games, after Roll20 does that (usually once a week I think).

Then also Peter gives his GitHub link for anyone that's hardcore enough you want to get the new code, copy it, and add it as a "Custom Character Sheet" on your Roll20 Subscriber-created games.  Most of us ordinary mortal users don't attempt that, we just wait a few days for Roll20 to do the pull request.

November 13 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Lexin said:

Does the reference to github mean that we have to do something?

Hello Lexin and thank you for your question

As Gold said, it is all technical stuff. A Pull Request (PR) is a technical term for how users add addition code to an existing code base (update character sheets for all users).

The reason why I add the link to the PR, is for any code-savy users to get a look behind the scene at what code actually changed.

I also added it as a confirmation that the changes will go live at the next weekly update, that happens every Tuesday. Me making a forum post is not enough. I have previously made forum posts a couple of weeks in advance, while I tested the last bugs. Thus some players thought the changes would be live sooner than they actually were. When I add a link to the PR, then it meas 100% confirmation that the changes will be live the following Tuesday.

November 13 (4 years ago)

Thank you for explaining. Does that mean the changes will be live now?

November 14 (4 years ago)

@Peter B - a query about the sheet. 

When I came to use it with my players yesterday, the saving throw section for the PCs didn't seem to work. Why would that be? Is there something we're doing wrong? It worked for the monsters and NPCs, but not for the PCs, which caused some confusion.

Plus, I was asked to ask you about the way the sheet calculates THAC0s. Why is the calculation so complex?

November 20 (4 years ago)
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author

Potential bug with the sheet have been identifed:

November 21 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Lexin said:

@Peter B - a query about the sheet. 

When I came to use it with my players yesterday, the saving throw section for the PCs didn't seem to work. Why would that be? Is there something we're doing wrong? It worked for the monsters and NPCs, but not for the PCs, which caused some confusion.

Plus, I was asked to ask you about the way the sheet calculates THAC0s. Why is the calculation so complex?

The saving throws should work. I just tested them using some random values and they seem to be working fine. Maybe you have been adding some complex value? I will need more to go on to find any errors you are experiencing

About the Thaco calculation. I assume when you say that you actually mean the calculation happening when you click the "Hit" button.

The short answer to this question is: Ask the guys who wrote the book :P

The long answer is that the calculation basically is 

THAC0 - (1d20 + modifiers)

but as this is the "Advanced" character sheet (as opposed to the simplified sheet), the modifiers have been split up into their sources. This makes the calculation look like this

thaco - (1d20 + str + dex + proficiency + specialization + mastery + weapontype vs armortype + ... and so on)

So basically in order to encapsulate all the base rules and optional rules from the PHB, and the additional rules from the other Player's Options books, the hit calculation becomes very complex.

I hope this answers your question

November 22 (4 years ago)

Yes, that's very helpful, thank you.

December 27 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Hello AD&D 2E players!

I am currently working on cleaning up the sheet and have set my eyes on the gems and other valuables part under the currency section.

As of today, both the gems pouch and the other valueables are duplicated for each settings in the sheet, meaning that if your character starts out in the standard setting (ie. Forgotten Realms), and then later travels to Dragonlance, then you will need to copy your gems and valuables or keep switching tap to see all of your information.

This can be seen here:


My suggestion

I suggest to combine all these gem and valuable sections into a single section that is shared across all the settings.

My reasons for this is the following:

  • It is easier for players to manage their data if it is shared
  • From my experience it is very rare for players to change from one setting to another. For these players the change would be inconsequential.
  • All gems and valuables are tracked in value of GPs, no matter the setting, making them convertible between settings. (Only setting that does not use GP as a currency is Maztica, but the gems in the sheet is still valued in GP)
  • The code base would be way cleaner for me to maintain, with a single section in stead of 6 copies.

I would of course copy any data from the other sections into the single remaining section, to ensure that no data is lost for any players!

Now I would like to know if there are any players out there who prefer the that the gems and valuables are split between the settings. If you, the players, prefer the current setup then I will leave the sections alone.

January 10 (4 years ago)

Edited January 11 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Bugfixes and changes for Macro users

Pull Request: Github PR

Bugfixes and minor changes:

  • This announcement now opens when there is a new version to better inform players of updates
  • Exceptional strength now also accepts parenthesis ie. "18(67)" aswell as square brackets. ie. "18[67]"

Corrected Rogue skills miscellaneous modifier calculation

Corrected Rogue skills calculation so a positive miscellaneous modifier applied at the time of the roll makes the check easier to complete and a negative modifier makes it harder to complete.

  • If you insert "+15", as a miscellaneous modifier, at the time of the roll then you are more likely to succeed.
  • If you insert "-15", as a miscellaneous modifier at the time of the roll, then you more less likely to succeed.

  • A positive miscellaneous modifier is now subtracted from your roll, as you always want to roll less than your target

Corrected Magic resistance calculation so the static modifier and the misc modifier adds together instead of subtract.


5+5 should be 10 but is subtracted to become 0

5+5 equals 10

Changed old Spell effect input-field to textarea.


ChangesChanged the html type from input-field to text area. This allows for easier reading and newlines in roll templates.

Changes for Macro users

The following changes are mainly for Macro users. A lot of section had duplicate "static" and "repeating" attributes, causing problems when a macro tried to use a roll button.

An example of this was when a macro tried to use the hit button for a weapon. The following macro: %{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_hit} would only take values from the static row in the weapons table.

To solve this, static attributes has been removed and the data values have been moved to the repeating rows.


This has been done for the following sections, where the following attributes has been removed:

  • Melee weapons (repeating_weapons)
    strbonus, dexbonus, weaponname, prof-level, attacknum, ThAC0, crit-thresh, range, size, weaptype-slash, weaptype-pierce, weaptype-blunt, weapspeed
  • Melee weapons damage (repeating_weapons-damage)
    strbonus1, dexbonus1, weaponname1, specialist-damage, mastery-damage, damadj, damsm, daml, knockdown1
  • Range weapons (repeating_weapons2)
    strbonus2, dexbonus2, weaponname2, prof-level2, range-mod-attack, attacknum2, attackadj2, ThAC02, crit-thresh2, range2, size2, weaptype-slash2, weaptype-pierce2, weaptype-blunt2, weaåsåeed2
  • Range weapons damage (repeating_ammo)
    strbonus3, dexbonus3, ammoname, specialist-damage2, mastery-damage2, damadj2, damsm2, daml2, knockdown2, ammoremain
  • Weapon proficiencies (repeating_weaponprofs)
    weaponprofname, weapprofnum, expert, specialist, mastery, high-mastery, grand-mastery, chosen-weapon
  • Nonweapon proficiencies (repeating_profs)
    profname, profslots, profstatnum, profmod
  • Languagues (repeating_langs)
    langname, lang-rw
  • Gear carried (repeating_gear)
    geardesc, gearweight, gearqty, gearloc
  • Gear stored (repeating_gear-stored)
    on-mount, gear-stored-desc, gear-stored-weight, gear-stored-qty, gear-stored-loc
  • Magic resistance (repeating_magicres)
    magresname, magrestar, magresmod, magresnotes

OBS: A known bug with the indexes in the following section is still present, and was also present before this change:

  • repeating_weapons
  • repeating_gear
  • repeating_spells

For more information on the bug see the post:

This all for this update!

Hope you can use the changes that are coming your way!

If you want to support my work, please go and Vote and Comment on my suggestion for datalists. It would mean a lot to me, and I would be able to give your all a lot of cool features in the future!

January 11 (4 years ago)
Forum Champion

Peter, I think you should specify that the "Correct Rouge skills calculation so a postitive MISCELLANEOUS MODIFIER APPLIED AT THE TIME OF THE ROLL makes the check easier.... is subtracted from your roll."

All of the other Rouge skills modifiers besides Miscellaneous are not applied to the roll. They are applied to your % Total that you're trying to roll under.

Positive & negative is still the same as what you said, no debate there, you have said the math correctly. What I'm emphasizing is that vast majority of Rouge modifiers (Racial, Armor Worn, Level Up additons, etc) are applied to your Target %, not applied to the roll.  You get a bonus (EXAMPLE: Dwarf is +10% good at Open Locks), this +10% is applied to increase that dwarf's Total Target % (additive), it is not subtracted from the roll.

Saying it one more way. Your update to macro roller math looks correct, but your statement that modifiers apply to the roll is not the usual, it is rare, and it is only applicable to the Miscellaneous Modifier category at the time of the roll. 

Peter B. said:

  • Corrected Rogue skills calculation so a positive modifier makes the check easier to complete and a negative modifier makes it harder to complete.

A positive modifier is subtracted from your roll, as you always want to roll less than your target

If you insert "+15" then you are more likely to succeed.

January 11 (4 years ago)

Edited January 11 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Gold said:

Peter, I think you should specify that the "Correct Rouge skills calculation so a postitive MISCELLANEOUS MODIFIER APPLIED AT THE TIME OF THE ROLL makes the check easier.... is subtracted from your roll."

Thank you for your suggestion Gold. I have changed the description. I hope it is clearer that I am only talking about the misc modfier now :)

January 12 (4 years ago)

Edited January 12 (4 years ago)
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter

Peter, thanks for the update, I appreciate the work you put in to this.

However... AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!  I'm in the middle of 2 campaigns and I have over 500 macros, many of which rely on all the tables you've changed.  E.g. when attacking with a weapon, I have a Roll Template that pops up API buttons for each weapon which, when the player clicks on them, rolls the attack for that weapon with all character and situational modifiers applied, using the melee & ranged weapon tables and the weapon proficiencies table.  This attack suite still lists the first weapon (the one in the static field at the "top" of the old table) but the player can no longer see it or alter it on their character sheet, or the proficiency levels to apply.

I also have APIs that will need altering, eg my InitMaster API, which will require extensive testing.

Now, the new way is the proper standard (as we have discussed in other forums), and I applaud it, but I'm in the middle of two major campaigns and suddenly all my players are working with a penalty!

Is there any way of getting the old character sheet version back for my campaigns so that we can carry on while I convert the relevant macros?

January 13 (4 years ago)

Edited January 13 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

@ Richard

I'm sure Peter will chime in here shortly...

I might suggest that you consider changing your campaign(s) to a custom sheet that uses a version of the sheet's code that still works for your setup?  Github keeps a record of all sheet updates (

Using a custom sheet would allow your game to continue without disruption as well as give you time to plan for the latest sheet changes.  I'm not familiar with the 2e sheet, so Maybe Peter could suggest which html and css to use.  Here's the previous update's code from 11/09/20' html and css.  The only downside with using a custom sheet is that you will not automatically receive the latest sheet updates.  Some DM's like that...  You can also convert to a newer version of code or return to the live version of the sheet whenever you choose to do so.

I only posted here since I have experienced similar issues while updating other sheets.  Sheet authors can handle migrating attribute changes and such automatically, but unfortunately have no control over a user's custom macros (outside of using a custom API script...). ;-(

Hope this helps.

January 13 (4 years ago)
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter

∇ince said:

@ Richard

I'm sure Peter will chime in here shortly...

I might suggest that you consider changing your campaign(s) to a custom sheet that uses a version of the sheet's code that still works for your setup?  Github keeps a record of all sheet updates (


Thanks for the suggestion, but I've never programmed sheets before, and while I'm reasonably confident with java script, HTML and CSS are an unknown territory to me.  Creating a custom sheet and trying to solve the impact may cause many more problems for my players than it solves - especially if I make the changes at speed!  One game happens this afternoon, and the other runs on Friday afternoons.

I would suggest that making as big a change as this might be best done either (a) with much more notice - perhaps introduce the "pop up" announcements first, with a warning that the change is due in 4 weeks, or (b) even better, create this changed sheet as a new sheet option in the AD&D group of sheets, so DMs can port across to it in their own timescales, with the old version becoming legacy over time.

So far, I've converted just over 100 macros in my attacks library in the last 12 hours in a new copy of my master macro library game area (so I can revert if Peter provides a different upgrade path).

Unfortunately, the @{thac0} static field is one of the key ones for my programming.  In that, I held the base Thac0 for the character class(s) and level(s), which is then adjusted for each attack (not just by character's attributes and weapon characteristics, but also by prevailing spells, powers, and situational modifiers, hence calculation for each attack rather than using the repeating_weapons_$x_thac0 field).  The Thac0 is linked to bar2 on every token, both character and monsters (at least those that use weapons).  One of my current campaigns uses over 100 NPCs and monsters, so all their character sheets and tokens need updating.

I am using ChatSetAttr to re-create the Thac0 field on each character sheet, but there is no guarantee this will be retained & not overwritten by future versions of the sheet.  But for the mean time, this might be a fix.

I'll add a suggestion in the development requests thread for the @{Thac0} static field to be retained and exposed on either the Info or Weapons tab, with Players able to update it (not auto-calculated please as magic and powers can alter it).

January 13 (4 years ago)

Edited January 13 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

No programming necessary.  You simply copy and paste the html and css file into the games settings page(tabs are provided for html, css, translate, and a preview) and save. 

Your game will now be loaded with the previous sheet code and will continue to do so until you either update to a newer version using the same method, or change back to the live sheet. ;-)

I would always make a copy of your game to test just to make sure there aren't any issues.  Again, Peter is best to comment since I'm not familiar with this particular sheet.


January 13 (4 years ago)
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter

∇ince said:

No programming necessary.  You simply copy and paste the html and css file into the games settings page(tabs are provided for html, css, translate, and a preview) and save. ...

Vince, thanks.  I sort of follow this, but GitHub has a sheetworkers page for the previous version, and I'm not sure where that goes?  And while you provide links to the HTML and CSS and I can follow those, and I can get at the HTML on GitHub via the entry for the previous version in the version history, I can't independently find the CSS code on GitHub from the previous version, which makes me nervous about maintaining this?

While I do have a GitHub account, I'm not a programmer (I was 30 years ago -  I programmed computer games in Z80 & 6502 assembler on the Sinclair Spectrum and Commodore 64 back in the 1980s!) and this is all stretching my knowledge.  I just want to play the game!

January 13 (4 years ago)

Edited January 13 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

Lol Richard.  Commodore Amiga user here...

IMO, github can be a little confusing.  The css file I linked didn't change between html updates, so that's why it's older than the html file.  The pull requests on github will only include files that were changed/updated.  If a file hasn't been included, it's safe to assume no changes were made to the existing file.  I believe the sheetworker code is simply provided as a separate file for easy editing.  Sheetworker code(javascript) is included in the html file.  So those two files (html and css ) should be fine together. 

You can make a copy of your game, change it to a custom sheet, copy and paste the html and css, open game to verify it works as expected. Easy peasy. ;-)

January 13 (4 years ago)

Edited January 13 (4 years ago)
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter

∇ince said:

Lol Richard.  Commodore Amiga user here...

IMO, github can be a little confusing.  The css file I linked didn't change between html updates, so that's why it's older than the html file.  The pull requests on github will only include files that were changed/updated.  If a file hasn't been included, it's safe to assume no changes were made to the existing file.  I believe the sheetworker code is simply provided as a separate file for easy editing.  Sheetworker code(javascript) is included in the html file.  So those two files (html and css ) should be fine together. 

You can make a copy of your game, change it to a custom sheet, copy and paste the html and css, open game to verify it works as expected. Easy peasy. ;-)

Thanks Vince.  I've created a copy of my Testbed (ultra cautious - I use a testbed for my APIs & macros, so a copy of this is 2 stages removed from my campaign files), and loaded the html & css files you linked.  So far, all seems OK, so that seems like a temporary fix.  I'll make copies of the 2 campaigns and load the custom sheet in once I'm happy.

I would highly recommend that everyone using the sheet make their own custom copies.  Can I ask Peter not to release "big bang" like that if at all possible please.  Before Christmas, my group used to play on Tuesday afternoons which is when this update appeared on my system. If this update had hit the campaign while we were playing rather than while I was in my Testbed developing my next API, the whole system would have failed and no-one would have known why, and a fix would not have been possible during game-play.  As it is, I've only had 24 hours to find the fix - for which thank you.

January 13 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Richard @ Damery said:

Peter, thanks for the update, I appreciate the work you put in to this.

However... AAAARRRRGGGHHHH!  I'm in the middle of 2 campaigns and I have over 500 macros, many of which rely on all the tables you've changed.  E.g. when attacking with a weapon, I have a Roll Template that pops up API buttons for each weapon which, when the player clicks on them, rolls the attack for that weapon with all character and situational modifiers applied, using the melee & ranged weapon tables and the weapon proficiencies table.  This attack suite still lists the first weapon (the one in the static field at the "top" of the old table) but the player can no longer see it or alter it on their character sheet, or the proficiency levels to apply.

I also have APIs that will need altering, eg my InitMaster API, which will require extensive testing.

Now, the new way is the proper standard (as we have discussed in other forums), and I applaud it, but I'm in the middle of two major campaigns and suddenly all my players are working with a penalty!

Is there any way of getting the old character sheet version back for my campaigns so that we can carry on while I convert the relevant macros?

Okay wow!

I am so sorry that I have royally screwed you over! I thought I was very careful, but moving all the attributes to the repeating fields. I would never have thought anyone would be sitting on 500 Macros... Holy cow!

In order to get your going you should do exactly as Vince said! I keed a change log of all the changes I make on the wiki with links to Github for all the changes:

For your exact needs you will need these two files: HTML and CSS. Insert them into a custom game, just like Vince said!

About the extra files that you see in the repository, such as the sheetworker.js file. Those are only for my own sanity while developing. All files are combined into a single .html and .css file before go-live as Roll20 only approve of those two files, no external files allowed!

Please let me know if this brings you any trouble, and I will try and help you the best that I can!

For the future

I will definitely be sure to give more of a warning before making these big bang changes in the future! I have tried my best to reach people here on the forum, but without much luck as a very little portion of the active players are following this thread. 

I was only in this very commit I realized that I even could force open the checkbox on new versions, to inform people. Previously I have relied on people opening the checkbox by themselves from time to time, which by any means is no sustainable way to handle it.

(A) I will definitely make sure to warn people in good time before big changes hit! 

(B) Creating a new sheet is not really an option as there are already two AD&D 2E sheets for players to choose from and Roll20 is a bit strict about adding new sheets or too many versions of the same sheet. All of this is to keep it clear for the players.

January 13 (4 years ago)
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter

Peter, thanks.  Clearly you weren't to know about my extensive set of libraries.  My fellow players and DMs are not technical, and struggle to use the character sheet and Roll20 system (longer in the tooth even than me) so I've tried to make life simple for them by automating a large suite of activities.

Tell you what, I'll set up a demo area for you with all the libraries and APIs, and you can explore!  I'll include some notes of what's in there in handouts.  That might be a couple of weeks hence, as I've two campaigns to run as well, and I need to start porting the libraries over to your new version of the character sheet.

January 13 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Richard @ Damery said:

Peter, thanks.  Clearly you weren't to know about my extensive set of libraries.  My fellow players and DMs are not technical, and struggle to use the character sheet and Roll20 system (longer in the tooth even than me) so I've tried to make life simple for them by automating a large suite of activities.

Tell you what, I'll set up a demo area for you with all the libraries and APIs, and you can explore!  I'll include some notes of what's in there in handouts.  That might be a couple of weeks hence, as I've two campaigns to run as well, and I need to start porting the libraries over to your new version of the character sheet.

Don't rush it! I have yet to start exploring the API. I only just bought my Pro subscription and that was only for developing the sheet.

I haven't been DMing yet, so I still have a lot to learn

January 14 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

I found this thread timely because I'm getting ready to make some changes to the AD&D1e sheet.  Initially, I need to make a rather necessary under-the-hood change (renaming all the repeating attributes...) That will most definitely break any existing custom macros.  ;-(

While sheet authors can code sheetworkers to handle attribute migration "auto-magically", sadly, anything off-sheet is out of our hands, short of using a custom API script. I've had an announcement on the 1e sheet for a few weeks now(and maybe a few more now, lol) in the hopes of curbing some of the custom macro pitfalls that inevitably lie ahead.


January 14 (4 years ago)
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter

Is it possible to move the contents of the static fields representing the old 1st line of repeating tables to new repeating table lines displayed on the sheet, but leave the static fields updated by sheet workers from those lines where the content was moved to, not visible on the sheet, but still able to be accessed by macros (via @{}) & APIs (via getAttrByName() or findObj() )?  This might allow a transition period.  Authors for new macros would not even know the static fields were there and would only use the repeating lines, but existing macros would pick up the static fields, and if players changed the values in the new lines the sheetworkers would update the static fields.

Perhaps this is too much work to ask of you sheet authors, but if it is possible it might provide a softer upgrade path.

January 15 (4 years ago)
Sheet Author

Richard @ Damery said:

Is it possible to move the contents of the static fields representing the old 1st line of repeating tables to new repeating table lines displayed on the sheet, but leave the static fields updated by sheet workers from those lines where the content was moved to, not visible on the sheet, but still able to be accessed by macros (via @{}) & APIs (via getAttrByName() or findObj() )?  This might allow a transition period.  Authors for new macros would not even know the static fields were there and would only use the repeating lines, but existing macros would pick up the static fields, and if players changed the values in the new lines the sheetworkers would update the static fields.

Perhaps this is too much work to ask of you sheet authors, but if it is possible it might provide a softer upgrade path.

Static attributes continue to exist even when they are not visible on the sheet.  Repeating fields are a little different because they are directly tied to a specific repeating section and are assigned a rowID.  I suppose an author could simply hide the "deprecated" repeating attributes. Users macros would continue to work but the attribute data would probably no longer be updated which could lead to other issues...   

The Pathfinder Community sheet used a similar method for handling a new repeating spells, abilities, and buffs.  Users could verify the old attributes had been properly migrated to the new version before agreeing to completely change over to the new system.  The old data continued to exist for older sheets, but that also meant those sheets would basically carry the weight of old and new attributes once they decided to commit to the new version. The code for this was handled by Chris B., a very competent programmer.  Something I am not...  So, while I know this can be done, it's definitely not to be taken lightly.

January 15 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Richard @ Damery said:

Is it possible to move the contents of the static fields representing the old 1st line of repeating tables to new repeating table lines displayed on the sheet, but leave the static fields updated by sheet workers from those lines where the content was moved to, not visible on the sheet, but still able to be accessed by macros (via @{}) & APIs (via getAttrByName() or findObj() )?  This might allow a transition period.  Authors for new macros would not even know the static fields were there and would only use the repeating lines, but existing macros would pick up the static fields, and if players changed the values in the new lines the sheetworkers would update the static fields.

Perhaps this is too much work to ask of you sheet authors, but if it is possible it might provide a softer upgrade path.

For the end result to be as desired No.

If I had just moved the values, but left the static fields, then a Macro calling a repeating button, would still not work. Once the button is called, the button would read from the now empty static attributes instead of the associated repeating attributes. The only way to force a repeating button, called from a Macro, to read the repeating fields, was by removing the static fields.

The only way to achieve this would be to create a completely new repeating section and move everything, or rename all the static fields. Either way would still require a lot of work for the DMs to update all the macros

January 15 (4 years ago)
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter

Peter B. said:

For the end result to be as desired No.

If I had just moved the values, but left the static fields, then a Macro calling a repeating button, would still not work. Once the button is called, the button would read from the now empty static attributes instead of the associated repeating attributes. The only way to force a repeating button, called from a Macro, to read the repeating fields, was by removing the static fields.

The only way to achieve this would be to create a completely new repeating section and move everything, or rename all the static fields. Either way would still require a lot of work for the DMs to update all the macros

OK, just a thought. Your work is very much appreciated, so do keep it up, and I promise to follow this thread from now on!

I hope the sheet development suggestion below is a reasonable and sensible one.

Please can I ask that a new static field called Thac0 or, if that name is not possible for some reason, ToHitAC0 is created, perhaps on the Weapons tab or the Info Tracker tab alongside HP & AC, that players can alter, Tokens can have associated with a bar, and I can reference in macros and from other fields (such as the repeating_weapons_$x_thac0 fields), that I can use to hold the single base Thac0 for the level(s) and class(es) of the character.  The field could be labelled "base Thac0" in the sheet.  This must just be a plain entry field, and not calculated or updated by sheetworkers, as base Thac0 must be under the control of the macros (e.g. using !tokenmod on the associated token bar_value, or !modattr to alter directly when a situation demands) and of course by the player in agreement with the DM.

My view is attacks require calculation from base Thac0 every time, as situations, magic in use, opponent powers, and other factors not catered for on the Character Sheet attributes or weapons tabs change and affect it.  This is what my attack macros do.  This avoids the often miss-applied "misc adjustment" pop-up, all the individual adjusted Thac0s for individual weapons don't need manual recalculation & updating in the weapons tables every time a level changes, new magic item or spell or power is acquired or used, and also means as a DM I can have things going on that the players are not aware of!

For the moment, I will create a Thac0 field using !setattr --all --Thac0|20 in the macro/API development campaign I am converting the macros in, and use that to support the macros & APIs that need it, and check it can be associated with Token bar2 (which is standard in my group's games for holding the base Thac0 for the character, NPC or monster).  Once associated with the token bar2 it can be altered as necessary for testing purposes.

I have already tried using !setattr to create Thac0 on one of the new sheets, and it seems to work and stay stable, so looks promising.  If !setattr can create it and it be stable, I assume it would work if it was a built-in static field on the sheet...

Hi Peter, first off, thanks for your work on this sheet. I've just started using it for my latest campaign and its working well so far :) The one thing that I'd love to see is a change to Level 3 upwards spells - I know there is a LOT of work to add them and I'm not asking for that, but couldn't the 'Add Spell' template be changed to the one used for Level 1 and 2? By that I mean the same template but with only the 'Custom' option? This would allow the clear entry of all the important details (eg: AoE, duration, range etc etc) and the use of the 'Spell Template' button to clearly display the Spell details. 

Don't know how much work that would involve or if its even possible but I thought I'd ask :)


January 15 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Richard @ Damery said:

OK, just a thought. Your work is very much appreciated, so do keep it up, and I promise to follow this thread from now on!

I hope the sheet development suggestion below is a reasonable and sensible one.

Please can I ask that a new static field called Thac0 or, if that name is not possible for some reason, ToHitAC0 

Thank you for your kind words, despite your annoying situation. I really appreciate it :)

I have thought about adding such a field because I also would like it when I play and I level up. I had another player also ask for this, so I will add a static @{base-ThAC0} field in the future. The exact time I do not know

I have a lot of gripes with the weapon sections, specifically the Weapon vs. Armor type and the way those calculations are handled. Once I have worked out how to better handle that I will redesign that section and add the ThAC0 field :)

January 15 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Jonathan said:

Hi Peter, first off, thanks for your work on this sheet. I've just started using it for my latest campaign and its working well so far :) The one thing that I'd love to see is a change to Level 3 upwards spells - I know there is a LOT of work to add them and I'm not asking for that, but couldn't the 'Add Spell' template be changed to the one used for Level 1 and 2? By that I mean the same template but with only the 'Custom' option? This would allow the clear entry of all the important details (eg: AoE, duration, range etc etc) and the use of the 'Spell Template' button to clearly display the Spell details. 

Don't know how much work that would involve or if its even possible but I thought I'd ask :)


Hello Jonathan!

Sure thing I can add those. My plan was to first get all the spell information transcribed before adding the section, which has gotten a bit slow, as all my time has been eaten up by other things. Also the players in my game haven't gotten to 3rd level spells yet, so there have been no rush to get that in order ;).

If nothing else I will add the spell sections, but without the information in my next update, then the information can be added later on :)

January 15 (4 years ago)
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter

Peter B. said:

Sure thing I can add those. My plan was to first get all the spell information transcribed before adding the section, which has gotten a bit slow, as all my time has been eaten up by other things. Also the players in my game haven't gotten to 3rd level spells yet, so there have been no rush to get that in order ;).

If nothing else I will add the spell sections, but without the information in my next update, then the information can be added later on :)


Sorry, I don't know how your character sheets are designed.  How large will adding this information make each Character Sheet?  I have players with limited machines, and I sometimes have quite complex scenarios with lots of NPCs.  Is this data held with every sheet, or is it shared between sheets?

One of my macro libraries holds lots of spells (both MU & Priest) as well as Powers, their full specs, and also uses !trackerJacker to add status markers with countdowns to tokens spells are targeted at.  This way, the info for spells is only held once, and does not take up space on each character sheet.  The spell macros in the library allow characters to cast spells from it, memorise spells, cast them with full specs, and get back each day the spells they have in their spell books on their character sheet, level up as spell casters, etc.

If the data is held in each copy of the sheet, can there be a flag to turn it off?  Of course if it is just held once for all characters in the whole campaign, that's fine.

Peter B. said:

Jonathan said:

Hi Peter, first off, thanks for your work on this sheet. I've just started using it for my latest campaign and its working well so far :) The one thing that I'd love to see is a change to Level 3 upwards spells - I know there is a LOT of work to add them and I'm not asking for that, but couldn't the 'Add Spell' template be changed to the one used for Level 1 and 2? By that I mean the same template but with only the 'Custom' option? This would allow the clear entry of all the important details (eg: AoE, duration, range etc etc) and the use of the 'Spell Template' button to clearly display the Spell details. 

Don't know how much work that would involve or if its even possible but I thought I'd ask :)


Hello Jonathan!

Sure thing I can add those. My plan was to first get all the spell information transcribed before adding the section, which has gotten a bit slow, as all my time has been eaten up by other things. Also the players in my game haven't gotten to 3rd level spells yet, so there have been no rush to get that in order ;).

If nothing else I will add the spell sections, but without the information in my next update, then the information can be added later on :)

That's great Peter - thanks.
Do you want help in transcribing the spells? I have spare time atm and would be happy to do some

January 16 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Jonathan said:

That's great Peter - thanks.
Do you want help in transcribing the spells? I have spare time atm and would be happy to do some

It is very og you to offer, but I already have another player heling me. He had made a script that i super fast. I just havnt had time to proces his data :) 

If I need help them I will reach out to you in the future! ;) 

January 17 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Richard @ Damery said:


Sorry, I don't know how your character sheets are designed.  How large will adding this information make each Character Sheet?  I have players with limited machines, and I sometimes have quite complex scenarios with lots of NPCs.  Is this data held with every sheet, or is it shared between sheets?

One of my macro libraries holds lots of spells (both MU & Priest) as well as Powers, their full specs, and also uses !trackerJacker to add status markers with countdowns to tokens spells are targeted at.  This way, the info for spells is only held once, and does not take up space on each character sheet.  The spell macros in the library allow characters to cast spells from it, memorise spells, cast them with full specs, and get back each day the spells they have in their spell books on their character sheet, level up as spell casters, etc.

If the data is held in each copy of the sheet, can there be a flag to turn it off?  Of course if it is just held once for all characters in the whole campaign, that's fine.

Hello Richard.

The short answer is Yes. The data is held in every character sheet.

My design philosophy when it comes to this character sheet is that every feature must be available to all players with a minimum setup requirement.

In order to make it available to all players, I cannot use the API, as that would exclude Basic / Free players from some features.

A minimum setup means that DMs and players should be able to load the sheet up and use it without a requirement to load additional information into the sheet. When uploading character sheet I can only add 2 files. A HTML file and A CSS file. I have no experience with Macro libraries, but as the macros are not part of the character sheet, then it would require someone of the players to know how to load it in, which I do not like.


As for performance and limited machines I highly doubt this is an issue. When the sheet is loaded for the first time, all the spell information is added as an object in javascript. This means that is only loads once and then is left alone. This should cause no trouble for any machine as the amount of data is trivial compared to what is going on on modern website today, when it comes to javascript.

As for loading the data, that is handled by dictionary lookup, which happens in O(1) execution time, and is therefore not a problem.


Again I have no knowledge of how macros and macro libraries are handled, so there might be a better way to do this, that I simply do not know of yet. However as for now, this is the only way I see me getting the result that I want, in the way that I want it.

January 17 (4 years ago)
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter

Peter B. said:

Hello Richard.

The short answer is Yes. The data is held in every character sheet. ...


Thanks for getting back to me.  And I can sympathise with sticking to this format.

I've already experienced performance problems for players with limited kit with expanding the AD&D2E sheet repeating tables to the size I expect to eventually need for spells, weapons, powers, equipment, magic items etc.  It's not the load time, but the memory used when handling lots of sheets in one battle or on a single map.  If even monsters have all these spells loaded, that could be the "small data package" x 150, for no use of them whatsoever.  Some of my players are playing on old, memory limited machines and are pensioners who can't afford to buy new kit.

So I'm going to stick to a custom version of the previous version of your sheet.  I'll have to work out how to create and program character sheets for myself.

All the best, and good luck with the development.

January 17 (4 years ago)

Hello Peter, 

First off, great job on the sheet. I'm new to roll20 and I find your sheet a real boon.

My problem is with initiative. More exactly we developped our own perpetual init. meaning a combat start at 1 and may finish at 200... 

My question for you, my player, as 2 weapons (let's say a club and a dagger) is there a way for me to reference the dagger's speed factor to put it in my initiative macro?

The more thorough question would be how can I access any of those field on the weapon list.


P.S. If you are curious about the perpetual init, the idea was to fill the gap of a thief that jabs you at 3 of init and as to "wait" before the fighter finishes his swing at 15... 

January 17 (4 years ago)

Sorry to bother you again...

you said previously:

This all for this update!

Hope you can use the changes that are coming your way!

If you want to support my work, please go and Vote and Comment on my suggestion for datalists

How or where do I go to "vote and comment"?


January 17 (4 years ago)

Edited January 17 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Richard @ Damery said:

Peter B. said:

Hello Richard.

The short answer is Yes. The data is held in every character sheet. ...


Thanks for getting back to me.  And I can sympathise with sticking to this format.

I've already experienced performance problems for players with limited kit with expanding the AD&D2E sheet repeating tables to the size I expect to eventually need for spells, weapons, powers, equipment, magic items etc.  It's not the load time, but the memory used when handling lots of sheets in one battle or on a single map.  If even monsters have all these spells loaded, that could be the "small data package" x 150, for no use of them whatsoever.  Some of my players are playing on old, memory limited machines and are pensioners who can't afford to buy new kit.

So I'm going to stick to a custom version of the previous version of your sheet.  I'll have to work out how to create and program character sheets for myself.

All the best, and good luck with the development.

I see your issue. I would never have thought about someone having multiple sheets open. This might be a limitation of my own player experience, but I have never been in a game where more than 1 sheet have been active per player.

For Roll20 I would think that 1 or 2 sheets pr player would suffice. As for the DM I would think that no more than 10 would be needed. Personally my DM handles everything offline as he is no programmer and does not use macros, so he is not a good indicator. 

I can clearly see for your use cases with 150 sheets it will become a problem. However I would think that your case is an edge case. I appreciate that you are going in another direction by using a custom sheet. I am in contact with another player who does the same, but checks back from time to time to get whatever updates from me that he likes, while keeping his own custom functionality. You could do the same :)

All the best of luck to you and all of your pensioned players! It is wonderful to know that people still play AD&D into their golden years! :D


I just recalled that the sheetworkers and javascript is not directly visible when inspecting a character sheet in chrome. I believe that Roll20 moves all the sheetworker code to a singular location stored in the specific game, rather than the sheet itself. I am not entirely sure about this, and we might need confirmation from someone more experiences such as GiGs, Vince or TheAaron.

If the above is true, then the sheetworkers and all the spell data should only be loaded once per computer/browser/active tab in that specific Roll20 game. As the spell data is handle by javascript, and the browers javascript engine is a shared instance across all the sheets in a single brower's window, that would also mean that all the spell data is only stored once. Even if multiple sheets are loaded, the same object in the javascript engine is just overwritten with identical data on every load, meaning that amount of memory used should be the same no matter the number of open sheets.

Only the HTML is rendered once per sheet.

If anyone can confirm the above, it would be greatly appreciated! :)

January 17 (4 years ago)

Edited January 17 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Michel C. said:

Hello Peter, 

First off, great job on the sheet. I'm new to roll20 and I find your sheet a real boon.

My problem is with initiative. More exactly we developped our own perpetual init. meaning a combat start at 1 and may finish at 200... 

My question for you, my player, as 2 weapons (let's say a club and a dagger) is there a way for me to reference the dagger's speed factor to put it in my initiative macro?

The more thorough question would be how can I access any of those field on the weapon list.


P.S. If you are curious about the perpetual init, the idea was to fill the gap of a thief that jabs you at 3 of init and as to "wait" before the fighter finishes his swing at 15... 

Sounds like a fun house rule. My group had talked about the same thing, allowing faster weapons to utilize their speed much more than with the standard rules.

You can find the name of any stat by mousing over the field: 

You either need to add a selected token or a specific player. Also with repeating fields you need to add the index of the row, starting at 0. So a complete example would be:

  • @{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_weapspeed} or
  • @{PlayerName|repeating_weapons_$0_weapspeed}

Specifically for the weapons table there is a bug in Roll20 where something you will get nothing when you call these. It is explained here:

Michel C. said:

Sorry to bother you again...

you said previously:

This all for this update!

Hope you can use the changes that are coming your way!

If you want to support my work, please go and Vote and Comment on my suggestion for datalists

How or where do I go to "vote and comment"?


Well the link is given right in the sheet, you probably already visited the page: 

The direct link is: You need to either buy a subscription or have been a player for 1 year to get a vote, so if you are new, then you cannot vote just yet :)


Thanks Peter for the hard work!!

My attack templates stopped working with these updates, and I think I managed to have them working again, but only for first weapon (melee). Could it be that the bug you mentioned before, would be affecting my templates? Second melee is not showing name in card or inserting properly to hit bonuses.

Here is a copy for first melee and second:


{{title=@{selected|token_name} makes an Attack!}}

{{subtitle=vs. @{target|token_name} }}

{{weapon_used=@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_weaponname} }}

{{ac_hit=[[@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_ThAC0}-(1d20+(@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_attackadj})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_prof-level})+(@{selected|strengthhit}*@{selected|repeating_weapons_$0_strbonus})+(?{Misc To Hit bonus|0}))]]}}

{{dmg_s=[[(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_damsm}+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_damadj})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_specialist-damage})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_strbonus1}))?{Misc Damage Adjustment?|+0}]]}}

{{dmg_l=[[(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_daml}+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_damadj})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_specialist-damage})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_strbonus1}))?{Misc Damage Adjustment?|+0}]]}}

{{crit_s=[[(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_damsm}+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_damadj})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_specialist-damage})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_strbonus1}))?{Misc Damage Adjustment?|+0}]]}}

{{crit_l=[[(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_daml}+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_damadj})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_specialist-damage})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$0_strbonus1}))?{Misc Damage Adjustment?|+0}]]}}


{{title=@{selected|token_name} makes an Attack!}}

{{subtitle=vs. @{target|token_name} }}

{{weapon_used=@{selected|repeating_weapons_$1_weaponname} }}

{{ac_hit=[[@{selected|repeating_weapons_$1_ThAC0}-(1d20+(@{selected|repeating_weapons_$1_attackadj})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons_$1_prof-level})+(@{selected|strengthhit}*@{selected|repeating_weapons_$1_strbonus})+(?{Misc To Hit bonus|0}))]]}}

{{dmg_s=[[(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_damsm}+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_damadj})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_specialist-damage})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_strbonus1}))?{Misc Damage Adjustment?|+0}]]}}

{{dmg_l=[[(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_daml}+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_damadj})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_specialist-damage})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_strbonus1}))?{Misc Damage Adjustment?|+0}]]}}

{{crit_s=[[(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_damsm}+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_damadj})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_specialist-damage})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_strbonus1}))?{Misc Damage Adjustment?|+0}]]}}

{{crit_l=[[(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_daml}+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_damadj})+(@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_specialist-damage})+(@{selected|strengthdmg}*@{selected|repeating_weapons-damage_$1_strbonus1}))?{Misc Damage Adjustment?|+0}]]}}

January 18 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Enric N. said:


Thanks Peter for the hard work!!

My attack templates stopped working with these updates, and I think I managed to have them working again, but only for first weapon (melee). Could it be that the bug you mentioned before, would be affecting my templates? Second melee is not showing name in card or inserting properly to hit bonuses.

If you see wrong / no data, then the problem is almost certain the cause of ghost rows. I have made a small guide on how to workaround / fix the index problem until Roll20 creates and actual fix for the problem themselves: Workaround / Fix for Ghost Rows

January 22 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Richard @ Damery said:

Peter B. said:

Hello Richard.

The short answer is Yes. The data is held in every character sheet. ...


Thanks for getting back to me.  And I can sympathise with sticking to this format.

I've already experienced performance problems for players with limited kit with expanding the AD&D2E sheet repeating tables to the size I expect to eventually need for spells, weapons, powers, equipment, magic items etc.  It's not the load time, but the memory used when handling lots of sheets in one battle or on a single map.  If even monsters have all these spells loaded, that could be the "small data package" x 150, for no use of them whatsoever.  Some of my players are playing on old, memory limited machines and are pensioners who can't afford to buy new kit.

So I'm going to stick to a custom version of the previous version of your sheet.  I'll have to work out how to create and program character sheets for myself.

All the best, and good luck with the development.

Hello again Richard. I asked your question publicly on the forum and the great GiGs answered!

It turns out that javascript objects are stored once per game, so that should not be the problem.

The lagging and memory usage should be due to the sheer size of the sheet, something that is very hard to do anything about because I do not know what people use, so I cannot cut something out.

Hope this gives you the confidence to stick with me a little while longer :)

January 22 (4 years ago)

Edited February 03 (4 years ago)
Peter B.
Sheet Author

Weapon type vs Armor type, Spells and More

Hello AD&D 2E players. I am back with another update with good stuff for you all!

Pull Request: Github PR

To give Macro users time to update their macros, the following changes will go live in ~2 weeks.

Weapon type vs Armor type

I do not know how many players this will affect as this section has apparently never really worked.

  • Before version 3.3.2 it only worked with the first static row of a melee weapon or a ranged weapon. It did not work with the repeating rows for either melee or range weapons.
  • In version 3.3.2 it just completely stopped working all together as those static rows are now gone. It instead throws errors in the chat if you try to use it.


  • Now works with all repeating rows!
  • Changed Bronze Plate Mail to be grouped with Plate Mail instead of being grouped with Chain Mail as that is how it is described in the Players Handbook


  • If your weapon uses multiple weapon types, Ie. Morning Star P/B, then the calculations will use both the values, which is incorrect. The player has to manually pick the one correct / best weapon type for the given armor type.

In order to get this feature to work a lot of attributes has been affected. This is only relevant for players using Macros.

The following old invisible attributes have been deleted:

  • @{armortype-bandedmail-slash}, @{armortype-bandedmail-pierce}, @{armortype-bandedmail-blunt}
  • @{armortype-brigandine-slash}, @{armortype-brigandine-pierce}, @{armortype-brigandine-blunt}
  • @{armortype-chain/bronze-slash}, @{armortype-chain/bronze-pierce}, @{armortype-chain/bronze-blunt}
  • @{armortype-fieldplate-slash}, @{armortype-fieldplate-pierce}, @{armortype-fieldplate-blunt}
  • @{armortype-fullplate-slash}, @{armortype-fullplate-pierce}, @{armortype-fullplate-blunt}
  • @{armortype-leath/hide/pad-slash}, @{armortype-leath/hide/pad-pierce}, @{armortype-leath/hide/pad-blunt}
  • @{armortype-platemail-slash}, @{armortype-platemail-pierce}, @{armortype-platemail-blunt}
  • @{armortype-ringmail-slash}, @{armortype-ringmail-pierce}, @{armortype-ringmail-blunt}
  • @{armortype-scalemail-slash}, @{armortype-scalemail-pierce}, @{armortype-scalemail-blunt}
  • @{armortype-splintmail-slash}, @{armortype-splintmail-pierce}, @{armortype-splintmail-blunt}
  • @{armortype-studleath-slash}, @{armortype-studleath-pierce}, @{armortype-studleath-blunt}

The following attributes have changed value

  • @{banded-mail}
  • @{brigandine}
  • @{field-plate}
  • @{full-plate}
  • @{leather-hide-padded}
  • @{plate-mail}
  • @{ring-mail}
  • @{scale-mail}
  • @{splint-mail}

The following attributes has changed name and value

  • @{chainmail-bronzeplate} -> @{chainmail}

The following new invisible attributes has been added:

  • @{armortype-slash}
  • @{armortype-pierce}
  • @{armortype-blunt}

Blunt to Bludgeoning


  • Changed all references to "Blunt" to "Bludgeoning", which is the term used in the Players Handbook

New attribute field for base ThAC0

Suggested by Richard @ Damery and BilBo 2

New Spell section for Wizard level 3 - 15 and Priest level 3 - 7 + Quest -

Suggested by Jonathan


Spell auto fill for Wizard level 3 and Priest level 3

Added spell details for level 3 spells


Made Worn Equipment collapsable

Suggested by Chronische


  • Introduced a checbox that can Show/Hide the Worn equipment section

That is all for this time

Hope you all will enjoy these changes! They will go live in about 2 weeks.

If you have any suggestions for new stuff / bugfixes please let me know right here in the forum. This allowes other players to give their input on the new features developed!

As always. If you want to support me, please go and Vote and Comment for my suggestion for HTML5 Datalists: You need to either have a paid subscription or have been a player for 1 year to vote.