Yeah, I'm not sure where that default Bless global comes from on some NPCs. There's no way to make changes to sheets automatically without API (Pro feature). There are a couple of ways to disable it for NPCs (if that's what you want to do). The simple way: Change this bit right near the end of the macro: {{global=@{selected|global_save_mod}}} to this: {@{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_name|max}{global=@{selected|global_save_mod}}@{selected|repeating_proficiencies_$0_name|max}} &{noerror} That will break the global template property for any character sheet that does not have any entries in the Proficiencies repeating section. This will require your players to have at least one entry in there, which they all should.... everyone can speak Common, right? This will still roll the 3d die, which may only be a problem for you. Another method requires creating an Ability on each player character's sheet, we'll call it saveFix. It is completely empty (no whitespace!) apart from the name. It's very important that this is an Ability , not an Attribute , or it will not work. You'd then change the global property to this, instead: {%{selected|savefix}{global=@{selected|%{selected|savefix}global_save_mod}}%{selected|savefix}} &{noerror} That will disable both the template property and the die roll, so you won't get the 3d d4 appearing.