All, I have been working on a new sheet for the upcoming release Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. The sheet is essentially an updated and reworked version of the Next playtest sheet that is available right now on Roll20. The mentors have already had a look through the sheet for a few weeks and I've made some changes based on feedback and testing and it's pretty much ready for more people to have a look over it now so i'd appreciate any feedback/comments you may have. Details of how to join the test campaign are at the bottom of the post but please read the list below first - I have begun to make changes to the sheet to account for the updated 5e ruleset but as this has not yet been fully released I am only making changes that I am 100% sure wont have to be redone again. As such you should expect that a few things may not yet match up with any of the preview articles and leaks that WOTC have been sending out. The sheet will of course be fully updated as and when the new rules come out but for right now you should expect to see some mechanics in it that are based on the last playtest packet rules, and not the 5e release rules. The most notable thing that hasnt been updated yet is the proficiency bonus . We all know it starts at +2 in the full rules and scales up to +6....but we dont know where the breakpoints are yet. As such the proficiency bonus right now on the 5e sheet follows the rules in the last public playtest rules and scales from +1 to +6 accordingly. This will be updated when the rules are released but for now this is likely to be the thing that will throw up an unexpected modifier or result from what you expected to get. The class section of the sheet provides some class specific facilities based on whether you have levels in a class or not. In order to make sure the sheet is legal and all above board it can only calculate how much of a resource a class may have (by using your class levels) and not auto display the options you have for using that resource. As an example, It will give clerics an autocalculated maximum uses of the Channel Divinity class feature...but it wont list the options you might have for that. another example is that it will autocalculate both the unarmoured armour class and the max number of Ki points someone with monk levels will have...but it wont provide you with a list of options for spending those Ki points. Again those are all calculated based on your monk level. So in summary, the sheet does not auto level you in the slightest but it does provide some useful facilities that are based on what levels you have on a per class you use them/fill these in is up to you! You toggle the visibility of the class specific sections using the buttons in the class section...some classes have nothing here. (but might once we see the full rules!) The "Help" section of the sheet is currently completely empty and pending the rest of the sheet being complete and updated with the final ruleset Unlike the playest "Next" version of the sheet, this one does not prompt you for Misc Modifiers on every roll. It instead provides space on the sheet for modifiers to be added including an "Active bonuses/Penalties" area in the Core section of the sheet. Think of this as an easy way to add things like the buff from a Bless spell to all the appropriate rolls on the sheet without having to continually re-enter it. Finally, the sheet tries to do a lot of the hard work for you by autocalculating various fields. The vast majority of these are based of your class levels and these are set in the class if you see results you dont expect please check that these are set correctly first. So if you are interested and have some free time i'd appreciate some feedback on how the new sheet is shaping up. You can join the campaign by clicking on this link - <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> In the campaign you should find 5 blank test characters that people can use and abuse as they like as well as a fighter, cleric and wizard character sheet that is essentially a recreation of the recently previewed ones from the 5e starter set. There is also a level 20 mage as well should you want to see how a higher level character looks...though I havent updated it since the last version of the sheet went on this test campaign so there may be areas of it that are not fully populated...particularly in the Skills and Background sections. Other than this the campaign is empty (no maps/tokens/anything)