I'm a little confused because this particular formatting isn't called out in the Wiki, nor could I find any posts that clarified for me what this actually does. I added attacks for one of my players to the 5e OGL sheet for when he uses his druid ability to transform into a polar bear and use Bite or Claw. That's simple enough, but I wanted to add a little flare. When I hit the attack and then press the up arrow to get the auto-generated macro, I see a few lines that have [MOD] in them, seemingly to indicate some sort of modifier based on... what exactly? What, if anything is being modified? And does this modification automatically adjust with my player's level or abilities?. Here's a couple of examples: {{r1=[[@{Cathalan|d20}cs>20 + 7[MOD]]]}} {{dmg1=[[1d8 + 5[MOD]]]}} Is this just some intricacy of the Roll20 engine, or is there a purpose that I'm missing?