Thank you for the responses. We have found a player. Hello Ladies and Gents We are a group of 5 friendly adventurers making our way through a campaign of curses, demons, strange nobles, plane shifts and much more to come. I am 27 years old and have been dming for the first time with this lovely group since October. I am partially sighted so appreciate people who have some patience and understanding (can take a little longer to read abilities/notes etc). A player has just got a new job in far away lands and unfortunately will have to leave us (sad news). The good news is that we are looking for a fresh member to add to the fun! We play every Thursday at 5pm UK Time. Level 4 Anything from PHB/XGTE/TCE allowed. We are 18 sessions in. I will be happy to work with you to come up with a way to get you naturally integrated into the group and adventure. You will also have chance to have a chat with the current players to get a feel for the group. We enjoy a serious style of roleplay where players are invested in their characters and get involved with their own and others players backsrories - interacting and becoming a team. I am fairly new to DMing so would like players that excuse the odd "error" here and there. I aim to create an intriguing plot along side the players (your backstories will come into play). Your actions and choices will have consequences (as the party are about to find out :P...maybe). Want players who: ▪︎Are respectful to all. ▪︎Want to work as a team. ▪︎Love serious roleplaying with each other aswell as NPCs. ▪︎Don't get upset if things don't go their way. ▪︎20 y/o + No drama players, no edgy/evil PCs, no PvP, no metagaming. Please include the below information. Feel free to add anything else you feel is relevant or would like me to know. If you are interested drop me a PM/post. Please include the below information in your message. Feel free to add anything else you feel is relevant. 1) Name 2) Age 3) Gender 4) Time zone 5) A little about yourself 6) How long you have been playing D&D 7) What do you like most about a D&D campaign 8) What do you least like in a D&D campaign 9) Describe your playstyle and roleplay style 10) Briefly describe a typical PC you like to play 11) Can you make Thursdays 5pm UK TIME? Suraj Please see also the original post. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>