Hi everyone, I would like to use an API/Macro to add [Handout 1] to all my players.  I'm thinking of doing this via a token call with the handout URL in the green bar's Max value (just so you know how I'm setting it up).  I already have gm-level tokens that do this: short form is it puts the name of the token into chat, along with a description box that the players can see and a hyperlink to a handout (with the url being contained in the token's green Max field). The issue is that if the handout isn't added to all players journals, the hyperlink does nothing, so I'm thinking of making a token to click on and execute a macro/api call to add the handout i want them to be able to see to all their journals, then click the example one above so they can click and see the handout. I appreciate any assistance! Mark