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UI Language setting per Game

TLDR: Per Game one takes part in (as player or DM) let me set the UI language for that specific game to something different than the default UI language in the account settings.   I currently DM a game in german with a mostly german speaking group of ppl so their UI is set to german. To play with them and be able to tell them where to find stuff in the game I basically have to set my UI language in the settings to German so i can tell them to look at stuff in the "Notizbuch" instead of the "Journal". Also the language of the character sheets is also dependent on the UI language setting. Having character sheets translated into multiple languages is a great thing, but for like a german rpg having some ppl see the english sheet and some the german is not really good.  I also take part in a D&D 5e game with some english speaking people. And with that game I would like to have my UI be in english. Just in general i prefer to have my UIs in english.  Currently I have to switch the UI language setting in the account settings to english or german respectively, depending on what game I'm playing. I would like to have the ability to have a setting per game I take part in that just opens the roll20 webapp in the language I specified for that specific game.  I found various posts about this in the suggestion forum already. But it seems the non english speaking community isn't as present here as i would wish for. 
Marco G.
Sheet Author
I second that. My own created character sheet is currenly only available in German. Though I started putting preliminary english translations into it.. and I am pretty certain that the majority of translations are bullshit and will stay that way until Ulisses Spiele finally releases an english ruleset.
But... they have? There's a whole bunch of The Dark Eye 5th edition rules released. On various Kickstarters and such. Just saying ;)
Sheet Author
I also second that. I'm german and often playing with english rulebooks, so we use english terms but in a bunch of games we use the german translation. To have the proper terms in the character sheets requires a constant switching in account settings. I also know of players that prefer a german UI, and when the character sheet for a game has only an incomplete translation, the half-translated sheet becomes a really pain in the ass. So having the option to change the UI language setting would really improve that, but I would suggest a further idea : Allow for selecting the translation file for a certain sheet/game freely.
Marketplace Creator
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