I found Tracker Jacker to be a nice tool but I wanted custom marker
tokens to be supported so I dove in. I have been able to update TJ to
support whatever tokens you have in use in your game as well as a few
other functionality updates. This API script gives you an animated turn indicator that hovers under the active token in the turn order. It also allows you to assign markers (default roll20 or custom markers) to your tokens and it will count them down as the rounds progress, very helpful if you forget to update durations on token markers. When a token's turn comes up it announces in chat who's turn is up and what affects they have (hidden effects are possible that only display to the GM). Now Available on the One-Click API List as Initiative Tracker Plus The latest development code (not necessarily tested / functional) is here: <a href="https://github.com/jaculpiii/roll20-api-scripts/tree/master/InitiativeTrackerPlus" rel="nofollow">https://github.com/jaculpiii/roll20-api-scripts/tree/master/InitiativeTrackerPlus</a> Here is the list of what I have updated as of the time of this posting: Change Log:
2021-07-22 - v1.26 Added 'itp_pseudonym' functionality <a href="https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/10263547/" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/forum/permalink/10263547/</a> 2021-03-02 - v1.25 published to one-click API script list 2021-03-01 - Added eotcolor option to -setConfig to change [ EOT ] button color. 2021-02-13
- Added !itp -setConfig [key]:[value] functionality to modify various fields, flags and
design variables. These changes will be stored in the state so should
continue between sessions. Use detailed below. 2020-12-28
- Changed '? Round 1' (which changes to '?? Round 1' when paused) to
use a play button image |> and pause button image || instead. 2020-12-04 - Added !itp -purge alias to remove all statuses 2020-12-02 - Some minor code cleanup to make it easier for me to work with. 2020-12-02
- Added a command to clear all statuses from a token. !itp -dispmultistatusconfig removeall while the token(s) are selected, or a
button appears on the edit message as well. 2020-11-23
- Changed references to Tracker Jacker to Initiative Tracker Plus. I
am doing this to differentiate the new and drastically changing codebase
from Ken L.'s original codebase so users that are happy with OG Tracker
Jacker can continue to use it without confusion. 2020-11-23 - Updated initiative round indicator to have Play, Stop and Pause buttons instead of ? and ?? 2020-11-22 - The first actor's turn is now announced when starting the tracker. 2020-11-22 - Added the ability to change the initiative indicator (spinning green thing by default) to any other image. 2020-11-18 - Added the ability to save and load favorite. The save
creates a Handout called "ITPFavsJSON", the load looks for that handout
and loads the JSON from it. 2020-09-25 - Added the ability to display favorites alphabetically,
it remains in the first in first out order by default. To get an
alphabetical list change !itp -listfavs to !itp -listfavs 1 2020-09-20 - Added EOT link to turn indicator 2020-09-20 - Added mouseover text to token marker selector list 2020-09-12 - Added -cleanSlate command ( !itp -cleanSlate ) to
completely wipe all persistent state data should not be used lightly but
if effects get stuck in the system this will clear them 2020-09-12 - Updated heavily to pull all token markers enabled in
the campaign and make them useable for condition/status effects Examples of functionality. Click the images to see the actual animations. Default turn indicator: An
example alternate turn indicator, this can be made from just about any
image though many will look bad as animated backgrounds. Example of the turn changing to a player and the chat notification: Example
of effects on tokens counting down and announcing the effects in chat
on turn changes. If you apply a status with no status marker only the
DM is whispered the affect on turn change. Here is a list of things I'd like to do with it, in no particular order: Bugs: Features Wishlist:
Add clickable on Turn Notification marker list to remove each
marker. Perhaps where the duration is currently displayed and bump
duration to the left a little. Create Favs categories???
create categories (hard coded?) assign categories via changefav and addfav list favorites categories (listfavcats?) list favorites BY category (listfavbycat?)
Link conditions to a parent condition on another token (specifically
for things like "blessed" linked to "concentration" and the like) Add "Next Up" on the Turn Notification Player (non-DM) level favorites, perhaps a flag on current favorites to flag them as 'public'. This would make it easier for players to use the effects, a bonus for DMs with a rotating player base especially. Add a jukebox file to play/stop automatically when the initiative tracker starts/pauses/stops. Also figure out how to actually do that. Figure out how to format API call buttons, example "[Click Here](~ApiMM|Confusion)" which creats a big pink button normally. Power Cards API apparently does this, it may be a good place to look for inspiration. Feel
free to let me know if you find any bugs and I'll try to fix what I
can, I'm also open to listen to feature suggestions. Keep in mind, I am
an amateur with javascript so my code may be somewhat clumsy but so far
it appears functional. Commands
!itp -help
Display help message
!itp -start
Start/Pause the tracker. If not started starts; if active pauses; if paused, resumes. Behaves as a toggle.
!itp -stop
Stops the tracker and clears all status effects.
!itp -clear
Stops the tracker as the -stop command, but in addition clears the turnorder
!itp -pause
Pauses the tracker.
!itp -reset [round#]
Reset the tracker's round counter to the given round, if none is supplied, it is set to round 1.
!itp -addstatus [name]:[duration]:[direction]:[message]
Add a status to the group of selected tokens, if it does not have the named status.
name name of the status.
duration duration of the status (numeric).
direction + or - direction (+# or -#) indicating the
increase or decrease of the the status' duration when the token's turn
comes up. +0 or -0 for a permanent affect.
message optional description of the status. If dice text, ie: 1d4 exist, it'll roll this result when the token's turn comes up.
!itp -removestatus [name]
Remove a status from a group of selected tokens given the name.
!itp -dispmultistatusconfig removeall
Remove all statuses from a group of selected tokens. !itp -purge
Remove all statuses from a group of selected tokens.
!itp -edit
Edit statuses on the selected tokens
!itp -addfav [name]:[duration]:[direction]:[message]
Add a favorite status for quick application to selected tokens later.
!itp -listfavs
Displays favorite statuses with options to apply or edit.
!itp -listfavs 1
Displays favorite statuses (in alphabetical order) with options to apply or edit.
Ends a player's turn and advances the tracker if the player has control of the current turn's token. Player usable command.
!itp -saveFavs
Save your current Favorites into in the GM notes section of a handout
called "ITPFavsJSON". This can be copy/pasted into a handout with the
same name in another lobby and then "!tj -loadFavs" can be run to load
them there.
!itp -loadFavs
Load Favorites previously saved via "!tj -saveFavs". Requires the
handout "ITPFavsJSON" to exist and have properly exported data in the GM
notes section.
!itp -setIndicatorImage
Replaces the current initiative indicator with a new image
Note: The token will be removed from the field, along with any others with the name 'tracker_image'
Place the image you wish to use as the indicator image (animated
turn indicator) on the play field (any layer). Please note, rollable
tokens can be used for this as well. Edit the new token and change it's name to 'tracker_image', save the change Pause the tracker if it's currently active Use this command Unpause the tracker if it was active, else wise the next time the tracker is started your new indicator will be used.
!itp -defaultIndicatorImage
Revert the initiative indicator to the original green one.
Pause the tracker if it's currently active Use this command Unpause the tracker if it was active, elsewise the next time the tracker is started the indicator will be the default green one. !itp -setConfig [key]:[value] Changes various configuration values. Permitted keys [default] and what they expect for values are: trackerImgRatio - [2.25] - a decimal number, how much larger than the token it's highlighting that the turn indicator should be rotation_degree - [15] - an integer number, how many degrees per step of the indicator animation that it rotates. rotation_rate
- [250] - an integer number, how many milliseconds between frames of
the animation, smaller numbers are a faster animation but will load down
roll20 more. round_separator_initiative - [-100] -
an integer number, displays the "initiative" for the round separator
100 will put it at the top of the round, -100 will put it at the bottom
of the round. rotation - [true] - true or false, turns the spinning animation for the turn indicator on (true) or off (false) show_eot - [true] - true of false, display or don't display the EOT button on actor turn announcements in chat turncolor - [#D8F9FF] - Hex color code, changes the color of the background of the chat message announcing who's turn it is. roundcolor - [#363574] - Hex color code, changes the color of the round announcement chat message. statuscolor - [#F0D6FF] - Hex color code, changes the color of the text of the chat message announcing statuses of the current actor. statusbgcolor - [#897A87] - Hex color code, changes the background color of the chat message announcing statuses of the current actor. statusbordercolor [#430D3D] - Hex color code, changes the color of the border of the chat message announcing statuses of the current actor. statusargscolor [#FFFFFF] - Hex color code, changes the color of the feedback text when changing the marker for a status. eotcolor [#FF0000] - Hex color code, changes the color of the [ EOT ] button. playcombatmusic [0] - Will a track from the jukebox be played when the tracker is active. Values should be 0 for off, 1 for on. combatmusic [] - The name of the track to play when the tracker is active if playcombatmusic is turned on [1]. Track can not contain spaces (example: Combat).