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Character Sheet Enhancements!

1. D&D 5E by Roll20 2. Did not think to take screenshots but then easy to describe! 3. 4. Irrelevant The issues are:-   1.  Sheets randomly turning on the Bless +1d4 feature - and this occurred even on a new NPC I created - and no way I can see to turn that off! 2.  Slow Loading as reported here by many.  Even slower when popping out the sheet.

Edited 1616108209
Nic B. said: I managed to isolate my issues with this to google fonts being rejected by the sanitizer on the sandbox. Do you have an @import statement in your CSS? You may have to temporarily remove it. => I can't really work on my character sheet without the correct fonts for various reasons, but thanks for suggesting David said: Its {     "legacy":true } => I know, I just quoted the "legacy : true" fix, not how I wrote it David said: If you have multiple font imports it breaks the css in the sandbox and change ccs2 to css.  See  here => Same issue, I can't work on my sheets without the right fonts for various reasons, thanks tho, I hope it'll be fixed soon
Nicholas said: Hey folks! We are working on a fix for some issues with community sheets, specifically sheets not using sheetworkers, that are causing them to not load. The fix should be going out momentarily - we'll let you know as soon as it's available.Thank you for your patience and reports! Hey everyone -  We pushed out the fix for these issues just now and you should be good to go. Please let us know if you continue to run into the problem, or if anything else comes up. Thanks!
Sheet Author
Kinji said: Nic B. said: I managed to isolate my issues with this to google fonts being rejected by the sanitizer on the sandbox. Do you have an @import statement in your CSS? You may have to temporarily remove it. => I can't really work on my character sheet without the correct fonts for various reasons, but thanks for suggesting David said: Its {     "legacy":true } => I know, I just quoted the "legacy : true" fix, not how I wrote it David said: If you have multiple font imports it breaks the css in the sandbox and change ccs2 to css.  See  here => Same issue, I can't work on my sheets without the right fonts for various reasons, thanks tho, I hope it'll be fixed soon Post your import statement(s)
@import url('<a href="|Nunito|Source+Code+Pro|Fredericka+the+Great|Special+Elite|Orbitron&amp;display=swap" rel="nofollow">|Nunito|Source+Code+Pro|Fredericka+the+Great|Special+Elite|Orbitron&amp;display=swap</a>');
Still not working. Now the character sheets which had started working last night randomly are gone again. Just asks "How do you want to create this character..."
Forum Champion
Nicholas Analyzer Roll20 Dev Team please answer Tim M about the BUGS with Z-order that began when Duplicate Page was launched. This z-order bug has completely ruined some games, like Tim's, making them unplayable, because of what happens when you copy-paste a mixture of Graphics objects &amp; Drawing shapes.&nbsp; They lose the z-order and stack up wrongly, in some cases it's impossible to sort it out to the intended order. Tim M said: Analyzer said: As many of you recall, we were testing some enhancements on the dev server . Bitterly disappointed and discouraged that you've done nothing to fix the Z-Order issue identified here, back in December: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Doug E. &nbsp;said: That's the macro bar. You can turn it off in the Collections tab but it is definitely bugged. I don't think it's&nbsp;related to Character sheet enhancements, tho'. Doug, it IS related to the character sheet updates --- the new character sheet enhancement adds a transparent bar across the bottom of your Character Sheet, it's a new target area to drag-drop macros that will send them to appear in Quick Bar.
all my sheets are not working&nbsp; . i cant see images or my custom made attributes and ability's , cant even see my macro's&nbsp; the&nbsp; attributes and ability's &nbsp;section is gone completely , i rely on that to run my game , how do i fix this ? help
Hey folks - We just pushed out a fix for issues with broken tabs in character sheets. If you are having any additional issues with that specifically, please make sure to refresh your game and clear your cache. Also, if you're using any extensions or addons, please make sure to disable them. Thanks!
The problem will not die . Sheets: D&amp;D 5e by Roll 20 and whatever the regular 4e sheet is called; I don't know the name. Browsers: Waterfox (Sheets don't work) &amp; Chrome (Works, but lags like hell) Screenshot: Exactly the same thing posted by urBruce here . Issues: Endlessly spinning purple wheel (Waterfox), clicking those + or trashcan/unlock boxes on the 5e sheet at the bottom of listsno longer does anything as of a few months ago (Waterfox also. Somewhat moot at the moment, but I figure it's worth mentioning as long as I'm already complaining), heavy lag all around (Chrome, where the sheet does still load.)

Edited 1616124593
My group is just using stock character sheets without a template.&nbsp; Today we logged in and our sheets no longer had any stat page or bio page.&nbsp; When we click "Edit" it shows the bio page to edit but nothing else: Browsers: Chrome and FireFox.&nbsp; Tried deleting cache and refreshing page, but no joy. Edit: I just noticed a dark patch on the page that I haven't seen before.&nbsp; Don't know if it's significant.

Edited 1616138097
Sheet Author
What's the current status for editing custom code on the Main server's sandbox? Working on sheet code in the sandbox last night and everything was working... Tonight, same code but the CSS doesn't seem to work at all.&nbsp; json has the "legacy": true option which means the old code (this is the PF community sheet. No roll20 default styles are being used) "should" still work. Right? ( iFrame and Sanitization Changes ) I'll play along, so I tried running a "non-legacy" version of the sheet as a test...&nbsp; I removed all "sheet-" from the HTML and CSS file (sans roll template code), and removed the "legacy": true line from the json.&nbsp; cleared my cache and fired up the sandbox.&nbsp; Still no CSS.&nbsp; Maybe it's the @import fonts?&nbsp; Commented them out and still no CSS. ;-( What gives? Also, I see that the editor is still appending "sheet-" to all classes.&nbsp; Is that expected with non-legacy code? edit/update: fyi - dev server sandbox seems OK.
Getting the same issue as Michael R posted above. Occurring across multiple DnD 4e campaigns, though we do not use the Roll20 4e character sheet.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
∇ince said: What's the current status for editing custom code on the Main server's sandbox? Working on sheet code in the sandbox last night and everything was working... Tonight, same code but the CSS doesn't seem to work at all.&nbsp; json has the "legacy": true option which means the old code (this is the PF community sheet. No roll20 default styles are being used) "should" still work. Right? ( iFrame and Sanitization Changes ) I'll play along, so I tried running a "non-legacy" version of the sheet as a test...&nbsp; I removed all "sheet-" from the HTML and CSS file (sans roll template code), and removed the "legacy": true line from the json.&nbsp; cleared my cache and fired up the sandbox.&nbsp; Still no CSS.&nbsp; Maybe it's the @import fonts?&nbsp; Commented them out and still no CSS. ;-( What gives? Also, I see that the editor is still appending "sheet-" to all classes.&nbsp; Is that expected with non-legacy code? edit/update: fyi - dev server sandbox seems OK. Hey Vince. According to this post, the legacy version is the default:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Try to explicitly state { "legacy": false } in your sheet.json. It might help with your issue :)
I have a problem with my character sheet. The sheet is the Pathfinder standard sheet. I am using Chrome. I have cleared the cache.&nbsp; When I click my character I get a charactermancer option, instead of my sheet. It does this every time that I open it. My character is 16th level, but when I cancel out of the charactermancer option, I am looking at a level 1 character with all stats set to 10. I have diligently re-entered my character and some of my items are still in there. Every time my character has reverted and disappeared back to the same charactermancer state.
Same issue as above. I typically run games that do not use a sheet template. Since late last night, anytime I click on a character in the journal, the character window comes up blank. The information is all still there, verifiable when you go into edit mode, but plain old viewing the character displays nothing. Window pop-outs aren't working, either.
Checked back in and the lag is completely unchanged. Just scrap this update already.
At the time this is being posted I am completely unable to access character sheets or NPC sheets in the new game I have created. When I create a new character in the journal both my players and I can only add the picture/token and write in the bio. The tab for the character sheets are not showing up.&nbsp; Has anyone else had this problem as well?
Sheet Author
Player_Flayer85 said: At the time this is being posted I am completely unable to access character sheets or NPC sheets in the new game I have created. When I create a new character in the journal both my players and I can only add the picture/token and write in the bio. The tab for the character sheets are not showing up.&nbsp; Has anyone else had this problem as well? Is the character sheet tab there and won't load, or is the character sheet tab not there?
Sheet Author
Peter B. said: ∇ince said: What's the current status for editing custom code on the Main server's sandbox? Working on sheet code in the sandbox last night and everything was working... Tonight, same code but the CSS doesn't seem to work at all.&nbsp; json has the "legacy": true option which means the old code (this is the PF community sheet. No roll20 default styles are being used) "should" still work. Right? ( iFrame and Sanitization Changes ) I'll play along, so I tried running a "non-legacy" version of the sheet as a test...&nbsp; I removed all "sheet-" from the HTML and CSS file (sans roll template code), and removed the "legacy": true line from the json.&nbsp; cleared my cache and fired up the sandbox.&nbsp; Still no CSS.&nbsp; Maybe it's the @import fonts?&nbsp; Commented them out and still no CSS. ;-( What gives? Also, I see that the editor is still appending "sheet-" to all classes.&nbsp; Is that expected with non-legacy code? edit/update: fyi - dev server sandbox seems OK. Hey Vince. According to this post, the legacy version is the default:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Try to explicitly state { "legacy": false } in your sheet.json. It might help with your issue :) Thanks Peter. That was how it was setup without issue, but after yesterday's Re-rollout part deux... It broke. ;-( I only tried a non-legacy setup to see if it made a difference, but it's still broken. I quit using the Dev server years ago because of its inconsistencies, but that is somewhat expected on the Dev server.&nbsp; Seems the Main server has become the new Dev server lately.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Noticed this: In all my years on Roll20 there has never been a spate of so many rollbacks and updates pushed-then-withdrawn-for-causing-live-bugs, like the past 2 months has been. What's going on behind the curtain?? ∇ince said: &nbsp;that is somewhat expected on the Dev server.&nbsp; Seems the Main server has become the new Dev server lately.&nbsp;&nbsp;
The character sheets are still loading very, very slowly.
In the new update my character sheets in 5e have all had the font on Money increased... forcing a 3 figure amount to hit the walls. That's once they load. I found that canceling the load and trying again usually works.
Britta S. said: I have a problem with my character sheet. The sheet is the Pathfinder standard sheet. I am using Chrome. I have cleared the cache.&nbsp; When I click my character I get a charactermancer option, instead of my sheet. It does this every time that I open it. My character is 16th level, but when I cancel out of the charactermancer option, I am looking at a level 1 character with all stats set to 10. I have diligently re-entered my character and some of my items are still in there. Every time my character has reverted and disappeared back to the same charactermancer state. Thanks for reminding me. This started to happen to one of my sheets, but backing out of the game, refreshing, and relogging fixed it. Would have been&nbsp; a nightmare if it went all the way, though. Sorry to hear that, Britta.
Since the last Character Sheet Rollout took place, Roll20 is lagging as if the Hamster who was accelerating the server suddenly died. Its almost unplayable. Please tell me, that wont be permanent...
Jim W. said: [...] 1.&nbsp; Sheets randomly turning on the Bless +1d4 feature - and this occurred even on a new NPC I created - and no way I can see to turn that off! [...] Look at the character sheet in question and the sections at the bottom of several of the attribute blocks titled "Global X Modifier", for example Global Save Modifier. Hit the little lock icon under each one - do any of these have a row under them with a blank name? If so, delete it. "Bless" is the default modifier I think just because it's the first alphabetically in those lists. If you add an item to that list and don't name it, it can look like just a weird gap in the attribute box but still be applying the bonus. I hit that myself a few weeks ago.
A Wish for Charakter Edit Mode (where you assign or remove the default token and the avatar image): I would very much like if there would be a button or checkmark "link token to current character" or similar. Or the same "Represents Character" dropdown as in the token settings (at least for GMs). This new button should set the stored token's "represents character" entry to the current character it is stored in. With this feature I would no longer have to drop the token to the desktop, remove it, select it, and click "assign currently selected". For example currently if I copy character, the assigned token is still linked to the previous character (or whatever it was linked to previously). If it would be implemented as a checkmark unchecking could reset the "Represents Character" entry to "None/Generic token". A checkmark could also be three State checkmark and be grey filled if the token is linked but not to the current character to show the status. Regards, Rune Baßmann.
So with the new update and 5e character sheets.&nbsp; Please get rid of whatever updates Roll20 has added(Or have the suggested fix below).&nbsp; The super slow(and sometimes not at all) loading of a character sheet.&nbsp; The sheets worked quite nicely beforehand, then you 'rolled out an update' that only made things more annoying in the character sheets in terms of UI[Money tracking font size/etc], then that sheets need to play a game of 'pop out/back in/edit' in order to eventually get the sheets to actually load.&nbsp; Obviously character sheets are important for me as a DM, but it's just as important for players not to have to deal with this. The issue is that your updates are untested and operate poorly on release every time.&nbsp; Stop using paying customers as beta testers.&nbsp; The sheets worked before, just have an option to not accept and turn off all of these poorly optimized(being generous with my wording there) updates that make things go slow or don't work at all.&nbsp; Thanks.&nbsp; This way people who want a product that works(and have paid for it based on that fact) can have that, and you can have an optional feature to get free testing from those who want to be your testers.&nbsp; Don't force it on us as a mandatory thing.
Kaztastic said: So with the new update and 5e character sheets.&nbsp; Please get rid of whatever updates Roll20 has added(Or have the suggested fix below).&nbsp; The super slow(and sometimes not at all) loading of a character sheet.&nbsp; The sheets worked quite nicely beforehand, then you 'rolled out an update' that only made things more annoying in the character sheets in terms of UI[Money tracking font size/etc], then that sheets need to play a game of 'pop out/back in/edit' in order to eventually get the sheets to actually load.&nbsp; Obviously character sheets are important for me as a DM, but it's just as important for players not to have to deal with this. The issue is that your updates are untested and operate poorly on release every time.&nbsp; Stop using paying customers as beta testers.&nbsp; The sheets worked before, just have an option to not accept and turn off all of these poorly optimized(being generous with my wording there) updates that make things go slow or don't work at all.&nbsp; Thanks.&nbsp; This way people who want a product that works(and have paid for it based on that fact) can have that, and you can have an optional feature to get free testing from those who want to be your testers.&nbsp; Don't force it on us as a mandatory thing. Honestly, I wish I didn't want to, but all this man speaks is true. There are a lot of issues right now with our character sheets it's not even fun to deal with them now, or probably will not be until wthe problem is solved or we get back to how it was before.
Hey. I started experience problem with loading character sheets using my iPad Air (first gen). I tried Google chrome safari and firefox browsers but whenever I press on the character sheet in my game I get a purple ring that spins endlessly. I worked perfectly on 13.03.2021
Scott C.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Compendium Curator
So, a bug that I don't think has been mentioned about the CSE is that the sheet sandbox now switches to the bio/info tab every time you reload code.

Edited 1616313519
Forum Champion
Played 2 games today on Roll20. The first game went smoothly, I was a Player. The later game, I'm the GM and ran into problems with Character Sheets, problems I've not seen before (not in Roll20, not with this sheet, not in this game table). Sheets:&nbsp; Advanced D&amp;D 2E Simple Sheet (by Stephen / Dylan / Alex) Browsers:&nbsp; Chrome Screenshot:&nbsp; Didn't take screenshot yet. Saw 3 symptoms: Sheets/Bios that stayed all white... then that same sheet crashed to a digital looking sad-face (that sheet would never open again tonight for me). Third, the spinning purple wheel endlessly.&nbsp; On the times it worked properly, it'd go from white to spinning wheel to semi-transparant data, to full view. Issues:&nbsp; Endlessly spinning purple wheel and sheet crashing to a light gray sad face icon, sheet being unable to be closed. Ouchy! Hope it can be fixed before next game
Nicholas said: Hey folks - We just pushed out a fix for issues with broken tabs in character sheets. If you are having any additional issues with that specifically, please make sure to refresh your game and clear your cache. Also, if you're using any extensions or addons, please make sure to disable them. Thanks! So I've been AFK for a few days, come back and my sheets still are not working!&nbsp; Please just roll back this update, it obviously is not working and definitely not worth it!!!!!

Edited 1616340974
Don't know that this has been reported yet, but this has happening last night (and recreated this morning): DnD 5e Character Sheet Cast a spell from the "Spells" page of the sheet.&nbsp; For any spell that required a "to hit", and some that only did damage.&nbsp;&nbsp; (hmm the screen shot did not come across...&nbsp; hand entered what was showing in the chat screen for "Witch Bolt": "|repeating_attack_-MVDZYVP3bEREUM81XEI_attack"&nbsp; A different character sequence after the "|repeating_attack_-" portion for each spell Casting the spells from the "Core" sheet worked fine. I had access to another character (a Cleric) in the same game, and it was not having the problem with casting any spells from the Spells page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE:&nbsp; I deleted the spells and readded them to the sheet and they are working fine now.&nbsp; The character sheet issue from the other day may have caused the problem.
Was there a change to the npc repeating traits and legendary actions? This syntax is no longer working for me! &nbsp; %{selected|repeating_npcaction-l_$0_npc_action} %{selected||repeating_npctrait_$0_-npc_roll_output}

Edited 1616357250
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The problem with traits reported in the&nbsp; D&amp;D 5th Edition by Roll20 &nbsp;thread ( specific post ). Devs are aware and are on it. I was not aware of the problems with legendary actions. %{selected|repeating_npcaction-l_$0_npc_action} seems to be working for me on a test vampire. For the traits, the sheet currently wants: %{selected|repeating_npctrait_$0_oll_output} which is wrong and should be soon fixed. (Note that there was a typo in your macro above—it would not have worked even if the sheet roll wasn't broken: double pipes after "selected")

Edited 1616360408
Forum Champion
AD&amp;D 2E Simple Sheet. Rime of the Frostmaiden game. Browser: Chrome Extensions: Stylish (no styles that i know of touching the character sheet section, but yes that's how I minimized my toolbar at top-left) We died in a blizzard in the module so we're rolling new characters. That's why it is PC2 for me, in the screenie. After Edit &gt; typing &gt; SAVE, this happened: The connection was reset. Good news, the character bio was still there including the changes I was trying to save, AFTER a close &amp; reload. So it was a momentary glitch, that gave a shock from the fear of losing changes.

Edited 1616454974
Roll20 Team
Hello all! Thank you for the reports! We are continuing to work through the issues you’ve been experiencing. As we do so, we will be coming back to you for additional information as needed so we can best resolve the problems you’re reporting. Britta - Can you please tell us which Pathfinder sheet you are using? Also, if available, would you mind providing us a link to the game where this is occurring, please? Matt - This issue should currently be fixed, but please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have any other problems. Player_Flayer85 - Can you please tell us which sheet you are using? Also, if available, would you mind providing us a link to the game in which this happened, please? Vince - The sheet sandbox should be working as normal at this point, but please let us know if you have any other issues. Rachel - Would you mind providing us a link to the game in which this happened, please? Kaztastic - Would you mind providing us a link to the game in which the lag was occurring, please? Also, in regards to the UI/UX problems on 5e, those should be fixed by tomorrow. Shays - Are you currently still experiencing this problem? If so, can you provide us a game link, please? Gold &amp; Unliked Dean - Are you continuing to experience these issues? If so, can we please get links to the games in which you experienced the issues? Douglass - We’re looking into this right now. Thank you for the report! To All - If we’ve asked for a game, you can do so by navigating to the game’s landing page and copying the URL for it.&nbsp;
I haven't noticed any mention of the sheet workers fix on dev server since the previous thread: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Will this be pushed to production server any time soon?

Edited 1616462902
Hello, I've recently run into an issue with the 'Query Advantage' setting in both PC and NPC character sheets. When looking through the statblock of an NPC I had created, I noticed that the roll queries field had somehow been set to 'Always Roll Advantage'. I use 'Query Advantage' for most rolls, so I found this odd and chalked it up to the sheet maybe being an imported NPC that I had forgot to set appropriately. I then went though several more sheets and realized that every sheet read 'Always Roll Advantage', despite many actually still using 'Query Advantage'. Thus I tried adjusting one back to 'Query Advantage' and gave it a try. Rather than yielding a dropdown, I was instead given an input prompt with 'Normal Roll,{{normal=1' inside of it, which doesn't actually seem to do anything. tldlr; don't seem to be able to use the 'Query Advantage' setting after changing the field. Posting this here because it seems related to a recent update.
Keithcurtis quickly responded to my post on another thread and ask that I reach out here. As of yesterday I'm not able to access any of the monster tokens in the purchased compendiums MM and VG. When dragged over they appear as the generic blue profile token with no stats. On clicking and opening the character sheet it appears as open and all 0s. However, in Out of the Abyss, if I open a specific monster in that campaign, it works. So it only applies to all other monsters outside of that particular campaign. They appear in the sidebar. I can click on them and read the "manual". But token and character sheet are non functional. I went back to past games, created new games - same issue. Closed extensions. Tried in Firefox and Chrome. Same issue. Attached screenshot of results of dragging over the Abyssal Wretch token. No problem for a year. No settings changes. Just started yesterday.&nbsp;
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Ritto said: Kaztastic said: So with the new update and 5e character sheets.&nbsp; Please get rid of whatever updates Roll20 has added(Or have the suggested fix below).&nbsp; The super slow(and sometimes not at all) loading of a character sheet.&nbsp; The sheets worked quite nicely beforehand, then you 'rolled out an update' that only made things more annoying in the character sheets in terms of UI[Money tracking font size/etc], then that sheets need to play a game of 'pop out/back in/edit' in order to eventually get the sheets to actually load.&nbsp; Obviously character sheets are important for me as a DM, but it's just as important for players not to have to deal with this. The issue is that your updates are untested and operate poorly on release every time.&nbsp; Stop using paying customers as beta testers.&nbsp; The sheets worked before, just have an option to not accept and turn off all of these poorly optimized(being generous with my wording there) updates that make things go slow or don't work at all.&nbsp; Thanks.&nbsp; This way people who want a product that works(and have paid for it based on that fact) can have that, and you can have an optional feature to get free testing from those who want to be your testers.&nbsp; Don't force it on us as a mandatory thing. Honestly, I wish I didn't want to, but all this man speaks is true. There are a lot of issues right now with our character sheets it's not even fun to deal with them now, or probably will not be until wthe problem is solved or we get back to how it was before. However much I regret saying this, these two are right. I have been looking forward to these enhancements for a good while (primarily the datalists), but the amount of bugs this update has introduced seems excessive. Due to the nature of this update I completely understand that it is very hard for Roll20 to add a simple checkbox asking people to test the new backend, and therefore the desire to do a Big Bag rollout. The conclussion from this clearly has to be that multiple smaller updates are preferable. It could be done in the following order: Relaxing the HTML sanitization Relaxing the CSS sanitization Improving the iFrame Integrated macro bar A more progressive rollout would also make debugging easier, as smaller code changes are made with each update.
Sheet Author
I have sent a ticket - but seeing the discussion here wanted to feedback so others can share insights. My issues seem to have come since yesterday. In test I had everything working - now the pull request has been merged there are errors. Character sheet in question <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I had included a mobile responsive layout using Media queries. Worked in tests yesterday, I had a custom sheet using the code and it even worked on the new Mobile App. But today not even a custom character sheet version will respond to mobile displays. Let alone the merged files. Also I have built a roll template that had background images inline styled behind the roll results. Again worked fine yesterday, in custom character sheets. But as of the merge this is broken. I'm not sure how widely used it is to embed roll template properties in urls but I was using the rollWasFumble and other logic to dictate which icon loads behind the result... and like I said it worked fine yesterday. Today this code&nbsp; style="background-image: url(<a href="{{#rollWasFumble()" rel="nofollow">{{#rollWasFumble()</a> friend12}}-hitch{{/rollWasFumble() friend12}}.png);" is&nbsp;rendering as style="background-image: url(&amp;quot;<a href=";quot" rel="nofollow">;quot</a>;) friend12" And that is making the image fail to load... clearly. Anyone else facing similar issues at all?

Edited 1616520502
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Mike said: I had included a mobile responsive layout using Media queries. Worked in tests yesterday, I had a custom sheet using the code and it even worked on the new Mobile App. Wow, this is cool! Think you're the first community sheet author who made the mobile adaption. Did you manage to have a screenshot on how it looked on the app? I'm not sure how widely used it is to embed roll template properties in urls but I was using the rollWasFumble and other logic to dictate which icon loads behind the result... and like I said it worked fine yesterday. I highly suspect your unortodox filenaming scheme is causing trouble to roll20 and any sanitation to code does, and thin your images would work normally if you kept to a safer alphanumerical naming scheme. It's interesting that you came to think of it and made it work, but not really surprised that it might not be too stable of a method. And When showing code on the forum, it's best to use the code block format to keep it readable, example: github link : &lt; div class =" sheet-rolltemplate-result " style =" background-image: url(<a href="{{physical_dice_size}}-blank-280x280{{#rollWasFumble()" rel="nofollow">{{physical_dice_size}}-blank-280x280{{#rollWasFumble()</a> physical}}-hitch{{/rollWasFumble() physical}}.png); " &gt; Hopefully all these SCE update things gets sorted out quickly, I'll stay away from trying to do any of the new features until the sheet situation stabilize.
Peter B. said: Ritto said: Kaztastic said: So with the new update and 5e character sheets.&nbsp; Please get rid of whatever updates Roll20 has added(Or have the suggested fix below).&nbsp; The super slow(and sometimes not at all) loading of a character sheet.&nbsp; The sheets worked quite nicely beforehand, then you 'rolled out an update' that only made things more annoying in the character sheets in terms of UI[Money tracking font size/etc], then that sheets need to play a game of 'pop out/back in/edit' in order to eventually get the sheets to actually load.&nbsp; Obviously character sheets are important for me as a DM, but it's just as important for players not to have to deal with this. The issue is that your updates are untested and operate poorly on release every time.&nbsp; Stop using paying customers as beta testers.&nbsp; The sheets worked before, just have an option to not accept and turn off all of these poorly optimized(being generous with my wording there) updates that make things go slow or don't work at all.&nbsp; Thanks.&nbsp; This way people who want a product that works(and have paid for it based on that fact) can have that, and you can have an optional feature to get free testing from those who want to be your testers.&nbsp; Don't force it on us as a mandatory thing. Honestly, I wish I didn't want to, but all this man speaks is true. There are a lot of issues right now with our character sheets it's not even fun to deal with them now, or probably will not be until wthe problem is solved or we get back to how it was before. 100 % agree, stop making the user base your test subjects. Dont give us things we didnt ask for, and properly fix what the community has been requesting. Roll20 is not the only kid on the block anymore, time to pick up your game or get left behind.
Sheet Author
Andreas J. said: Mike said: I had included a mobile responsive layout using Media queries. Worked in tests yesterday, I had a custom sheet using the code and it even worked on the new Mobile App. Wow, this is cool! Think you're the first community sheet author who made the mobile adaption. Did you manage to have a screenshot on how it looked on the app? I'm not sure how widely used it is to embed roll template properties in urls but I was using the rollWasFumble and other logic to dictate which icon loads behind the result... and like I said it worked fine yesterday. I highly suspect your unortodox filenaming scheme is causing trouble to roll20 and any sanitation to code does, and thin your images would work normally if you kept to a safer alphanumerical naming scheme. It's interesting that you came to think of it and made it work, but not really surprised that it might not be too stable of a method. And When showing code on the forum, it's best to use the code block format to keep it readable, example: github link : &lt; div class =" sheet-rolltemplate-result " style =" background-image: url(<a href="{{physical_dice_size}}-blank-280x280{{#rollWasFumble()" rel="nofollow">{{physical_dice_size}}-blank-280x280{{#rollWasFumble()</a> physical}}-hitch{{/rollWasFumble() physical}}.png); " &gt; Hopefully all these SCE update things gets sorted out quickly, I'll stay away from trying to do any of the new features until the sheet situation stabilize. I suspected as much. I don't think I had a screen cap in the mobile app. But it was simply a mobile switch, making columns restructure to display on phone sized screens. I can probably render that locally. But even the custom sheet sandbox won't let the Media Query resolve at present

Edited 1616533092
Sheet Author
So no screen cap of the charactersheet on mobile... This is the dice roller not working now And how it looked yesterday

Edited 1616564378
Sheet Author
I could be wrong, but has there been some changes to the base css in the vtt in this update that could have effected the "wrapper" allotted for the character sheet?&nbsp; Maybe the default width and padding given to the sheet tab?&nbsp; I've noticed the PF Community sheet is suddenly having some alignment issues related to various div elements that use "calc (%-px)" for column widths where they didn't exist previously. Seems to also be some changes in element widths and font-sizes that are using rem which would indicate that something may have changed at the "root"...&nbsp;

Edited 1616571760
Peter B.
Sheet Author
∇ince said: I could be wrong, but has there been some changes to the base css in the vtt in this update that could have effected the "wrapper" allotted for the character sheet?&nbsp; Maybe the default width and padding given to the sheet tab?&nbsp; I've noticed the PF Community sheet is suddenly having some alignment issues related to various div elements that use "calc (%-px)" for column widths where they didn't exist previously. Seems to also be some changes in element widths and font-sizes that are using rem which would indicate that something may have changed at the "root"...&nbsp; Using the Dev sandbox I have experience similar things. The base CSS has suddently been selected above my own, requirering me to update the sheet with even more specific selectors, to ensure that my styling is being selected. I don't have any specific examples at hand, but I have noticed it