Hello, I run a lot of games per week and I've noticed a steady decline in the service over the past few weeks. I've seen the posts week after week saying you've seen that there are issues but I'm not really seeing an improvement in the quality of service. The character sheets get to points where it takes 30 seconds or more to open them or they just won't open at all. Its almost every game that we get the red error in the top left and just have to break until the games working again. I've even had to on the rare occasion cancel a session because roll20 just completely stopped working for a long period of time. I get that this is a free website to many, but I do pay you guys and have done so more than a year now and have spent a couple grand in products on here. I would really like to know if you guys are doing something to improve the servers or more of a long term fix because clearly whatever short term fixes you're implementing aren't working.