So, I have recently purchased Roll20's D&D Dungeon Masters Guide. I'm surprised, disappointed and slightly angry at the fact that there are just so many duplicated journal entries in there. If you just search for Treasure it will return you two "Chapter 7 - Treasure" pages, both the same. Two "Random Treasure pages, Four "Random Treasure - individual" pages, Four "Random Treasure - hoard" pages, one "Random Treasure - Treasure Tables, one "Random Treasure - using the individual treasure tables" and one "Using the Treasure Hoard tables" And they are all the SAME page!!! That's THIRTEEN identical pages added to the journals on ALL my games. No wonder my games run like arthritic tortoises :( I think that this is just lazy, and I wonder (because I havent checked yet, how many other instances of this there may be in my purchased items.