Slowglass said: Yes - that is what I did. Annoying that the players occasionally whisper as the light crumb. However thanks for the feedback. I made a 'Party' character with a rollable token - there's an 'overland' hex token for the main game map, then a 'battle map' square token for square grids, then the third token is just a transparent .png. So when I want a light crumb for the players I use the transparent token and turn off the nameplate from player view and add a GM-only aura. So there's no 'Light Crumb' for my players to speak as, and they don't see the token to click on and move around within the Legend. If you want to limit your players to only having their character as an option for their 'speaking as', if you can convince them to install Stylus you could create a style for them: /* Hide all BUT specific characters template*/ #speakingas option:not([value=player\|player_id]):not([value=character\|character_id]) { display: none; :not([value=]) } /* Example of that it will look like */ #speakingas option:not([value=character\|-KHIA-W9OoZp9eE6UdWy]):not([value=player\|-M4MqKQpTCRs8I6I65Rh]):not([value=character\|-M7YiSUD9rhnHKmKmBnY]):not([value=character\|-M7Yi0tFL482VJrJBblW]):not([value=character\|-M7Yi3hBPf_U-VYId7q0]):not([value=character\|-M7YiVxk1Hz1ebQYkDhh]):not([value=character\|-M7YiXjwmM2ztpWWzsj7]) { display: none; }