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Animals from monster manuals dont have tokens

Maybe im doing something wrong but the brown bear and black bear dont have drag and drop tokens attached to them. the black bear doesnt even seem to have a character sheet
This is a known issue with token dragging. Currently, when you drag a token, you have to wait until the character sheet that pops up fully loads or it will not properly copy over to your Journal. You should delete the specific monsters from your Journal and drag them in again, waiting for the character sheet to fully load.
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This has  been reported multiple times  and is  under investigation . The problem seems to be one of timing. Wait for the character sheet to full resolve before closing the window. Closing it too early stops the import process. You may need to delete an incomplete import in order to generate a fresh, complete one. Dr DM answered this, I'm just giving some links.
Thanks guys this is exactly what was going on.