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[Script] Concentration - Non-default tokens

I'm testing Robin's Concentration script and I love it. However, I'd like to set token marker from a set I purchased in the marketplace as my concentration marker, but I can't seem to be able to do so. I even looked at the script on github and found the place (I think) where the token markers are listed, tried to add the one I wanted to the list and so, but it didn't work. My programming skills are very limited. Could someone help? Thanks.

Edited 1620600886
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That script was written before custom token markers were a thing. It has subsequently been rolled up into Combat Master, along with most of Robin's other scripts. You could try that, though it's a bit overkill if all you want is concentration.
keithcurtis said: That script was written before custom token markers were a thing. It has subsequently been rolled up into Combat Master, along with most of Robin's other scripts. You could try that, though it's a bit overkill if all you want is concentration. Oh, thanks a lot! I'll have a look at Combat Master.