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[Script] TokenNumberName - reset numbering?

I just stumbled across this script and am very excited to try this out.  I think I got everything updated on my tokens, but had a question on the numbering. Is there any way to "reset" the numbering based on different rooms?  I have a pretty large dungeon map for Tyranny of Dragons with multiple rooms.  There are three different rooms on the map each with a handful of kobolds.  Can I reset the numbering back to 1 somehow for each room?  Otherwise, room 3 has Kobold 19, Kobold 20, etc.  

Edited 1622355581
Sheet Author
I think TokenNameNumber is page-based (meaning it's going to compare all token names found on a given page)... I don't think there's a reset option. Might be a cool feature. You might try changing the names of kobolds in a given room to include the room number.  ie "Kobold_20 %%NUMBERED%%" for room 20.  or "Kobold_29 %%NUMBERED%%" for room 29. etc. If I recall, there are a couple options for the script that can assign random numbers or colored dots as well.  I liked the random seed so players never had an idea how many enemy were actually in the encounter. ;-)
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
Give this a whirl, it will renumber any selected tokens.  Tokens that represent a character will get the character name + a monotonically increasing integer value appended.  Tokens that don't represent a character will get their current name with any trailing number removed and a monotonically increasing integer value appended.  You can set a starting number by adding it as an argument.  Each subset will start number with that number: Calling it: !renumber-selected Calling with a different base number: !renumber-selected 100 Code: on('ready',()=>{ on('chat:message',msg=>{ if('api'===msg.type && /^!renumber-selected(\b\s|$)/i.test(msg.content) && playerIsGM(msg.playerid)){ let args = msg.content.split(/\s+/); let numBase = (parseInt(args[1])||1)-1; let tcmap = (msg.selected || []) .map(o=>getObj('graphic',o._id)) .filter(g=>undefined !== g) .reduce((m,t)=>{ const rep=t.get('represents')||'%%NOCHAR%%'; m[rep]=m[rep]||[]; m[rep].push(t); return m; },{}); Object.keys(tcmap).forEach( c => { let ts = tcmap[c]; let n = numBase; let numer = (t) => { let baseName = t.get('name').replace(/\s+\d*$/,''); t.set('name', `${baseName} ${++n}`); }; if('%%NOCHAR%%' !== c){ // number character tokens let character = getObj('character',c); if(c) { numer = (t) => { t.set('name', `${character.get('name')} ${++n}`); }; } } ts.forEach(numer); }); } }); });
Sheet Author
Brilliant!  This works perfectly.  Awesome.  Thanks The Aaron! The Aaron said: Give this a whirl, it will renumber any selected tokens.  Tokens that represent a character will get the character name + a monotonically increasing integer value appended.  Tokens that don't represent a character will get their current name with any trailing number removed and a monotonically increasing integer value appended.  You can set a starting number by adding it as an argument.  Each subset will start number with that number:
The Aaron
Roll20 Production Team
API Scripter
No problem! =D