Let's start this off with the simple rules: 1) must be 18+ years old, 2) There is NO discrimination, diversity is awesome, 3) this is a Fantasy game so NO real world politics or religious discussions, 4) This is about roleplaying and teamwork and having fun. 5) We help each other not belittle one another. 6) If you intend to 'what they call' power-game or have designs on monopolizing control of the game please don't apply. 7) Bigotry is FORBIDDEN. Problem players will be asked to leave or be kicked. We are starting a new campaign at 1st level and in my campaigns forget normal constraints you get to build your character the way you want more than ever before. You have to see to believe. . I need serious players, people who are willing to commit to a long term campaign. Either those who take notes or who can remember from one meeting to the next what is happening and what they hope will happen next. I need investment. We have a good and pretty active discord for a singular D&D group. All core players are helpful and good people. We like creativity and input when we are brainstorming. We embrace that the rules are guidelines and that players should get to play the character the way they see it with in reason. I don't like rules lawyers so stop reading if that is you. If you are looking for a RAW or RAI DM turn back now I am RFP rules for players DM. Also play your character don't spend time worrying about what someone else can or cannot do. It's about you making the character you want and playing it. Also I only want team players and grown ups. I run all 3 pillars Exploration, Social interaction, and Combat. I want Roleplayers. I do not expect special voices or acting backgrounds just that you are here to roleplay a fantasy game with a group of like minded individuals to disappear from the real world for a little while each week. And I will do my best to give you the experience you are after. Communication: Discord. If after reading everything you are serious and you leave a post I will send an invite to a new recruit server called K'ruls Tavern for those postings that catch my eye and I will get in touch with you after that. If you are invited please be kind to one another while on server. .That should go without saying. I am marking server channels NSFW so you have to confirm you are an adult so after that what happens is on you. And read the rules. Ok now that's done, I'm hoping to find 2-6 full time players and possibly 1 or 2 caravan players for a long term Campaign. We play on Saturdays 6pm CST. I am considering running a second group but that's not set in stone yet.. A little about me. I'm Old School of course, I started as a player in 1980. Started DM'ing a few years later. Took a little over a decade break due to life, children grandchildren. The best reasons. I have ran many campaigns and once I ran a two year campaign that averaged 8-10 players that consisted of 6 core and the rest revolving. We maxed out a number of times at 18 players and it was a blast. I don't do one shot book campaigns. I have a fleshed out World that has been evolving for over 30 yrs and is also heavily influenced by Steven Erilksons Malazan Books of the Fallen series which he based on his old D&D and GURP campaigns. I am all about the players and the story we create together. I am currently finishing an Arc in high level campaign that has been running for over 6mos. I on put on average 25-30 hrs a week into my campaigns in many different ways. I do this because I love the game. Once we start our Campaign, together we will build and change the world. I play off my characters choices easily and as fluidly as possible. I also come to the table for a meeting already having a large number of hooks and paths for you. I don't believe in saying ok we are doing The Demon Web pits today let's start. I believe in starting in the world, interacting with it and the players making their own way based on events, information they gather and their choices. I want you to decide who to help, save, rob or remove from power, Should you slay a monster or chase it away, for example. Also your characters are integral to the world and its story so EVERYONES background will have influence and everyone will shine. I'm new to Roll20 so bare with me, I probably won't have all the macros I want ready at first but I am learning quickly. I don't demand good aligned players but I don't do evil groups. Now to what you need to know that will make or break your decision here, if I haven't already done that. Character Creation So I am very unique in this regard Races - there are probably only 1 or 2 races, give or take a few, in all the approved player races across all 5E books I'm not fond of I also allow homebrew races sometimes. I am very free with Race creation you will have to chat with me to understand. Classes - wow would take too much time and space to out here. I believe you should build your character how you see them so you have a lot freedom with your class structure. No punishment for multiclassing and such. Homebrew classes are also possible. Again have to chat to explain how much freedom you have. Basically forget normal constraints you get to build your character the way want more than ever before. Your backstory need not be a book just make the points you need to or right a book either way and we build from that to what you see them becoming at level 20. To sum up, I want everyone to enjoy creating their characters the way they want to with the background, race and classes and features they want. Other important character building info. Starting Character Level is 1 for New branch of Campaign. Also running a parallel high level campaign that has an arc ending soon so when we hop back in there every once in awhile you will have a character for that Arc as well. Final Important Info (I think) Communication: Discord. PLUS I will send an invite to a new recruit server called K'ruls Tavern for those postings that catch my eye and I will get in touch with you after that. If you are invited please be kind to one another while on server. And read the rules.That should go without saying. I am marking server channels NSFW so you have to confirm you are an adult so after that what happens is on you. Frequency/Duration: Saturdays 6pm CST, Runtime 4 hours + Application no that's not right how about Join Request If you feel like it answer some or all of the questions below when responding to this post please What Class(es) do you like to play What Species(race) do you want to play - has NO affect on class just curious Why do you want to join this campaign - not looking for an essay Your time zone What makes you reliable How long have you played D&D Are currently in a group What makes you a good fit for any group