I know this has been suggested before, but I'd like to bump the idea again. I also know that inline rolls exist, but I can't get my players to always use them. So, it would be great to have an intermediate option for viewing dice rolls between the regular dice rolls and the inline dice rolling view. Something that the DM can control. To this end here are some suggestions. I'm not aware of how difficult any of these are to implement so apologies if these are unreasonable: Have a checkbox in settings tab or campaign settings for 'compact dice roll view'. That would implement some of the following ideas Simply stop putting everything on 3 lines. Allow for the 3 pieces of information ( who rolled, dice quantity & face ) + ( individual dice ) + ( summation and high-entropy/Quantum symbol ) to immediately follow each other. For simple dice rolls this would be a great space saver. In conjunction with 2. If possible, put the high-entropy/Quantum symbol behind the sum rather than to the left. In conjunction with 2. Stop using the word 'rolling' in the first line. Is it not obvious that's what is happening? In conjunction with 2. If no die font symbol is going to be put behind the individual die roll (or when rolling >50 dice) can the numbers be compressed together? Then if 'Enable advanced dice' in Settings is unchecked, things will be pulled together a bit more. Allow the user to choose which of the 3 pieces of information they would like to show. Perhaps they don't care about #dice+die face or individual dice. If that can be done, can a user also choose to show only their image without their name or vice versa?