Hi Rollers! I created a macro that can be used as a calculator for the costs of wizard copying spells: &{template:npcaction} {{name=}} {{rname=Downtime: Copying Spells}} {{description=To copy a total of [[ ?{Total spell levels} ]] spell levels into your spellbook, you must spend [[ceil( ?{Total spell levels} /4)]] downtime days and [[ ?{Total spell levels} *50]] gp for material components.}} Now, Adventurer's League has decided to remove "hours" and instead implement "It costs 1 downtime day for each spell up to 4th level and 2 downtime days for each spell 5th level and above." I don't know how to make use of the good ol' tip "Total the spell levels of the spells you wish to copy, then multiply it by 2 for hours and 50 for gold." when there are only 2 groups (1 day and 2 days) depending on how many of the spells are 5th level or higher. Any suggestions? Here it was I tried so far, but the downtime days are still wrong: &{template:npcaction} {{name=}} {{rname=Downtime: Copying Spells}} {{description=To copy a total of [[ ?{Total spell levels} ]] spell levels into your spellbook, you must spend [[ceil( ?{Total spell levels} * [[?{How many of them are 5th level or higher?} * 1 ]] )]] downtime days and [[ ?{Total spell levels} *50]] gp for material components.}} Thanks in advance!