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Deadlands Reloaded ,, The Good the Bad and the Undead

Wyartt Earp Virgil Earp, Morgan, and Doc holiday come to a terrified Tombstone Arizona. a blanket of fear is building in Tombstone. Can you save it from its terrors. This will be an ongoing campaign playing Deadlands Reloaded with the Deluxe Ruleset, this is NOT a SWADE game. Session 0 will be Saturday January 15, 2022 at 7pm.. playing via Roll20 and DISCORD NOTE . the EARPS and DOC HOLLIDAY are PLAYER CHARACTERS not NPCS
*** Public Service Announcement *** Please note: This is a 'vapor' gm.  He never runs games.  He advertises for several games per month.  There is always a 'session 0' scheduled for some time in the future.  He does not ever make it that far.  His listings get removed. He has been reported as a 'troll gm' to Roll20, and they refuse to take action.