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Call API from Attack/Spells.

API Scripter
I have an API that i want to trigger when any spell is casted (using 5e Roll20 sheet) - i know i could just listen via API, but that's a big program for 1 player. The API works fine via text box or macro, however, any way I use to incorporate the API command, or macros, don't execute. Is there a way to do this? We're just trying to avoid having to press 2 buttons every time (i know, i know, 2 WHOLE buttons).  But it's just easier.
Giger said: I have an API that i want to trigger when any spell is casted (using 5e Roll20 sheet) - i know i could just listen via API, but that's a big program for 1 player. The API works fine via text box or macro, however, any way I use to incorporate the API command, or macros, don't execute. Is there a way to do this? We're just trying to avoid having to press 2 buttons every time (i know, i know, 2 WHOLE buttons).  But it's just easier. Customizeable Roll Listener API.