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Chat and Journal at the Same Time

Mr G
KS Backer
One of my players said the other day, and I agree, that it would be extremely handy if you could see the Chat tab and the Journal tab at the same time. You can then be browsing your handouts at the same time as keeping an eye on the chat. Not sure as to the solution. Maybe separate the chat tab as that is the one that people are likely to want to be able to see all the time.
I'd love for it to be possible to alter the layout of the various tabs, and have more than one open at a time. Like, if you could set it so the Chat window took up the top section of the tabs sidebar, and then be able to click through the other tabs in a section below it, then you could keep an eye on the chat while in game and still look at your notes and find tokens and stuff. I'm currently running a game where some of us don't have microphones, much less webcams, so we're doing all the in-game stuff through the chat window, and it's kind of annoying to have to click back and forth between tabs to keep track of what the players are doing while I'm trying to find mood music or a token or something.
Foy my games, the combat grid isn't actually needed at all times. Perhaps the extra space could come from there.
Further, what about the ability to pull out any of the tabs into their own floating windows?