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Artificer lacking features in 5e sheet

Hi, I was creating an Battle Smith Artificer and noted the following problems. I created a sheet and then level it up one level at a time with the charactermancer. Level 5 Extra Attack feature doesn't show up upon creation The sheet doesn't automatically adds all the known spells (as should be), (the artificer is more akin to the cleric regarding spells) Battle Ready doesn't give magic weapons the int modifier. Is there some work around for this (specially for points 2 and 3) Thanks!

Edited 1644877872
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For point 1, if this is repeatable, it should go into a  Help Center Request . This is likely a reasonably easy fix. For point 2, does it allow to choose the base number of spells? All though clerics have access to the entire spell list, it is very bad practice to keep them all on the sheet, as it bloats the character tremendously, and degrades performance. The practice is to replace spells as needed through compendium drags. For point 3, Battle Ready should probably be reported in a  Help Center Request , though I know a lot of the more fiddly abilities are difficult to code for, and might just require a manual tweak.
For point 2, it also didn't allow me to pick the spells through charactermencer at leveling up, was very rare. I did it again and the same happened. I did it manually, but i didn't know that it is a bad practice... it should be more clear to new DMs and Players. For the other two points yeah, i will go there! Thank you very much!
Forum Champion
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The business of not including every spell on a character sheet is mentioned here and there, but since it only applies to certain game systems (many don't have long repeating lists of features with many attributes), it would be hard to figure out where to communicate this more prominently. It is frequently repeated advice given on the forums, but not everybody frequents them.