The original font of Helvetica Neue seems to be changed entirely to Proxima Nova when dark mode is toggled on. This is rather jarring as Proxima Nova is fairly smaller than the original font Roll20 had been using. I'm uncertain if this was a desired feature to actively change the font at all as it makes text much less readable in dark mode vs light mode. Every normal menu in Dark Mode is also suddenly rounded at the corners, which once again, causes multiple elements to shift such as the interface, zoom buttons, and send/speak as menus. Additionally, this change in font affects every piece of text in the Roll20 tabletop, text logs, chat box, macro text, name plates. Could we please have consistency between the light and dark modes own text at the bare minimum? Smaller text sizes on a darker background does not improve readability, it's hindering a few players ability to use the new mode dark mode's benefit of less overall white.