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Printable character sheet!

Marketplace Creator
I received a new email with all kinds of good things for 2022. It stated that we would be be able to print our character sheets. I have not been able to find exactly how to do that. Has anyone found how to do this? Our Chief Technical Officer,  Morgan   Buck , has released an  extensive update detailing our 2022 plans and initiatives!  In case you missed it, here are some highlights! Improving reliability  on the VTT and  reducing slowdowns UI improvements ( Dark Mode , anyone?) and ease-of-use improvements, like  revamping the Page Menu Incorporating immersive features like  doors, windows, and an overhead layer  (see our  What's New  section in this newsletter to see some progress on this) The ability to  print your character sheets It’s 2022. We’re ready for a change. How about you?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
It's not available yet, and there's still a lot of 2022 to go, so it might be a while. One thing I'm curous about: will this work automatically, or will it require sheet authors to write CSS code for it?
Sheet Author
GiGs said: It's not available yet, and there's still a lot of 2022 to go, so it might be a while. One thing I'm curous about: will this work automatically, or will it require sheet authors to write CSS code for it? Since they already made the sheet framework change to allow sheets to have a display for printing, I am assuming the announcement is about them getting a print mode set up on official sheets (or at least some of them).  I highly doubt it will be automatic, but will require sheet authors to write a media print mode into the individual sheets.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thats what I'm expecting, too. Since sheets have different dimensions and aspect ratios, and different sections that are even visible, and roll20 cant properly handle this for every sheet that exists. Still, it would be nice to have a simple "print everything in the active frame" button as a default, fallback. With the Sheet Author dependency, this means that the official By Roll20 sheets will get printing very quickly, other actively maintained sheets will get it soon after, but the vast majority of sheets will never get it at all.
Sheet Author
Kraynic said: GiGs said: It's not available yet, and there's still a lot of 2022 to go, so it might be a while. One thing I'm curous about: will this work automatically, or will it require sheet authors to write CSS code for it? Since they already made the sheet framework change to allow sheets to have a display for printing, I am assuming the announcement is about them getting a print mode set up on official sheets (or at least some of them).  I highly doubt it will be automatic, but will require sheet authors to write a media print mode into the individual sheets. I wish they would more clear about statements about things like printable character sheets and dark mode not automatically being available for legacy by Roll20 sheets and  the hundreds of community sheets and that it takes work from volunteers to make the changes.
Sheet Author
David said: I wish they would more clear about statements about things like printable character sheets and dark mode not automatically being available for legacy by Roll20 sheets and&nbsp; the hundreds of community sheets and that it takes work from volunteers to make the changes. I thought it was pretty clear when it was first released: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It is documented on the wiki as part of the CSE sheet framework upgrade:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> It was confirmed in the suggestion thread that the framework update was the start, and that sheets would need updated:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Thanks Kraynic. I missed those posts.
Marketplace Creator
I completely understand that there is a lot of 2022 left and it takes time, I just wish they would not word it in a way that makes it sound that it is already available.&nbsp;

Edited 1648345029
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
To be fair, that email had a big "Keep Reading" button at the bottom of the announcement, that leads to the blog post that gave much more detail and made it clear that most of the list was the road map for 2022. And a road map is also one of the things that people have been asking for.