It's not uncommon for characters to have the ability to change their size (enlarge person, reduce person, wild/beastshape, etc.) It would be helpful to the GM to be able to enable their players to resize their tokens.
It's not uncommon for characters to have the ability to change their size (enlarge person, reduce person, wild/beastshape, etc.) It would be helpful to the GM to be able to enable their players to resize their tokens.
I totally agree with this. Players already have the ability to add many things to their tokens, give full control of the token if the GM has enabled them control, especially resizing the token.
Just in general, it's kind of shocking how little control players have over their tokens. It ends up making a lot of unnecessary work for the GM. I fully support this idea. If some people don't want it for their games, it could always be a checkbox.
Seems like this would be an easy campaign-wide default setting,
or a per-token setting (Token Settings panel needs another UI overhaul as it is)
+1 I play a Rune Knight who does that, and I always feel bad about asking the DM to resize me as he's got his hands full with other things.
+1 one of my players constantly wildshapes into a bear. he can change the token side but i still have to resize him. so this would be very welcome
This would be really useful for Druid players. We handle druids currently by using a multisided token to switch between forms, but when a player switches to a larger or smaller form, they still have to ask "Embiggen me please" or "Shrink me please". It's extra busywork for the GM.
For GMs with Pro subscriptions, the TokenMod script allows you to create a macro for players that would allow them to change & resize their tokens, and even link those tokens to other character sheets (i.e., for druid wildshape ability), but for games with GMs without access to MODs, this would be convenient.