So I am ABSOLUTELY worthless when it comes to macros, I can't understand it. I want to add a few to my upcoming game, and I figure I could use some little help. So I found macros here: <a href="https://wiki.roll20.net/ADnD_2nd_Edition_Character_sheet" rel="nofollow">https://wiki.roll20.net/ADnD_2nd_Edition_Character_sheet</a> And the 2Eattack properties seems to work fine, but the 2Esave not so much. It only rolls saving throws vs spells, is there something I need to do to make it ask the player which save to roll for? I know I could technically copy/paste the same thing several times and switch out spells for, say, breath weapons, but that could clog up the macro window. So I figured I'd ask what to do... Also, in case it changes something, I use the simplified character sheet.