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[LFP] [DnD 5E] [Tuesdays from 8PM-12AM EST] Homebrewed Sword Coast sandbox campaign

I am looking for 2 more players for my Homebrewed Forgotten Realms world! I would prefer new players, however, any experience level is welcome. The campaign is run in a structured sandbox style where you, the players, dictate what happens. There are events that occur, but it is entirely up to the party how to deal with it: if you’re even present when these events happen. I put a lot of effort into making my world feel organic, fluid, and immersive. Thus, I ask my players to reciprocate that immersive nature. Your actions will help shape and evolve (or devolve) the world. I do my best to incorporate backstories into the campaign to give things a personal touch. This world has been shaped and broken by several other players throughout its existence. Now you have your chance to make your mark, or fade into the obscurities of time.  About Me I have been DMing for about 5 years now, and have well over a thousand hours on roll 20 as a DM. I’ve been running games on a weekly basis for as long as I can remember, and I have been experimenting with homebrew for about 2 years. I use Roll20 as my VTT, and I use discord for voice chat and as the general hangout space (though it too is virtual).   I have a passion for immersion, and how we as a group make a compelling story. I enjoy both the heart gripping moments of gameplay and the times where we’re all scratching our heads wondering how we ended up here.  I believe that a D&D game should be challenging (not impossible), yet still enjoyable. I pride myself on creating memorable experiences with my players as we all contribute to the world. D&D is by its very nature a social and interactive game, thus, I believe in using teamwork and creativity. D&D is a game that offers relief from the world. Where we can all meet as a group and have a fun time. It is more than a hobby, it is an apparatus that has helped many people with their mental health, their careers, and has led to several long lived friendships.  How I run the game As stated previously, I prefer running a structured sandbox kind of game. I don’t believe in forcing players down a particular path, nor do I believe in pulling punches. The world exists, and you as characters exist within it. There will be times where you may be outmatched, and there will be times where you mop the floor with the boss. But I run my NPCs and monsters true to their nature, and I believe in letting the dice tell the story. I have found that a challenging threat or combat feels much more rewarding knowing that you, as a party, overcame it with your own skills and thinking.  I advocate teamwork and do my best to support creative solutions (as long as they’re within reason). I do my best to create a world that is constantly changing and with many moving parts. I do my best to balance this with issues and obstacles that are relevant to the party and their current motivations.   I prefer to run things RAW, however I am more than willing to work with players in terms of flavor. My thought process is: if it mechanically functions the same, then it looks like whatever you desire it to. That being said, there is a time and place for the “rule of cool” and I try my best to balance that with the official rules. Sometimes however, I simply rule with what would make logical sense. Everything has its place.  The tone of my games are a bit more serious. With that being said, I myself am a huge goofball and don’t take myself too seriously. There will be plenty of laughs and face palm moments, and I welcome them. Though I do prefer to run games with a serious atmosphere with serious consequences.  In terms of metagaming, I do my best to avoid it and I ask that my players do as well, it is assumed that we are all looking for an immersive experience.  If you’ve made it this far, thank you for your time! I truly and genuinely appreciate it. Information about the game The game will be run on a weekly basis on Tuesday at 8PM EST. The sessions last for 4 hours and may go beyond that occasionally, please be certain that this is not an issue with your schedule it life outside of the game. How to contact me I respond more readily via Discord, but I will do my best to answer in a timely fashion if you message me on here. Just send me a friend request and I will do my best to get you into the game! Discord: TheKPB999#4253 Thank you again for your time and consideration. Roll on mighty adventurer, Kobe B
Sent you request on discord, i may have some questions if you can answer them that would be awesome :)

Edited 1653592231
Hiya! Sent you a friend request on discord!
Sent a request hope I'm not too late.
i sent a friend request. not sure if when you say new players you mean people that have never played before but ive got a little bit of experience, maybe like 6 months of playing like 4 or 5 years ago, and id like to try playing again if youll have me.
Interested in possibly joining, sent a friend request on discord Stormbringer#2778
Sent a friend request in Discord from Woulf71#8629