Looking for 2-3 players to round out a final push (1-shot) against Strahd in CoS.
It's going to be one or two games. Basically a one shot. you'll be part of a group of people who finally decided that if a group of random people band together you can kill Strahd once and for all. We play 5 PM Eastern time Sunday nights roll20 and discord. level 15 They need a wizard, sorcerer, or a druid/healer types or a rogue. You get one rare and two uncommon magic items or a mix if you want two rare, or a bunch of commons and uncommons. All the players can fly but it basically a dungeon crawl. This will literally be just 1-2 game sessions. PM me. PMs will be responded to with discord link and roll20 link.
This will be fast paced. That means you need to know your character sheet and prepare your turns. We are all over 40 or 50 years old and enjoy the game for the fun of the adventure. no politics. no bullshit. no heavy drugs or heavy drinking. All old school 2e and 3.5 e players for over 20-30 years.